Working Too Long

So I got out designs for getting in some shirts next week as well as seven new buttons for the comic convention thing.  Also of course continuing trying to get things set for fulfilling the Kickstarter.  I need to make seven more digital versions to complete the digital download rewards.  I am still working on staining the boxes for the box sets & getting the 2000 comics assembled.

I also finished up my taxes.  So that’s a relief.

Did some work trying to book a few last minute semi-local shows.  We’ll see what happens.

More work tomorrow….

Last Night’s Dream:
There’s a knock on the door.  It’s my son’s mother, but she’s ten years younger than me & ten years older than she ever made it to.  I pick her up & carry her into the house like a bride.

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Working Too Long

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    are you taxed on kickstarter dough?

    • They require a W2 to be filled out, so I’m sure it’s reported as income at the end of the year. So if you aren’t declared as a business & writing off the expenses, the government would take about another third of it when you file your taxes the next year. Kickstarter/Amazon took about 13% of the money off the top. So that would mean if you aren’t reporting stuff with yourself as self-employed, you probably lose half the money.

New Shirt?

So I’m thinking about doing a new Silber shirt.  Here’s the possible design.  Let me know what you think.

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Films about Cyborgs

So I had a couple movies playing yesterday while I was assembling comics.  One was Cyborg & I wrote about in on Nostalgia Equals Distortion.  The other was a suggested film from that called Cyborg She & I actually thought it was a pretty great sci-fi tear jerker romance.  So here it is.

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2 Responses to Films about Cyborgs

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    there’s this Korean movie called I’m A Cyborg But That’s Ok.

    it’s less about cyborgs and more about crazies but one of them thinks they’re a cyborg.

  2. N. says:

    Yeah, I’m A Cyborg But That’s Ok is a good movie. I knew a girl once that literally loved that movie – Now I guess I liked the movie because I liked the girl though…
    I’ll check Cyborg She.

Construction & Such

Spent most of the day staining boxes & printing comics.  Which is going to be most of my days for the next week or so I suppose.  Though I need to take a little time out to finish up my taxes & quarterly paperwork & I possibly have a music jam coming up & need to do some medical billing & master a record.  That sounds like a long list of stuff on the side.  But it’ll break up the monotony of physically constructing the comics.

I made a sample page where people can check out digital versions of some of the comics.  So all of you are welcome to go check it out here.  I also made subscriptions & the 60 comic box set available on the main comics page.

Over on Top Choons there’s a bunch of Silber stuff duking it out for the top of the charts – Electric Bird Noise, Northern Valentine, Plumerai, & mwvm are all up on it – so please go over & vote for one of them.

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Comics & Signal to Noise Content

So the Mini-Comic Kickstarter is going to end in a couple of hours.  It raised/sold over $2100 which is insane to me.  Not sure if it means I should get out of the music business & start pushing the comics even more.

In other Kickstarter news, I was asked to be part of a panel about Kickstarter at SPACE.

I spent most of the afternoon yesterday working on the wooden boxes for the comics.  I imagine for the next week or two except for filling new orders that doing stuff to fulfill the comic stuff is about all I am going to be doing.  Then again I do have to do my quarterly paperwork & I need to do follow-ups with the new releases & I have a record I’m supposed to master & a live video I should edit & post.  So… who knows what may come up.

As you may know, I try to keep up to date on social media promotion ideas.  So I read articles about it. I read about buying instagram followers which was one of the awesome idea for growing presence and growing popularity of business or products on Instagram, Facebook.  I read one yesterday that had an interesting segment (meaning one paragraph in a twenty page e-book) on “signal to noise”.  The idea was “signal” is free content & “noise” is call to action.  So “signal” is giving away songs & “noise” is asking someone to buy your album or come to your show.  They said you should give five signals for every noise & in addition you should have the same ration & look at anything about your band as noise & links to cool/fun stuff as signal.  Which may be right.

