Recording & dreams

So still working on the album for Phillip Palmer.  Pretty long day (around 12 hours with a couple meal breaks) of recording & hitting learning curves (hopefully).  Looks like we might only be getting a song done per day, though things do seem to maybe be speeding up a bit & the communication is getting a bit easier.  I do think it’s an experience that will help me with my working in the studio at least as much as it will help Phillip so that’s a double positive.  I think if I were to really try to record with people, I would unquestionably have to upgrade some things.  Like maybe run some software less than ten years old….

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m on a trip with Mr. & Mrs. Howell from Gilligan’s Island.  We’re trapped in a small town that I can’t really stand until we go out to breakfast & I see they have a deal that’s three eggs, three pieces of toast, & three pieces of bacon for $3.  They also have lima bean vegetarian chili for $1.19.

I’m on tour & Obama is having a fundraiser at an upscale bar around the corner from the place I’m playing.  I run into him in the alley after a show while he’s smoking a cigarette.  I tell him I don’t really want to talk to him about politics, but I hear he homebrews & I can give him a bottle of 27% alcohol mead (which means I must have upgraded to icing or some kind of super mild distilling) that I made if he thinks he’d actually drink it.

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Past Few Days

So I know I haven’t been doing blog entries like usual.  Sorry about that.  Back on Wednesday I did a 24 hour album for Somehow Ecstatic.  I’m not 100% satisfied with the mixes, but I am inspired by the process getting me to start working on music & be more excited about music.

I’m down in Savannah right now trying to help Phillip Palmer work on his new album.  I’m working on engineer/producer.  It’s harder than I anticipated to figure out what is there that’s going to happen to make me being down here to get him to end up with something better than what he would get done on his own.  I wonder if a lot of folks feel like this, that they are just there to make sure someone bothers to record rather than really doing something to lift things to the next level.  We’ll see what happens.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m deserting the unit not because the CO is insane (though he is) nor because we’re committing attrocities (which we are), but because this life just doesn’t feel like something I’m called to anymore.  The CO threatens to kill me, but I just throw all my gear on the ground & I walk away.  He fires a shot in the air & starts screaming & I start to run.  I lie down under a bush a hundred yards from a road going up the side of a mountain.  The CO is yelling for me from so close to me I can hear his foot steps & it’s hard not to laugh.  Some guy comes out of nowhere telling the unit to get off his property.  I don’t know if he’s going to save me or just get himself killed.

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One Response to Past Few Days

  1. Peter says:

    Get to the choppa!

Out of the Unknown

So today I got some stuff done.  I took my car for it’s second inspection failure & tomorrow I take it for the DMV to give me a waiver hopefully.  I put in the solid state drive in my laptop.  I was told I should notice a performance difference & I’m pleasantly surprised to say I actually do.  I’m scheduled to be going down to help Phillip Palmer record his album on Friday & then next week go out with The Independents for five days & then back to finish Philip’s record & then up to the winery for Stompfest.  Also if possible I’m supposed to get in a grant request by this Friday & supposed to record a 24 hour album (album written & recorded in a day) on Wednesday.  & I need to finish staining the puzzle boxes.  I’m quite frankly overbooked.  But I’d be okay if I hadn’t spent so much time feeling sorry for myself over the past few days.  So it goes.

So here’s an episode of Out of the Unknown about identity theft.  This show is well on it’s way to replacing Outer Limits as my favorite sci-fi anthology show.

Last Night’s Dream:
I keep looking around in various deserted places unsure of how I get from one to the other – a desert, Antarctica, possibly the surface of Mars.  They all seem safe & feel like home.

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One Response to Out of the Unknown

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    you should move to Iceland

Silber August Charts

So most of the day I just moped around since after the past few days’ bad luck I got up hoping for the best & the toaster started an electrical fire at breakfast.  I did manage to build the last of the puzzle boxes that were on the Kickstarter campaign, though I still need to stain them.  Here’s the Silber download charts for August.

