Category Archives: daily news

Home Dreams

I successfully made it home.  Trying to get the orders received in my absence filled & laying out new comics to print before going out for a week & a half with Irata down to Florida & back.  When I …

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Returns & Dreams

The tour is wrapping up fast.  Then home for a few days trying to catch up on work, then back out with Irata.  We’ll see what happens.  Today I accidentally spent $60 on comics.  So much for making money on …

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Down Time & Dreams

So today was a day off & it was super productive.  I got the Yellow6 & Carl Kruger 5 in 5 EPs up (waiting to hear back from the both of them before starting the promo push) after having finished …

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One Response to Down Time & Dreams

  1. Peter says:

    I found the beard and put it on.

Sickness & Dreams

So I’ve been out of town for over a month now on the road.  Finally got a bad cold, which sucks.   Last night’s show & tonight’s are only thirty minutes apart, so staying at the same hotel & hopefully I’ll …

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Long Days

Not a lot going on.  Today marks the third eight hour plus drive day in a row on the tour.  Which makes me even more exhausted & cranky than normal.  On the plus side I am getting some comic stuff …

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One Response to Long Days

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    this is one reason why i prefer to “tour” in the north east. the time we went to texas/midwest was probalby the worst touring experience.

Sad Dreams

So one of the things this tour is really hitting me hard about is that I really don’t feel like I have a home anymore.  It’s been two years now since my grandmother went into a coma & died in …

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One Response to Sad Dreams

  1. Peter says:

    You guys should sing “Tiny Dancer” on the bus.

My life recently (ignoring actual important emotional trauma bits)

I wrote a few comics (XO & REH) & have been reading a ton of comics (mainly Archies, review coming soon).  Still trying to figure out exactly how to actually get work done.  Wrote a few little pieces about life …

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One Response to My life recently (ignoring actual important emotional trauma bits)

  1. hi brian says:

    “it’s 100 but you can’t touch” was probably the funniest/creepiest thing i’ve heard someone say in their sleep.


So not a lot to say.  I finally got a chance to type in some reviews for Nostalgia Equals Distortion & Finally Checking It Out that have been sitting in my little notebook that lives in my pocket.  So those …

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Finally Checking It Out – Dreadstar: The Price by Jim Starlin

Dreadstar: The Price

Growing up Dreadstar might have been the first non-mainstream comic I bought.  It was put out by Marvel (under the Epic banner) so it was available at newsstands & it was about a revolutionary war in outer space so it …

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2 Responses to Finally Checking It Out – Dreadstar: The Price by Jim Starlin

  1. Nick Marino says:

    Last year I read a bunch of the color Dreadstar stuff for the first time. #1-16 if I remember correctly. It was fantastic. Even though it has a lot of old school things going on with the art and story, it’s still a terrific read.

  2. hi brian says:

    it’s like they just got the new maiden single.

Las Vegas, Touring, QRD, Dreams

All the little free newspapers for prostitutes creep me out (especially the ones that specialize in women age 40-60+ because I can’t pretend those are young girls making poor choices that will straighten up later).  It’s just not me thing …

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