QRD, Pointless Forest, Northern Valentine

So I updated the back issues of QRD to take away the affiliate links & replace them.  Only one person went in for the appearance on 570 content pages for $50, but I’m guess I’m happy with the $50 because it’s rare to to get any ads at all that pay these days.

Had a band practice with Pointless Forest tonight playing bass.  It was a full band line up with two bassists & a guitarist & a drummer – so it was less loop driven than it often is & it was cool to sit in with a band doing it straight & live.  It makes me want to try to make a Remora album that is even more band oriented than the last one.

Here’s a live video form Northern Valentine:

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One Response to QRD, Pointless Forest, Northern Valentine

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    Pointless Forrest mean that the Forest is pointless or that there’s just a whole crapload of pointlessness going on?

Long Days

Trying to get a bunch of work done & the days just don’t seem to have enough time.  Working on the Northern Valentine promos, working on the mini-comic promos, laying out & assembling mini-comics, trying to get taxes done, & there’s constraints coming up on my time soon as far as going out of town for a bunch of different things.

The anthology I put together for SPACE is available now.  Here’s the free digital version.

Recent Dreams:
I’m walking in the woods when a gloved hand comes out of a three inch wide hole in the ground & grabs me by the ankle.  It tries to pull me down, but I break free with only a bruise in the shape of a hand on my ankle.  I end up going on CBS This Morning as the only person who’s been attacked by one of the hands from underground & survived.

It’s time to bury my grandmother & to save money I end up digging the hole in the cemetery myself.

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interviews, boxes, comics, promotions, The Walking Dead

I did a little interview this evening for a comic podcast about my mini-comics & the Kickstarter campaign.  It’ll be a week or so until it goes up.  But I’m pretty stoked by the interest.  I’ll let you know when it goes up.

I started doing some finishes for the boxes for the comic box sets.  It’s not going to be nearly an innovative to do as I’d hoped (my idea of having masked patterns didn’t work out), but it will go quicker than I thought.

I got out the last of the press promotional emails.  I’m going to wait a few days to send out the ones to radio & DJs.  I actually still have some packages to put together for a couple dozen stations.  Which I guess I should get done this weekend.

I got a first draft done for Marked #4.  Pretty stoked about the idea of trying to get back in a vein of writing on a regular basis.  It’s been about 15 years since I was really chronically doing something creative every day & I think I might finally be able to make it happen again & maybe this time in such a way as to make a living off of it.

So there’ve been a lot of people talking about The Walking Dead lately.  Some people seem to hate the show & other folks love it.  I feel the same way about it as I do about the comic (which I think the show is a fairly true representation of, though not 100% true as an adaption of), which means I don’t care.  I’m a big fan of the Romero zombie apocalypse stuff (& some of the work spawned by it), & though Kirkman’s initial idea of a zombie story that never ends seems intriguing; I don’t think it works.  I don’t think he’s at fault for it not working for me.  I think it is just one of those things where when you turn something into a long form soap opera format, you lose the ability for story payoffs & it can be really hard to hide a plot device for a payoff where it doesn’t feel contrived.  I kinda feel similar about a lot of things.  Even as much as I like the show Breaking Bad, I’m really glad the upcoming season will be the end.  Stories need some sort of closure.  Dragging a story out over years doesn’t make it epic & better.  I don’t care if that’s closer to real life.  I’m already alive & don’t need another life.  I need stories.  Character studies are fine.  Action is fine.  Zombies are fine.  Mobsters are fine.  Cowboys are fine.  Superheroes are fine.  You know, whatever genre it is makes no difference to me.  But I need a story that I can relate to & react to in my mind & that means having a more or less full story.  What gets weird about me saying all this is I’m pretty guilty of seemingly not finishing stories when I write them.  So maybe that’s my problem with all these long ongoing stories, I feel like I’m a hack & it’s a way of storytelling for hacks….

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Jawharp Rich, Mini-Comics, Promotions

So I think I might have mentioned a while back about a collaboration I did with Brian McKenzie & a fellow known as Jawharp Rich.  So here are the results thanks to the folks at Voices Green And Purple, Jawharp Rich & the Platinum Tits: Girl I Wanna Date You on the Surface of Mars.

I made the page for the promotion of the digital versions of the mini-comics.  It’s meant for press folks or whatever, but I figured I’d give the link out to you loyal readers.

