Tag Archives: remora

Slow & Steady Wins the Race

Well, I got a dozen panels done on Lost Kisses #9 today, so I feel like that’s good.  I might be able to have the stuff ready for authoring by the end of the week.

The new Remora sticker for …

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QRD & some other stuff

I got three of the sets of interview questions off today for the next QRD.  Just two more left to do.  It’s nice to get something done everyday.  So that’s the story there.

Thinking about shopping the collaboration of Small …

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easily exhausted

The Small Life Form versus slicnaton session went pretty great, but it was a bit exhausting working on improvisational feedback based music for 6 hours.  We made some video footage as well, so we’ll see what the final results are …

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today & tomorrow

So I got in my new little amp & it is smaller & less loud than I anticipated.  It has 4 speakers & they’re only about 3 inches each!  It’s a Roland so the sound quality is pretty good & …

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comics & cameras

Filled some orders today & I’ll ship them out tomorrow.

Made some slight adjustments to one of the new comics to make it easier for the artist to work on.

I got a new camera today.  I expect to use …

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Comics & Brothers

So today I wrote the first draft of what will probably be a one off comic.  I need to type it in still.

I also talked to one of the folks I collaborate with on comics about the fact that …

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High Action

Still working on the comics.  It seems like I’ll never finish them.  A lot of time spent just staring at blank paper waiting for inspiration.  It wouldn’t be worth the hassle except for the fact that I can’t really not …

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a little more done

I got a little more work done today on Lost Kisses #8.  Enough that I think I’ll fill out the application for my grant money in the next day or so.

Finished the first draft for Worms #3.  I know …

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trying to stay in motion

Sent out another batch of follow up letters for the mini-comics & hopefully reviews will start to roll in pretty soon.

I got the art & last few audio edits for Remora’s Derivative done & am mailing it to the …

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Scheduling Mecha

I got the cover art for Remora’s Mecha from Jason Davis today.  We’re going to be doing a little mini-comic to go in the tin with the disc.  It should be pretty sweet.  Of course now I need to write …

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