Remora & QRD

Did some work on the artwork for the Remora My Brother’s Guns & Knives EP & I’ll get some photos up here at some point.  Sent out reminders to people about doing the remixes.  We’ll see what happens.

I started working on proofing the interviews for the next comic issue of QRD & sent out some emails to folks about interviews & got some people emailing me saying to stop spamming them because I sent them three emails requesting an interview over the course of five months.  Weird what people consider spam.  I guess it’s another sign that I don’t need to push QRD so hard anymore.

I’ve been in a weird mood lately where I feel like I have no purpose or things to look forward to.  Got to figure out a way to bust out of that funk….

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2 Responses to Remora & QRD

  1. GODDAKKattack says:

    people cure that by having babies. i hear it works at least until they’re teenagers.

  2. Yeah, I miss curing it by playing music. But I haven’t really had the ability to play music much or do anything much with my life situation & missing sleeping periods taking care of my grandmother certainly isn’t helping any.