So I did get the digital promo pages for reviewers of the music & comics & started sending out the emails about it.  A thousand messages done, a couple thousand more to go.  Hopefully some press is generated & I feel like Silber still is loved by some folks.

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Getting Ready to Promote

Today I finished making the digital versions of the mini-comics from the past year (hard to believe I didn’t bother to send out any promo stuff for that long).  Tomorrow I’m hoping to get up the webpage for it & to start sending out the promo info to comic folks & seeing if maybe some of those comic folks mention my Kickstarter.  Then I’ll send out promos for all the digital servicing of the new music releases (trying to keep everything promo’d at once like this, I have no idea if it helps or hurts, but it’s a little easier for me).  I noticed today that there was a Kickstarter campaign that I looked at as totally ridiculous that made funding.  This girl was selling a subscription to her full color quarterly comic book for $50 a year (yeah, that’s $12.50 an issue) & she somehow reached her $3500 goal & now is on her way to $5000.  I tried to google around to see what she is doing to promote it & it seems like the only thing she did is get picked as a staff pick by Kickstarter, she only has a couple hundred friends on Facebook & a couple hundred followers on Twitter – of course I guess that leaves to question how does one get the coveted staff pick.  That I don’t know the answer to.  But maybe if I do another Kickstarter Campaign in the distant future I will get the slot.

So word.  Tomorrow looks like a day where I’ll get some things accomplished that will see some kind of results.

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Northern Valentine, SPACE, Mini-Comics, Chris Olley, Dreams

I got out the solicitations to distros for the Northern Valentine disc today.  Which feels like I really got something accomplished.  Under a month out & the street date is when I’m on tour with The Independents, which is poor planning on my part but all I can do is hope for the best.

I got the initial layout of the SPACE anthology done & sent off to Bob Corby.  I think he’s opting to do the layout for the physical version, which will be a load off my shoulders.  At least there’s one less thing looming over to be done.

I got in the wooden boxes for making the box sets.  I also ordered some smaller boxes for people who just want to grab two or three books.  Anyway, still taking money on the Kickstarter Campaign for people who want stuff.  I will have more comic stuff for sale direct after the campaign is over, but the prices will be higher.

Here’s a little video Chris Olley made about his studio/work environment.

Last Night’s Dreams:
Jason Young (Veggie Dog Saturn) quit his job at the comic book shop where he’s worked for over 20 years for a part time job at & art supply store.  He tells me over a beer in an old house that has been converted into a bar.

I’m writing in a notebook using a ballpoint pen with the nib broken off guiding the ink with my finger.  It’s making a fucking mess….

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 20

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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2 Responses to Lost Kisses Daily – March 20

  1. Serge Zéni says:

    Oh boys! These comics are making me laugh… even if the bullshit around’s not so fun.
    Thanks for the offers and free downloads (didn’t take much yet).

    See ya,

Sales, Remora, Blogging, Free Compilation, Dream

I put a couple little specials up on the Silber Sales page for bundling together both NorthernValentine discs or bundling together a bunch of Remora discs.

Working on a bunch of behind the scenes crap for the mini-comics.  Hopefully they’ll be ready soon.

So the Lost Kisses Daily strips ends tomorrow.  I haven’t really heard too much response about them.  Curious if you’d like to see more non-bloggy content up here on the blog. I had learnt lot about business blogging at Malcolm Read. Maybe more stuff with exclusive music as entries or maybe some short stories as entries or some more comics as entries.  Let me know what you think.

Remora, Small Life Form, Electric Bird Noise, & Feel No Other all appear on this new Gone In 60 Seconds Vol 2 comp from I Heart Noise.  It’s a free download if you are interested.

Okay so here’s the video of the Remora gig from last Wednesday.  Feedback & drone driven.  I’ll get the one from last night up when I get a chance.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m sitting inside a breezeway on the fourth floor of a closed & partially burned down hotel.  I look over & see a toddler by himself about fifteen feet away from me.  My first instinct is to leave him alone, that if he was smart enough to get up here, then he’ll be fine.  Then he starts to try to crawl out on a flagpole that’s projecting off the side of the building.  I walk over & grab him by his shirt & he starts yelling & crying & struggling & is holding onto the flagpole.  As I pull on him, the floor under my right foot starts to collapse.  I yell out, “I need some help over here!”

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 19

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 18

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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