Tag Archives: Small Life Form

Small Life Form, SPACE Anthology, Demos, Azalia Snail, Dreams

Lest I forget to mention it, there is a Small Life Form live show next Wednesday at Squidco in Wilmington.  I went around trying to buy a clearance video projector (they have one at Bed Bath & Beyond for

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Rivulets European Tour, Anniversary Show, Live Small Life Form Video, Superhero Dream

Rivulets are going on tour next month in Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, & Italy with Aidan Bake & Library Tapes.  Here’s the dates & locations for those interested.

I don’t think I’ve posted a link to it here, so here’s …

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3 Responses to Rivulets European Tour, Anniversary Show, Live Small Life Form Video, Superhero Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    ” I pull the omnipotent dude’s finger out of my pants ”

    this reminds me did you ever see the Tick episode when he’s giving a class to new superheroes? it also reminds me of that Hefner song with the line that something to the effect of “when people have got nobody else they can always sleep with me” or soemthing like that.

  2. I don’t remember that Tick, was it the cartoon or the live action show?

    That Hefner song is a great one, I’m bad with song titles, but I think it’s on The Fidelity Wars.

  3. GoddakkAttack says:

    the cartoon. i’ve only watched one episode of the live show and decided it wasn’t for me.

Still Sick, Small Life Form, Dream, XO?

Kinda more sick now than at the last posting.

Had a Small Life Form show last night & there was some problem with half my pedal board not working (which seems to be an on-again-off-again problem for a year & …

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2 Responses to Still Sick, Small Life Form, Dream, XO?

  1. goddakkattack says:

    i feel like ive lived that dream a few times over the past three years

  2. I know. I didn’t really bother to go to indepth with the details because I might use it for a comic story, but it was super-vivid & I thought it was real for a moment. I don’t understand how I’m this old & still find myself in those type of houses. (Oh, wait, yes I do, it’s called being a touring musician – at least it doesn’t happen in my home town anymore.)

Electronical Failures, Daily Work, Dreams

I think I’ve got the flu.  It kinda sucks.  I can’t concentrate on things.

My cell phone broke today (dead screen) I took it apart & got it working again, but I think I need to get my demos off …

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QRD, Silber Anniversary Show, Azalia Snail, Small Life Form, Nostalgia Equals Distortion, Worms

Got some work done on the next QRD.  Right around half of the interviews proofed for the guitarist side.  So that’s cool.

Doing the proof of the guitarist interviews inspired me to pick up my guitar & just fool …

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One Response to QRD, Silber Anniversary Show, Azalia Snail, Small Life Form, Nostalgia Equals Distortion, Worms

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    also up on Finally Checking it out a review of Red Riding movies which were fantastic enough to make me want to read the entire four book series.

Remora, Sarah June, Jamie Barnes, Small Life Form, Martin Bisi, Just A Man, Vigilant

Did some more research for bloggers & reviewers today. Seeing various things in “best of the year” lists is helping me to find some new places.

I finished up a second draft for Vigilant & sent it to PB Kain …

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Canada (C-32), Smartphones, Thorn1, Just A Man, SLF Video, Vigilant

I was reading up on this new copyright law before parliament in Canada that may be putting a tax on MP3 players to go in a fund for musicians (Bill C-32).  They had a similar tax put on blank tapes …

Posted in comics, daily news, movies & television, music, video | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

5 Responses to Canada (C-32), Smartphones, Thorn1, Just A Man, SLF Video, Vigilant

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    if you ever took a look at he android app market and then compared to the iphone one. this could answer that question of marketshare.

    • I probably wouldn’t understand it anyway because I don’t really play video games & I don’t feel a great need to have a phone that makes light saber noises when I swing it around. I don’t know. I might pay $1 for a set of vocal exercises, but I guess in reality that would just be buying an MP3? I don’t really know how technology works.

      • GoddakkAttack says:

        well i think that’s the problem..most android apps are basically hey let’s play pacman whereas there are a bunch more actual useful apps for the iphone. also your not being aware that the smartphone isn’t just for playing games may be part of your not understanding the appeal but i do think that most people that have them aren’t using them for much more than that anyways so there you go.

  2. Leanne says:

    The term of copyright in Canada is NOT 50 years from creation. Rather, it is 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the author dies (see section 6 of the Canadian Copyright Act). This is essentially life plus 50 years. So Neil Young need not worry.

  3. Thanks Leanne. I must’ve been looking at one of the older laws in the copyright history. Sometimes hard to keep them straight….

Small Life Form video & Recent Dreams

Small Life Form “Optical 1″ optical feedback video

Recent Dreams:
I’m at a college party.  I think it’s in Asheville.  I’m in the bathroom taking a piss & this jack-ass knocks the door in breaking the cheap lock on the …

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Small Life Form video & a couple other things

Okay, so I finally made this little video that I have been tooling around with for a couple months.  It is my first experiment with using time lapse type stuff.  Originally the audio was Remora, but it was altered into …

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Mixed Views of the Day

So last night’s show was interesting.  It started off on a bad note with a crazy lady (also an employee of the venue) yelling, “It’s too loud, it’s hurting my ears!”  We were slightly louder than the hum of the …

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