Lame Days

So I finally got the files for the Small Life Form recording swapped over to a form I could use (see yesterday’s entry).  I probably spent about 7 hours working on it in the end, which is absolutely ridiculous.  But then I should be able to work on it in the next couple of days.

Talked to Joe Kendrick (music director of WNCW) about whether or not I need to cut apart letter pressed CDs & repackage them in jewel cases to secure more airplay.  Thankfully the answer was, “No.”  The reason in the end is that they’d be easier to access, but they’d look amateur.

Talked to Shane Sauers (Starbage Hands, Northpole Records) & the letterpressed postcards for the next batch of releases are done & I should be getting them shortly so I can start working on the promos.  Also the Hote, Hotel letterpress art is done & should be finished next week.

Talked to Nic Slaton (New Music Solutions, slicnaton, Panthan) about partnering up on some post production work services for music.  Also about doing some more work on the Panthan catalog & possibly doing some totally horrible videos.  We’ll see what happens.

Talked to Tony (Handshake Records) about a possible Small Life Form tour in China next fall.  It’s a little up in the air

Set up the “studio” for recording the new Remora album.  But I guess that’s slightly on hold until I mix down the Small Life Form….

Peter Aldrich‘s birthday is today.  Send him a message.

I’m looking for some collaborators on a couple mini-comics again.  If you are interested in working with me in a timely manner, please let me know.  One of them has gone through 4 artists without anyone bringing it around to fruition & it’s kind of disconcerting….

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