Tag Archives: remora

Remora, QRD, New Releases, Jack Kirby

Did the adjustments for the Remora: Scars Bring Hope art to make the digital booklet.  So I should be getting up the digital version for sale pretty soon.

Packed some of the stuff for the Remora trip/show on Saturday.  …

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3 Responses to Remora, QRD, New Releases, Jack Kirby

  1. Nick says:

    Will the new mwvm have a physical release?

  2. We’re planning to have a physical of the mwvm. Still debating exactly how to do it packaging wise, so the release probably won’t be out before August.

  3. Nick says:

    Thanks for the good news, Brian.

Remora, Harlan Ellison, Peter Aldrich, Dreams

Yesterday I finally got the new Remora record sent out for manufacturing.  Which of course means I now need to get on the ball about writing up the press release.  I’m always torn about writing my own press release, so …

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Keeping on

Most of today I was working on the Remora artwork.  I’ll be thankful when I really do stop doing physical releases with some of the headaches involved with that.  You know, doing the artwork in one program & then having …

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One Response to Keeping on

  1. GoddakkATTACK says:

    based on what i’ve witnessed first hand. What you do is you start DJing at clubs/bars. People seem to be more interested in guys playing CD’s than guys playing guitars these days. It seems to be cooler to know the DJ at a such and such bar than to know the singer/guitarist/bassist/drummer of such and such band. Come to think of it, it’s probably cooler to know the bartendar at the bar than any band member as well.

Updates, Dirty Pots, etc

Spent most of the day going through updating some press contacts & looking for new ones.  Now my eyes are a little sore.

I was messing with my guitar rig & I found one of my audio problems was being …

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Piracy Give Up, Russian Pop, Apparel/Swag

Okay, so I’ve been using PCs since 1984 (my dad was a computer dude, so we were pretty early adapters on that).  My first 25 years using them I got two viruses (one in 1999 & one in 2003).  A …

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4 Responses to Piracy Give Up, Russian Pop, Apparel/Swag

  1. GoddakkATTACK says:

    well now you can just think the way i do. People that are using these piracy sites probably never were going to pay for your music any ways.

USB mic, Music Supervisors, Remora Remix, Dream

So I tried out the USB mic I got the other day & it doesn’t work as I thought it would.  I thought it would act as it’s own input device, but instead it still goes through my soundcard & …

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Remora Art & a couple other things

Did some work on the Remora artwork. Not sure if page 2 should be gridded instead of placed randomly, let me know what you think.  But I’m getting close to sending it for manufacturing – http://www.silbermedia.com/remora/remora-scars-cover.pdf

The  air conditioning is …

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Promos, Music Networks, Remora Art, Clang Quartet Interview

So I read this article over at Music Think Tank about how to run your free MP3 promotions.  Not sure if I should actually change things around to fit it or not, but it’s probably worth any musician reading.

I’m …

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2 Responses to Promos, Music Networks, Remora Art, Clang Quartet Interview

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    How do they rate the sites?

    I’m sure Myspace still gets a lot of traffic but i’m thinking that it’s all people using it to spam one another and not legitimately in use. Considering what a pain in the ass it is for pages to load etc. . … I have a hard time believing an average person could be bothered. Which is why i think a lot of people went to the FB.

    In regards to RN & BC, i don’t think that it can be used the same as Myspace and therefore can’t really be judged the same. Both of them are more or less a place to put music and info and then direct people to it, whereas Myspace had more of a community approach, with people collecting, networking etc.

    You don’t really log onto Bandcamp and hope to stumble across bands you might like. You go there to check out bands you already know via links you find. Not to virtually hang out. the thing with myspace is that it was a place for people to pretend like they had friends and send messages and post goofy shit like FB today. Neither BC or RN are really for that, they’re more or less music driven. Sort of the same with most marketing campaign’s you gotta get the attention of people that really don’t give a shit about music and make them think that they do.

    Soundcloud is a good tool but for some reason i don’t like using it, i think it’s more the feel of the site or possibly the look. I should mess with it more.

  2. They’re rated by hits (not pageviews or time spent on site) & I know that MySpace has a lot of images on a page (more files is more hits), but so do Reverbnation & Bandcamp so they should be comparable. Soundcloud is the thing that really surprised me. Because if anything they are the most music centric of sites & it seems like they are the one with the least buzz. Then again, they are also the only one of those three that I think works with major labels & that probably is what all the traffic was really caused by for MySpace. Before MySpace worked with all the major labels you didn’t see housewives & businessmen excited about it.

Remora artwork

I spent most of the day working on the artwork for the new Remora.  It’s slower than I anticipated & I’ll still need to lay it out in a program a printer will accept.  But I still hope to get …

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Remora, Electric Bird Noise, Slicnaton, Wahs, Beastie Boys

So I had this weird sound problem at the Remora show the other night. My amp was dreadfully quiet. I turned it up to ten & it wasn’t as loud as it normally is at three. I figured out the …

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2 Responses to Remora, Electric Bird Noise, Slicnaton, Wahs, Beastie Boys

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    How do you mean by more aggressive?

  2. Doesn’t sound thin, has some low end bass presence. Basically what I’m getting out of my Ashdown bass envelope filter, but with the added control of being a wah instead of an envelope filter.