Category Archives: daily news

Maker Faire NC, Small Life Form, Electric Bird Noise, Small Bed, Dreams, Existential Dread…

So for those of you in central North Carolina, I have two events going on this weekend.  Friday night is a Small Life Form, Electric Bird Noise, Mister Science, & Bryce Eiman show at The Nightlight.  Saturday I have my …

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QRD, Lingua Musica, Star, & a Dream

I got up QRD #64.  It has a pretty long piece about the hiatus.  It also has a short interview with Alan Sparhawk of Low & a tour diary from Plumerai & a half dozen other things you might …

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Lycia & Small Life Form & Tony Whitlock

There’s an interview up with Mike from Lycia on The Morton Report.  It’s the first in depth interview I’ve seen him do in a while.  You should check it out.

I’m trying to get the straggler interviews for QRD …

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Muscle Mass, Ms., Dan West, The Infant Cycle, 5 in 5

Muscle Mass - Atrophy Muscle Mass – Atrophy
MP3 EP 2012 | Silber 140
5 tracks, 5 minutes
$1 download

Muscle Mass is minimalist aggressive synth pop. I never quite figured out what chillwave is, but maybe it sounds like this?

: Press Release

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Silber Charts for May 2013

Here’s the monthly charts for what people were checking out on the Silber website in May (still having problems with my webstats, but it gave me the info for the last three weeks of the month, so it might be …

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5 in 5 from Bryce Eiman & some other things.

I’ve been a little quiet lately while working in secret.  Hope you all are doing well

So this week looks like it’s going to be a big week with a bunch of things going on.  I got the audio mastering …

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Fingers, Interviews, Dream

So I commonly walk around saying, “I’ve got ten fingers & ten toes & access to clean water; I have nothing to complain about.”  Today when I was walking around the lake I saw this dude who’s arms were coated …

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So I guess some of you know about my love for the band Hefner.  I mean, I did the song “Every Prince” based on “I Stole a Bride” on the Remora album Derivative.  Anyway, today I did a cover of …

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QRD, Life Begins at Rewirement, Dreams

So I got up the new issue of QRD in the guitarist series.  I’ll have another issue wrapping up some loose ends before the hiatus.

So I’ve had a couple weird dreams lately about eating meat.  More info on …

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Warren Ellis & Firetail & stuff

So yesterday Warren Ellis put a Firetail track on his Spektrmodule Podcast.  Which is super exciting in a lot of ways.  I’m pretty stoked about it as an interest point in Silber & having something go full circle with …

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4 Responses to Warren Ellis & Firetail & stuff

  1. Nick says:

    I always thought that mwvm would have made you rich. Apparently I’m still wrong.

    • I feel that way about almost every band on the label & I’ve been wrong every time.

      • Nick says:

        Seriously though, the reason why Heller Mason or Jamie Barnes didn’t sell well it’s a mystery to me…

        • When the first Jamie Barnes came out I kinda got a lot of flack. Because there had been a string of super dark records compared to that & people were like, “Why the hell did Silber put out a folk pop record?” My answer was, “Because it’s really good.”