Category Archives: daily news

Buttons & Dreams

So I did the button workshop yesterday.  It didn’t do too well.  A big rainy day.  I made $12 for 3 hours of time.  Sigh.  But that’s how it goes sometimes.  Gotta try things out to figure out what works.…

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So I think the first draft of my dream diary book is completed.  I still need a title for it if anyone has any ideas.

Last Night’s Dreams:
Pope Francis steps down.  The new pope is Charles Brown from Ireland.  …

Posted in books, daily news, dreams | Tagged | 1 Comment

One Response to Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    funny about your dream cuz when i was in HS in D-land, some new kid bragged about being a surfer, even had the frosty dumb hair and then we find out he’s from michigan. maybe you dreamt of him.

Breaking Stuff

So a while ago I was trying to figure out somethings about how to play with video in a primitive analog way (not using a computer) & I noticed that my Kaosspad had RCA jacks just like the video RCA …

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Buttons, Beaches, & Dreams

So I’m doing a Kickstarter project again.  This time out I am doing a series of buttons by some of my artist friends.  If it’s successful, I’ll do another series in the near future.  This time out the artists …

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One Response to Buttons, Beaches, & Dreams

  1. Peter says:

    I dreamed that I went to see U2 and it was boring.

Podcast Bonanza

So to prove my absolute nerdishness, I appear on not one, but two podcasts in the past few days.

On Gutter Trash episode 236 we talked about the movie Miami Connection & just a bunch of random crap.

On Charlie

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Louisvillle, Dayton, & Dreams

Back in Dayton after spending a few days in Louisville with Arlo & Kelsey & Jamie Barnes as well as appearing at Derby City Comic Con hosted by Chuck Moore of Comic Related.  I’d had a vague hope for …

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Comics & Dreams

I ended up doing an interview with Jason Young on the radio last night on WYSO.  I think there is supposed to be a way to listen to it online if you go over to their website, but I …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Comics & Dreams

  1. Nick says:

    good song

A Partial Understanding….

So I stumbled across this video.  It kinda helps me understand my problems with Silber these days.  That I’ve lost the feeling of mastery & purpose & being self-directed over the past few years.  That I used to feel like …

Posted in daily news, video | Tagged | 2 Comments

2 Responses to A Partial Understanding….

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    i wish this was an essay. it started off interesting to me but then as it went a long i felt like the general message was that people should do what they love and give it away for free and this will make the world a better place (says everybody but the financial industry who will profit and collect fees etc. take advantage of all the opportunities that creates prices that you must pay and the companies that take advantage of the free/lowcosts to profit). I feel like it was video sponsored by TechDirt. Would be great to read the studies i think and

  2. Brian John Mitchell says:

    My favorite part is when the guy says, “why do people make music on the weekends? clearly it won’t get them money or help them find a mate.”

Comics & Dreams

Been a few days.  Gotten a few things done in the comics end of things.  Finally completed a rough draft for Ultimate Lost Kisses #13 (still need to figure out who is going to draw it).  I talked to Melissa …

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Stuff & Dreams

So Maker Faire over the weekend went pretty great.  I made a hundred or so custom buttons for kids that they drew at the event.  At times it felt like working retail & at other times it felt like teaching …

Posted in buttons, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Stuff & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    i think that XO thing happened in real life up here and played out on a PeterPan bus.