Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

A Few Days & A Bunch of Stuff

So I haven’t posted here in a few days.  I guess the general assumption would be it was because of stuff going on for Thanksgiving, but instead it’s because I’ve been working on a bunch of things for Silber.

First …

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Working Worked Upon

I feel like I’m getting some things done.  Put in five or six hours on practicing for the Remora shows this weekend  & did this little song idea thing:

I made the digital versions of the new comics & got …

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There & back again

Back from the tour with Irata.  It was a blast.  There will probably be a bit of videos from it going up eventually as well.

A lot of work that had not been completed because of not being at …

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KISS, Irata, Days, Comics, Lou Reed, Dreams

So it’s been a little while since I posted.  On the road with Irata & generally having a good time which has led to this:
I am willing to pay $2 to any band (up to the first 100) covering …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

4 Responses to KISS, Irata, Days, Comics, Lou Reed, Dreams

  1. Peter says:

    “I look up & recognize one of the runners as my father.” I can see that happening.

  2. Lullabier says:

    Great song by LR!
    That’s a newer version of a Velvet Underground live classic:

  3. hi brian says:

    did i mention that the background in this Plumerai video is the footage from your Beams video?

Home Dreams

I successfully made it home.  Trying to get the orders received in my absence filled & laying out new comics to print before going out for a week & a half with Irata down to Florida & back.  When I …

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Finally Checking It Out – The Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe by Mark Gruenwald & Paul Ryan

squadron-supreme-coverI’m going to be speaking from my personal memories for this & not fact checking on wikipedia for the review.  The Squadron Supreme started off as knockoffs of DC’s Justice League to fight The Avengers in some kind of chess …

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Returns & Dreams

The tour is wrapping up fast.  Then home for a few days trying to catch up on work, then back out with Irata.  We’ll see what happens.  Today I accidentally spent $60 on comics.  So much for making money on …

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Finally Checking It Out – Captain America: Patriot by Karl Kesel & Mitch & Bettie Bretweiser

Captain_America_Patriot_Vol_1_1Growing up I always thought of Captain America as a goody two shoes.  I probably don’t remember the story quite right, but I remember him going into retirement because he was so racked with guilt after accidentally killing a low …

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One Response to Finally Checking It Out – Captain America: Patriot by Karl Kesel & Mitch & Bettie Bretweiser

  1. GoddakkATTAKK says:

    Not sure if you saw it but the storyline to the first act of the Capt America movie that came out a couple years ago sounds like the story line to this.

Finally Checking It Out – Hawkeye by Matt Fraction, David Aja, & Matt Hollingsworth

hawkeyeSo I’ve been hearing about this book being the best superhero book coming out lately.  I was reticent to check it out because I haven’t ever been into the character too much even though I probably read over a hundred …

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Down Time & Dreams

So today was a day off & it was super productive.  I got the Yellow6 & Carl Kruger 5 in 5 EPs up (waiting to hear back from the both of them before starting the promo push) after having finished …

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One Response to Down Time & Dreams

  1. Peter says:

    I found the beard and put it on.