Tag Archives: remora

Being one with the paper cutter

I hate it when it erases my entry & I need to re-write it.

So I’ve spent what seems like half the day fighting with my Brother HL-5040 Laser Printer trying to convince it to print out the copies of …

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Lame Days

So I finally got the files for the Small Life Form recording swapped over to a form I could use (see yesterday’s entry).  I probably spent about 7 hours working on it in the end, which is absolutely ridiculous.  But …

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seeking help

For anyone interested in doing some intern work (predominantly over the internet) I am in need of some help.  Maybe you’re curious for more of how the industry works or maybe you already run a small label & are looking …

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New QRD, New LK, Remora Remix contest

Some of you probably already know some of this stuff, especially since the new LK has been my avatar for a month….

The new issue of our webzine QRD is a series of interviews with indie
record store owners about …

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Garfield without Garfield & Free Releases from mwvm & Remora

Well, we got some free music for you this time out, plus we wanted to tell you about this cool comic called Garfield without Garfield recommended by Martin of Plumerai.

mwvm - rotations remixed mwvm – rotations remixed
MP3 Remix EP 2008 | Silber
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mwvm, Vlor, Remora, xo, Lost Kisses

Always running slow on the updates lately, sorry about that….

The mwvm remix EP is essentially complete.  We should have it available to
you all for free download by the end of December.

Vlor‘s new album (six-winged)

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Remora, Plumerai, QRD

Remora is going to be in Pittsburgh, Bloomington (Indiana), & Cleveland next week.  Check out the calendar.

Plumerai has a video up you can watch on YouTube.  There’s also an article about Plumerai in Performer.

There’s a

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Remora on Tour plus a ton of reviews

Hey Kidz,

So here’s the latest Silber news….

Remora is going to be in Pittsburgh, Bloomington (Indiana), & Cleveland next week. Check out the calendar.

Plumerai has a video up you can watch on YouTube. There’s also an …

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Remora & Plumerai on Tour

A lot of live shows coming this next week from Plumerai & Remora (see below).

September 29 – Zebulon Cafe – Brooklyn, NY – FREE SHOW @ 8pm
October 1 – Garfield Artworks – Pittsburgh, PA
October 2 – …

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New Releases, Tours, & Radio Sessions

Out in stores today are Lycia’s Cold & mwvm’s rotations.  Out in about a month are new releases by Origami Arktika & Plumerai.  You can buy all the stuff on our front page.

In the new issue of

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