Category Archives: daily news

Guitar Experiments, Lo-Fi Pop, & Post Punk from Azalia Snail, Electric Bird Noise, & Dyr Fazer


Hope all is going well with you.  You may have already heard about it on Facebook or Twitter, but last month my parents’ basement flooded destroying about a fourth of the physical inventory, but if you even mildly follow

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What Do You Want in the Silber Blog?

Just wanted to take a quick poll to see what you would like to see here in the Silber blog.

If the Silber Blog started coming out regularly again, what would you most like to see?

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Still Moving Forward

Just wanted to do a quick little blog to let some of the curious know what is going on with some release date stuff.  The flood through off my life schedule a bit & consequently there are new releases from …

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The Flood, Not The Fall

At this point I imagine most people who read the Silber blog heard about my parents’ basement flooding. It’s where I kept the overstock back catalog of Silber releases.  I probably threw away about 10,000 water damaged CDs.  No insurance …

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Good Quarters & Other Things

So I’m working on the Silber Paperwork for the end of the quarter & somehow this has been the best one in a couple years.  There’s a perfect storm of reasons (a couple distro checks that only come once a …

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Silber Newsletter – June 14, 2016


Hope all is going well with you.  As mentioned last time the increased feeling of financial stability (if not actual stability) has created a dramatic increase in productivity here at Silber.  The new releases from a couple weeks ago …

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Okay, I haven’t been posting anything lately.  I do want you to know there is a lot of stuff going on.  The new QRD is done except for converting everything to html.  There are ten 5in5s waiting on me to …

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Slow & Twisting & Frustrating

If you’ve read the past couple of blog entries, you may have picked up on 2016 not being the banner year I’d hoped for.  So more of that is happening lately.  Been trying to find a day job & it …

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Nevada Hill, RIP

Nevada Hill died. I don’t really imagine most of you recognize his name. He was a musician & graphic artist & dad. More or less interchangeable with me I suppose. I was first in touch with him because he was …

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Darkwave & Space Rock from Heaven Falls Hard & Space Sweeper


I hope all is well.  Still recovering from the pneumonia here, but the amount of improvement from a couple weeks ago makes me able to pretend I’m in good health now after following guide of coolsculptny.  I really …

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