Mixed Views of the Day

So last night’s show was interesting.  It started off on a bad note with a crazy lady (also an employee of the venue) yelling, “It’s too loud, it’s hurting my ears!”  We were slightly louder than the hum of the Coke machine & kept things at the level of the Coke machine the rest of the night.  We got the check for playing (it was at ArtSpace which I think is pretty unquestionably the most famous & popular gallery in the region & so it was a bit of a nod of “having made it” by being selected to play there), so in the end I can’t complain about anything on the end of not meeting up with my artistic vision.  If it’s a free gig I want to be allowed to do what I want to do as an artist.  For $25 an hour, I am willing to look at myself as a contractor doing what you want.

I just saw that YouTube extended (or actually retragraded to) the longer video length of fifteen minutes for uploads.  Kind of excited about that as far as certain ideas I want to try to do where 10 minutes really wouldn’t cut it for me.

I was getting ready to fill out my paperwork for a grant & found out I was ineligible because the state changed availability to previous recipients so I won’t be eligible until 2013 (if then based on the way things seem to work in the arts field in this state lately).

My ability to make digital booklets is on the fritz again.  It’s really confusing how computers work sometimes….

Talked to Ben & the thirty second comp looks like it should be shaping up to have about 40 tracks.  So I feel pretty good with that number.

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