Lost Kisses Daily – March 12

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 11

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mwvm, Dreams

As promised, here is the new mwvm available for free stream or download (donations appreciated).  Guitar ambient with a little western tinge & some angst on the inside.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m on the beach working on some comic scripts & the waves come up & grab them.  I’m able to recover the wet papers, but I’m not sure if the words are still on them.

I’m at a party.  Or I guess mostly a post party.  You know how grown-up parties are a whole weekend with people hungover more of the time than they’re actually drunk?  It’s one of those jobs & it’s a Saturday afternoon after staying up drinking to watch the sunrise.  I’m just sitting in a chair with a beautiful cover chair in the kitchen trying to ignore everyone & a girl comes up behind me & covers my eyes singing, “Guess who?”  She cranes her face around to me & uncovers my eyes.  I have no idea who she is.  I’m 95% certain I have never seen her before & 100% certain I have no idea who she is.  I hate fucking parties.

I go to see a friend of mine.  He lives far away & traffic can be unpredictable.  I end up getting there around 6am & he’s lying on the ground sleeping in the front yard under blankets that have become rags.  The dew is settled on the blankets & his face & I don’t think he’d look much different if he was dead.

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 10

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New Free Release from Electric Bird Noise!

So a lot of stuff going on around these parts.  Here’s the first musical release from us for 2012 – Electric Bird Noise: Live at The Basement.  It collects three live ensemble recordings of EBN as nearly 40 people instead of the usual one man backed by smoke & lights scenario.  Did I mention it’s free for either download or streaming?  Of course if you dig it & can donate money that’s always appreciated.

In the really soon upcoming news, free releases coming in the next two or three days from Plumerai & mwvm & then the new album from Northern Valentine & all the mini-comics officially launched.  Going to be a busy week with everything I’ve been working on that you haven’t been seeing the results of happening all at once.

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 9

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Kickstarter, Blog Strategies, REH

The big news is the Silber Mini-Comic Kickstarter went live today.  It is already half funded from just two backers, neither of whom have ever read my comics before (they are piers in a comic group).  So I’m pretty excited about that.  The things that are currently available on the Kickstarter campaign might not ever be available again, so yeah, buy some stuff while I’m making it.  Here’s my crap video about it.

So I don’t know if any of you have heard about this band Bleed Electric.  I’m not particularly impressed by whatever it is they’re trying to do personally (semi-whitty plunderphonic pop I guess), but I am interested in how they released their new EP.  What they did was they released the six songs as free individual downloads via six different music blogs (I’m not sure if it was all up on the same day or over the course of a week).  I mean, I guess it’s successful because here I am talking about a band I would never really listen to.  The thing is I just checked & they have less than 1000 followers on Facebook, so I’m kinda curious how they can get coverage when I can hardly get any bloggers to review Silber stuff which I’d guess has a similar low level of popularity.  I mean I guess the truth is they probably invested some money in a professional publicist & some ads in the blogs & given the low fan base I doubt it will pay for itself, but then again if it generates enough publicity to get one advertisement spot or to get a few seconds of a song played over a television newscast, it could pay for itself.  But I feel safer gambling a thousand dollars with the Bitcoin Code in the stock market than on music right now.

Trying to get a bunch more work done for getting my promo list ready for all the new stuff.  Always takes longer to update than anticipated.

Wrote a first draft for a new issue of REH.  I think that it may become my dominant series if I’m not careful.

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 8

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Remora, Contracts, Remixes, Puzzle Boxes, Etc….

So I got all my paperwork filled out & turned in for the release on Fluttery.  I’m always weird about if contracts should be in writing or not.  I think there’ve only been two or three written contracts in Silber history because I feel like either someone is going to do what they say or they’re not & if I’m not willing to sue them then there’s no point in a contract.  But I guess there were parts of the contract with Fluttery that I should implement as a form bands fill out when they get a release to me so I don’t have to ask for the stuff each time.  Basic info to build a press release, key tracks for radio play, RIYL bands, promotional photos, cover art, etc.  Seems obvious I might need that stuff, but sometimes releases get delayed pretty long because of not getting certain things.

