Tag Archives: Sarah June

slow post

Spent a lot of time trying to find some review outlets for the Lost Kisses DVD & it’s looking harder than I anticipated.  I suppose what I should do is go to a store & look at where all the …

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XO, Aarktica, Moodring, Sarah June

I got the second draft of the next XO sent to Melissa to proof.  Assuming everything’s good I’ll lay it out so she can start drawing it tomorrow.

Got the first drafts for the art for Aarktica’s new album In

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Split A Lot of Ways

Finally have the first few copies of comic promos ready to ship out tomorrow morning.  Hopefully they’ll all be ready to ship by Monday.  The assembly speed has been slowed down by the work on finding more promo places & …

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I got the rough draft of Just a Man #2 written.  I think I might be putting in a few too many hidden guns (basically foreshadowing) in the story.  But I guess it helps me have definitive places to go …

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A Productive Day

Got some more work done on Sarah June’s record.  I have some real hopes for it to be Silber’s magic bullet.  I mean, I’ve never released something with commercial appeal where the artist was willing/able to tour.

Hotel Hotel had …

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Today will end with creative content

It feels like a successful show if you sell merch, regardless of the attendance these days.

Doing some more work on the Sarah June record today.

Working on some Remora & Small Life Form tracks for compilations.

Getting the Worms …

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Burning Fingers

So probably the most important thing I did today is burn three fingers on my left hand making sweet potato fries.  Luckily I only need to use one finger for half the songs in the Remora catalog.  Maybe they’ll be …

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Recording & Stereofying

Recorded some more Remora demos, all just little guitar ideas that may or may not ever make it into the catalog; but it’s a good idea to have a back catalog of riffs for when the well runs dry again.…

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