Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

Stuff is Happening

I don’t update the blog like I used to.  Maybe one day I’ll get back to it, but I just realized I hadn’t really talked about the Kickstarter I have running that ends in a couple days.  It was kind …

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New Music & New Interviews

So I have been working on a bunch of Silber stuff non-stop for several days.  I stopped when the power went out & to take my wife to the doctor, but pretty much if I’ve been awake I’ve been grinding.  …

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A Dash of Southern Pride

Getting some things going here in Silberia today.

Comics – first drafts of REH #10, REH – Another Life #1, & a random future issue of XO.

Music – Finished mastering the M is We record & sent to Michael …

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Lots is up

So I know I haven’t been doing blog entries lately.  I’m not really sure why.  There’s been a lot going on.

First off a couple weeks ago the Kaiju Temple comp came out.  Its a soundtrack to Joe Badon’s Terra …

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Buy business space vs. rent? The advantages and disadvantages at a glance

To make your decision easier, here are the main pros and cons about renting versus buying an office space.

Many entrepreneurs are confronted one day with the question of whether it is better to buy or rent the office space. …

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Signal, Noise, & Newsgroups

Over the past couple of years Facebook Groups have really risen to prominence as a way to get the word out about creative work.  Unfortunately they have also proliferated to the point they are hard to keep track of & …

Posted in comics, music | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Signal, Noise, & Newsgroups

  1. lullabier says:

    This will be definitely useful for my new VeniVersus label-adventure. Brian thanks for everything you do!

Somewhat Relevant – Babadook

For the last few years it seems like horror movies are really focused toward gore & torture porn & sexy teenagers.  Maybe that’s always been true & it’s just gotten less appealing to me as I’ve gotten older & the …

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Somewhat Relevant – Whiplash

So the main reason I wanted to see this movie was it got some praise from Scotty Irving (Clang Quartet) & it’s rare for him to bother to talk about films that aren’t about super heroes or giant …

Posted in art, movies & television, music, somewhat relevant | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Somewhat Relevant – Whiplash

  1. I watch all kinds of movies, but seldom feel compelled to say anything, as you have said. This movie disturbed me on many levels, which is why I felt the need to comment. J K Simmons is a great actor. He played this character a little TOO well for me, at times. This movie reminded me of many aspects of life that I have dealt with far too often, such as: abusive fellow bandmates, family indifference, and even an abusive Boy Scout leader. Am I saying I am a wuss and can’t take it? Maybe. Watching something on screen that reminds me of aspects of my real life is not easy for me. Yes, I do think it is a great movie, but I will probably never watch it again.

    • I hear you Scotty. It can be too close to home, but I imagine some of those bandmates are who pushed you to be the incredible drummer you are. I always just quit bands when things got hard….

Silber Top of the Pops

I thought some of you might be interested in what’s been popular on the Silber website so far in 2015.  I’m kinda surprised that the newest 5in5 aren’t dominating things, but that may be in part because we’ve been pushing …

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So I had three new comics I thought would be assembled & shipped out last week, but they weren’t.  But I have a good excuse this time!  I was in the hospital with my wife.  I’ve been slow to announce …

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