Top Ten Most Read Silber Digital Comics in August
1. REH #1
2. Bottle Comics – Mermaid
3. Bottle Comics – Salvation
4. Extreme Lost Kisses #1
5. Bottle Comics – Sailor
6. Just a Man #1
7. Mecha #1
8. Just a Man #3
9. Just a Man #4
10. Built #1

Top Ten Most Read About Silber Releases in August
1. Brian John Mitchell & Andrew Weathers – Drone is in the Blood
2. Remora – Scars Bring Hope
3. Promute – Drone of the Norns
4. mwvm – Had Yr Pash
5. Northern Valentine – Fin de Siecle
6. Lotte Kestner – China Mountain
7. Vlor – a fire is meant for burning
8. Sarah June – In Black Robes
9. Hotel Hotel – The Sad Sea
10. Small Life Form – One

Top Ten Silber Album Downloads in August
1. Northern Valentine – Fin de Siecle
2. Brian John Mitchell & Andrew Weathers – Drone is in the Blood
3. Small Life Form – Voice in the Sky
4. Brian John Mitchell – four and a half
5. Promute – Drone of the Norns
6. mwvm – Had Yr Pash
7. Unspeakable Forces – Butterfly Corpse
8. Panthan – Five Pointed Swords
9. From Oceans to Autumn – The Flood/The Fall
10. Plumerai – Marco Polo

Top Five Most Read QRD Interviews in August
1. Erin O’Brien (issue 29 (2005))
2. Calvin Johnson (issue 42 – Guitarist Interview Series II (2010))
3. Tim Dahl (issue 44 – Bassist Interview Series (2010))
4. Nick Reinhart (issue 43 – Guitarist Interview Series III (2010))
5. Agata of Melt Banana (issue 43 – Guitarist Interview Series III (2010))

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2 Responses to Silber August Charts

  1. Peter says:

    Did you get the toaster fire on Ustream?

Rough Day & Dreams

I like to think I try to play the blog pretty positive ever since Shaun Sandor called me out on it seeming to bitter & depressing back in 2008.  So I guess first I should mention I got invited to be on a couple of comps & got a distro order & asked to do an interview & another couple interviews I missed went up on The Examiner & Outhousers while I was gone.  Anyway, on with the whining….

So I live in one of those states where they require a pretty thorough car inspection every year.  I dropped my car off at a shop with the knowledge it would need $500 to be able to pass inspection telling them I just wanted it to be done by the time I got back in town.  Now I got the car back having spent $500 & the check engine light is still on & it can’t pass inspection.  Which kinda sucks.  I can get a one year waiver if I drive the car a certain amount of miles & then plead my case that the car is safe at the DMV.  Which sucks to have to do.

So I’m supposed to be helping a friend with engineering/producing his record next week.  I ordered a new solid state hard drive for it, but it ends up I need an adapter to use it in my music machine.  Which I knew about & had ordered one from Hong Kong.  But the adapter I got is backwards (makes an old hard drive work in a new machine instead of a new hard drive work in an old machine).  I had another hard drive that isn’t quite as good, but better than the current one (been sitting in a drawer for a year) that I decided to try to upgrade to, but I couldn’t get it to be recognized to format it on my laptop.  So then I fired up my music computer to do it there & it came up with an error message about the bios before loading the operating system.  Crap.  So… trying to figure out exactly what to do on that.  Maybe upgrade my laptop with the solid state drive & add the missing music software to this machine.  Pretty frustrating & at a bad time.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I take my grandmother to the Grand Canyon & she’s not impressed by it at all.  When talking to her about it I realize her brain has malfunctioned to the point she can no longer process what she sees.

In the middle of prayer God tells me he has a vision for me.  The vision is of me opening a small wooden box like the ones I sell my comics in.  Inside are two rocks each with a penny balanced on top.  One is a piece of coal & the other is red granite.

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Been Gone

So as you probably pieced together by now, I was out of town for almost two weeks.  I got a lot of photos taken & a couple little video things (including a Small Life Form performance) that may be used at some time in the future for some Silber stuff.  I also finally met Duval King in Provo who I’ve been in touch with for ten years.  He wanted a Silber shirt (I wore one so he could recognize me) & I gave him the shirt off my back at the end of the night, good dude.   Anyway, here’s some things that have happened when I was gone….

My comics (specifically Pow Wow) got an in depth discussion on the podcast Critiquing Comics.  They think Pow Wow has a lot more meaning to it than I intended.  I just wanted to tell a story about elder care & they thought it was actually about environmentalism.  Maybe we’re both right.

Dave Sim gave me some pretty glowing reviews & discussed Ultimate Lost Kisses #11 on A Moment of Cerebus.

I wrote down a bunch of dreams in notebooks that I’ll type in soon.