I’m thinking about doing a remix kit thing for one of the songs on the new Remora record again.  Probably not as big of a production as I made about it for My Brothers Guns & Knives, but just something to generate a little extra interest in things.

Got some more mixing done for the father & son album from me & Andrew.  Adjusted vocals in one track & a fade in another.  I think it’s done except the artwork & press release, which as stated above can take a while.

I made the promo blurb stickers for the Northern Valentine.  I still need to write the tear sheet for distros, but that release is getting fairly ready to go.

I was trying to make some more puzzle boxes out of these multi-colored foam blocks I found at the dollar store.  I don’t know what they are made of, but neither wood glue or crazy glue will hold them together.  So now I might have a few too many foam blocks.  I’ll need to find something to do with them at some point.

So I got an Android smartphone (mainly because it was super cheap).  I haven’t switched to it yet, my experiences fiddling with it initially are similar to when I’ve used friends’ smartphones & didn’t like how hard it was to manipulate & I thought the internet was generally unusable with the screen size (especially the Silber site).  Anyway, curious if there’s any free music apps I should definitely add & if I really need to add an antivirus.  All I really want to be able to do on it is some text editing & maybe record some song ideas in file formats where I can pull the card out of the phone & then work on them in my computer as well.

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4 Responses to Remora, Contracts, Remixes, Puzzle Boxes, Etc….

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    shouldn’t you as the label be coming up with the RIYL artists. most bands have no idea what they really sound like.

    also ha at the android…welcome to 4 years ago! James got one too but as far as i can tell he only texts/email/calls. seems like a waste of the money spent on it, especially for the monthly costs.

    • Well, what happens when I do the RIYL is the band eventually gets pissed off because of the comparisons to whatever band it is they don’t like. Plus I like to think that a band knows more about the genre they are in than I do.

      The android I got was $25 with a two gig card in it & the service I use no longer offers a no-data plan. I was surprised it lets me get online via wi-fi before activating it. I was totally unimpressed by the fact that it had me link up to my google account to download apps & then automatically imported my whole address book into an unusable mess. I don’t see any possibility of me being able to use the thing for 90% of what I need a computer for, but maybe it will work for typing in short stories while riding in a van.

      • GoddakkAttack says:

        can’t comment on specifically the android but technically if your hands and eyes can handle it you’d be able to do most of what you do at home on it, although probably the annoyance frustration levels at maximum.

        • A lot of the work for running the business side of stuff is data entry things in Excel on worksheets that are 50 columns & about 1500 rows. So working on that using a display showing 3 columns & 5 rows sounds like a pain in the ass. I can only imagine trying to mix/master music or trying to design artwork on one of these things.
          I do think people using them as their dominant email platform explains why no one writes lengthy emails anymore as they are a pain to write on (compared to a normal keyboard) & to me not particularly pleasing even to try to read. & then they generally suck as a phone as well & can’t hold a charge for over a day? Worth $25 to me I guess, but I might not switch to it as my main phone until the current one goes dead.

Azalia Snail, Remora, Lost Kisses, Videos

Azalia Snail has a new project called LoveyDove.  I believe this is their first track & definitely their first video.

I did this little vocal thing.  I wasn’t going to bother to post it in the blog, but it got some positive feedback on Facebook.

I started working on drawing Lost Kisses #23.  Oddly I thought I had already drawn it.  Probably because I already have issues #24 & #25 already written & laid out for drawing & who would have those ready before finishing up #23?

Practiced with The Pointless Forest last night.  There’s totally something wrong with the bass rig that I’m using as it sounds like I’m always playing through a distortion pedal.  I kind of like the sound, but it’s also kind of ridiculous.  I already changed out my bass’s battery (active pickups) & that didn’t fix it.  Not sure of the next step to getting it right.  Anyway, there was a second bassist at the practice & it was interesting working with a third person (it’s been just me & Jesse most of the time for a while) & with a second bassist where sometimes he’d play high on the neck & sometimes I would & sometimes I’d do muted pops to simulate a drum sound.  It wasn’t amazing or anything, but it was interesting to get me to do something new.

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