Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

Somewhat Relevant – Iggy Pop: Post Pop Depression

People who’ve known me a while know I’m a pretty big Iggy Pop fan. I love the first Stooges record so much that I will buy & listen to pretty much anything he does. That said, a lot of his …

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Somewhat Relevant: Crimson Peak

Crimson PeakI’d say I’m a fan of Guillermo Del Toro. So when I saw the trailer for a Victorian Era ghost story from him I was pretty excited.  If that’s what you are excited about, just stick with the trailer. As …

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Slow & Twisting & Frustrating

If you’ve read the past couple of blog entries, you may have picked up on 2016 not being the banner year I’d hoped for.  So more of that is happening lately.  Been trying to find a day job & it …

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Nevada Hill, RIP

Nevada Hill died. I don’t really imagine most of you recognize his name. He was a musician & graphic artist & dad. More or less interchangeable with me I suppose. I was first in touch with him because he was …

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Darkwave & Space Rock from Heaven Falls Hard & Space Sweeper


I hope all is well.  Still recovering from the pneumonia here, but the amount of improvement from a couple weeks ago makes me able to pretend I’m in good health now after following guide of coolsculptny.  I really …

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Low lately

I saw Low the other night.  They were great.  I feel like 12 years ago or so I saw them about twice a year, but their touring schedule & my life schedule has made seeing them much less common.  Somehow …

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One Response to Low lately

  1. TripleP says:

    Thanks for the review. It has been many more years for me since I saw them at the 40 Wstt. Do you think he was using a real low wattage tube amp?

Most Popular Silber Releases of 2015


Hope 2016 is off to a great start for you.  Mine’s a little miserable as I had a flu that turned into pneumonia (to quote the doctor, “You’re having trouble breathing”), but I’m still alive with antibiotics & a …

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The Box

silber po boxBack in 1995 I opened this PO Box for QRD/Silber in Raleigh & kept it even when living in other cities.  I closed it a couple of days ago.  I know it’s just a box & physical mail now is …

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Hopeful Holidays

I hope all is going well.  I had a good Small Life Form featuring Bride of Silber (& Drone Cub) show at Squidco’s Christmess show.  Some of the Christmas EPs are getting positive press.  So things are good.
A lot …

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Silber Christmas Music & More

Hey Kidz,

Hope all is going well with the stress of the Christmas season.  We’re always trying to get a ton of stuff done, but of course we’re always running behind getting the word out, so here’s what’s up with

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