I got done the first draft of Just A Man #5.  I’m pretty excited about having that ready to go.

It’s a new month, so I’ll be looking at the stats soon.  Guess the most popular download of the month to win a free digital download of your choice.

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Last Night’s Dream:
I meet up with Nathan Amundson & he’s wearing a suit.  He says, “You have to dress to impress.”  For reasons inexplicable to me, we end up going to Walmart to buy the newest Pirates of the Carribean DVD.

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Last Night’s Dreams:
Chuck Moore (Comic related) is running an officially licensed Twilight Zone comic.  He gives out blue satin jackets to contributors with a patch saying “Twilight Zone” & the year they contributed.  At a convention I have a jacket on & Chuck comes up to me & rips the tag off saying, “You never turned in your script!”

I’m having breakfast with my niece & she wants me to drive to the store to buy her some Eggo waffles.  I tell her there’s not time for that.

I’m having a conversation with someone, I’m not even sure what it’s about or who I’m talking to; but I say, “They used to think it was genetic.”

There’s an epidemic of not exactly zombies, but maybe clones or androids or body snatchers or trancers.  They’re getting stronger.  Our lightening guns only make them fall to the ground & someone needs to shoot them with a second gun to give a strong enough bolt to kill them.  It’s raining & I see my niece standing in the rain.  I go out to her telling her to get in from the rain.  She says, “It’s not raining, it’s all in your mind.”  I notice the rain isn’t hitting her; it’s sliding around her in a two-inch invisible shield.  I grab her & try to pick her up, but her body doesn’t move at all & it feels like she’s mounted into the ground.  She giggles a little.  She’s one of them.  Has she always been one of them?

My sister tells me she doesn’t go to church because of her beliefs, but as a social activity.  She doesn’t believe in God at all.

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Last Night’s Dream:
Hanging out with Walter white & Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad). I’ve just crossed over from always calling Walter “Mister white” to occasionally calling him “Walt.”  There’s a four year-old girl we’re taking care of that doesn’t really belong to any of us, but we’re all helping take care of her because we’re all responsible for her parents’ deaths.  I’m out in the cul de sac with Jesse & the girl so Walt can flirt with some woman in her mid-twenties inside the house.  The girl wants the three of us to climb on her Big Wheel so we can all go home.  Jesse tries to get on the Big Wheel & shows the girl he can’t fit.  The girl gets back on the Big Wheel & starts riding off & I tell Jesse he can go back in the house & I chase after the girl.  When we get to the end of the road she looks at me & asks which way to go.  I tell her we’re her home now & it’s very important she never go anywhere without knowing how to get there.  I take her home & put her to bed.  In the living room Walt & Jesse are having a business meeting with a guy who looks like Anthony Michael Hall.  Mike shows up & I tell him I got him something & I hand him a shiny new box cutter.  He kinda sneers at me & says, “Thanks kid.”

I’m walking on the greenway & I see dozens of snakes.  Some are copperheads & some are corn snakes.  There’s a hill slope covered with large rocks to prevent erosion & there’s so many snakes crawling on the warm rocks that it’s hypnotizing to look at.

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Remora shirt, Out of the Unknown, Mead, Dream

Did some work on some potential Remora t-shirts.  Let me know which design you prefer.

In mead news, I tried to test the corn syrup instead of honey brew on my half-brother Joseph.  The answer is in, the corn syrup stuff is no good despite the fact that supposedly honey is so purified these days it essentially is corn syrup.  Then I gave him a ten minute lesson on how to brew.  We’ll see if he actually starts to do it.

Here’s an episode of the old sci-fi show Out of the Unknown that I’d suggest for fans of the Outer Limits, Groundhog Day, Dark City.

Last Night’s Dream:
An ex-girlfriend calls me on the phone telling me that her husband just got arrested for homocide for hitting a guy with his car while driving drunk.  I’m not sure what I’m supposed to tell her.

Posted in beer, daily news, dreams, movies & television, music | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

5 Responses to Remora shirt, Out of the Unknown, Mead, Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    The space on the one with just handgun and sword and arms spread is good. but nothing says party like guns, guitars and blades!

    the club looks like he’s holding a giant chicken finger.

  2. I came to party :-)

  3. Peter says:

    Guitar, gun, blade, add party hat or noisemaker.

  4. GoddakkAttack says:

    is it too late to put lottie dottie on the back?

  5. Peter says:

    That’s what’s missing!