Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

Recording & dreams

So still working on the album for Phillip Palmer.  Pretty long day (around 12 hours with a couple meal breaks) of recording & hitting learning curves (hopefully).  Looks like we might only be getting a song done per day, though …

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Past Few Days

So I know I haven’t been doing blog entries like usual.  Sorry about that.  Back on Wednesday I did a 24 hour album for Somehow Ecstatic.  I’m not 100% satisfied with the mixes, but I am inspired by the …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Past Few Days

  1. Peter says:

    Get to the choppa!

Out of the Unknown

So today I got some stuff done.  I took my car for it’s second inspection failure & tomorrow I take it for the DMV to give me a waiver hopefully.  I put in the solid state drive in my laptop.  …

Posted in daily news, dreams, movies & television, music | Tagged , | 1 Comment

One Response to Out of the Unknown

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    you should move to Iceland

Silber August Charts

So most of the day I just moped around since after the past few days’ bad luck I got up hoping for the best & the toaster started an electrical fire at breakfast.  I did manage to build the last …

Posted in comics, daily news, music, silber monthly charts | Tagged | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Silber August Charts

  1. Peter says:

    Did you get the toaster fire on Ustream?

Rough Day & Dreams

I like to think I try to play the blog pretty positive ever since Shaun Sandor called me out on it seeming to bitter & depressing back in 2008.  So I guess first I should mention I got invited to …

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Been Gone

So as you probably pieced together by now, I was out of town for almost two weeks.  I got a lot of photos taken & a couple little video things (including a Small Life Form performance) that may be used …

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Last Night’s Dream:
I meet up with Nathan Amundson & he’s wearing a suit.  He says, “You have to dress to impress.”  For reasons inexplicable to me, we end up going to Walmart to buy the newest Pirates of the …

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Last Night’s Dreams:
Chuck Moore (Comic related) is running an officially licensed Twilight Zone comic.  He gives out blue satin jackets to contributors with a patch saying “Twilight Zone” & the year they contributed.  At a convention I have a …

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Last Night’s Dream:
Hanging out with Walter white & Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad). I’ve just crossed over from always calling Walter “Mister white” to occasionally calling him “Walt.”  There’s a four year-old girl we’re taking care of that …

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Remora shirt, Out of the Unknown, Mead, Dream

Did some work on some potential Remora t-shirts.  Let me know which design you prefer.

In mead news, I tried to test the corn syrup instead of honey brew on my half-brother Joseph.  The answer is in, the corn syrup …

Posted in beer, daily news, dreams, movies & television, music | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

5 Responses to Remora shirt, Out of the Unknown, Mead, Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    The space on the one with just handgun and sword and arms spread is good. but nothing says party like guns, guitars and blades!

    the club looks like he’s holding a giant chicken finger.

  2. I came to party :-)

  3. Peter says:

    Guitar, gun, blade, add party hat or noisemaker.

  4. GoddakkAttack says:

    is it too late to put lottie dottie on the back?

  5. Peter says:

    That’s what’s missing!