Tag Archives: remora

Power, Google Analytics, Phones, Remora, Robert E Howard, Lost Kisses, Dreams

So the “computer power supply I ordered” came in.  Why the quotation marks?  Because it wasn’t the one I ordered.  It was a laptop power supply instead of a desktop power supply.  Waiting for a refund to come through while …

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Podcasts, Super Haters, Deadpool, Remora, Clang Quartet, Northern Valentine, Dreams

So some of the new releases are getting played on some podcasts like Drug Music & No Pigeonholes EXP.  Check them out if you are into weird music.

I sent my scripts for a two-week story arc over to …

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Clang Quartet, Remora, Disney

The Clang Quartet documentary “Armor of God” is now available for you to watch.  It was of course made by Jim Havercamp & Brett Ingram back in 2001.

Though I know the new Remora record isn’t even officially out yet, …

Posted in daily news, movies & television, music, video | Tagged , | 4 Comments

4 Responses to Clang Quartet, Remora, Disney

  1. GODDAKKattack says:

    it’s nice that the boy looks like he’s in the Misfits.

  2. Maybe he even is in the current Misfits? Who can keep track?

  3. Peter says:

    It’s great that the documentary is finally available. Just a few weeks ago I was looking for it and came up empty.

  4. Yeah, I’m glad that it’s around for more people to see. It’s weird to think how much & little has changed in the ten years since then.

Working & Dreams

I sent out some emails to stores about stocking the new releases today.  I basically haven’t had time to do an overhaul updating those contacts in a couple years & about 10% of the emails  bounced back.  I wonder if …

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One Response to Working & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    you should totally do a music video for your new album based on this concept. sort of like that paul mccartney video where he’s playing all 100 performers on a stage and when they close up hey look it’s paul. cept you’ll be in kiss makeup instead of a dressed like a scare crow or whatever.

Facebook, Robert E. Howard, Lost Kisses, Remora, Tiny Mix Tapes, Outer Limits, Sun Ra, Dreams

So starting today I’m trying to actually use Facebook “properly” to do some stuff with Silber as I kinda like the way the new groups stuff works.  So here’s the Silber Records fan page & the Silber Records group page

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My Brother’s Guns & Knives, Facebook, Podcast, Sarah June

So here’s a link to the promised photos for the My Brother’s Guns & Knives EP.

I was chatting with Ian Stewart today via the new Facebook Autoreverse group & I’m thinking about trying to get the Silber group on …

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Remora & QRD

Did some work on the artwork for the Remora My Brother’s Guns & Knives EP & I’ll get some photos up here at some point.  Sent out reminders to people about doing the remixes.  We’ll see what happens.

I started …

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2 Responses to Remora & QRD

  1. GODDAKKattack says:

    people cure that by having babies. i hear it works at least until they’re teenagers.

  2. Yeah, I miss curing it by playing music. But I haven’t really had the ability to play music much or do anything much with my life situation & missing sleeping periods taking care of my grandmother certainly isn’t helping any.

Commissions Project – Remora’s russian pop cover

Okay, so I finally gave up on this cover song for the commissions project.  The video is intentionally semi horrible.

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2 Responses to Commissions Project – Remora’s russian pop cover

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    so did you wear the captain america shirt to rep your home team or because you liked teh star motif going on?

  2. I thought about wearing the whole russian military uniform I got for the short film I never made, but it’s too hot around here.

Typical Stuff & A Dumb Video

Well I got a little bit done today.  I sent out the email newsletter.  I stickered up a bunch of discs going out for distribution.  Sent out a bunch of emails to comic reviewers.  Worked a bit on Lost Kisses …

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Myrtle Beach, QRD, Long Days

My Myrtle Beach trip & Remora show was a lot of fun.  Irata was pretty awesome as a three piece.  I got some pretty good video of Electric Bird Noise.  Rode a 20 story ferris wheel after a half dozen …

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