Yesterday I got a friend of mine to write about my Kickstarter on Buzzfeed & it got picked up for the front page & got over 2000 views (which generated three backers).  What made his post rise on Buzzfeed is it wasn’t about “here’s my friend’s Kickstarter” & instead was “here are five cool Kickstarter projects ending tomorrow” of which one was mine.  Which I thought was kind of brilliant as a way to market.  Like the way I should promote QRD would be to post about my five favorite music interview sites & have QRD as one of them next to Quietus & TapeOp & such & asking people “what are your five favorite & why?”  So yeah, I might eventually do that if I get off my butt & get QRD back rolling again (the last try at it doing 200 interviews in about a year in hopes of generating ad revenue, failed from an ad revenue side & was a bunch of work).

instagram followers

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One Response to Comics & Signal to Noise Content

  1. Nick Marino says:

    Mega-congrats on the Kickstarter! I’m so happy it worked out like this.

Comics & Postage & Checking Things Out & Stuff

I’ve spent the past couple of days split between working on my quarterly paperwork, drawing Lost Kisses #23, & prepping the boxes for the comic box sets.  Amazing how long it takes me to draw stickfigures.  Anyway, while doing this I’ve been watching some movies & posting about them on Finally Checking It Out.

So I was talking with one of my distros & they’ve recently signed a deal that should make the Silber back catalog more readily available in Europe.  We’ll see if it really comes to fruition.

So last week one of the Northern Valentine CDs came back saying it didn’t have enough postage on it.  Since only one came back I figured a postman couldn’t count stamps & sent it back.  Yesterday I was in a rush to get some international packages out & I had a domestic I paid for at the counter & the price was $0.24 more than I expected for the package.  Turns out they raised the postal rates in January & no one told me about it.  Mailing a CD domestic costs $2.12 now.  Makes me think about increasing the prices.  So basically after the envelope, Paypal fee, shipping, & CD manufacturing cost I’m getting $7 per order to try to use to recoup expenses for a release & then split with a band towards royalties.  What do you think is a fair price for a release given that I include shipping in the price?  Is $12 domestic & $14 international too low or is it reasonable or should I just think more about fading out physical sales all together?

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So I had a semi-productive day.  I got some orders out & some promo work done & a comic laid out & some final drafts done for an issue of XO & an issue of Marked.   I also wrote up a piece on Nostalgia Equals Distortion about this movie I saw as a kid called The Lathe of Heaven.  Days can slip away easily enough.


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Catching Up on Bad News

So I did some work today trying to spread the word about the Kickstarter comics thing on LinkedIn & Craigslist.  I’ve never really tried to use either of those communities for anything before.  While doing it on LinkedIn I found some music supervisors to contact & while using Craigslist I found a place that might work out for selling my puzzle boxes.  So we’ll see if it works out.

I made a little ad campaign for the Kickstarter on Facebook for the next few days.  I have it done to spend up to $10 (going pay per click) over the next couple of days, so one or two backers would make it pay for itself.  Curious to see if it will get any clicks or not.

I got an email from Martin Bowes (Attrition) today saying he’s trying to do more mixing, remixing, & mastering at his studio The Cage if any of you might be in need of his services.  In related Attrition news there should be a new album & possibly a north american tour by the end of 2012.

Trying to get caught up on the promo stuff for the new releases with having been out of town for a couple days.

I don’t know how many of you were friends with Lee Jackson (he wrote for Foxy Digitalis & The Broken Face), but he died last week.  He was just 38, so it messes with me a bit.  Especially given my event over the weekend.

The band that I’ve been jamming with (The Pointless Forest) got kicked out of the practice space over the weekend.  We’ll see what happens as far as finding a new place to practice or if things just dissolve or what.

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Music, Comics, Death, Poetry, & Dreams

Right now a bunch of Silber songs are nominated over on TopChoons.  Northern Valentine, MWVM, & Plumerai are all duking it out for a space on the charts.  So if you could vote for your favorite & spread the word, I’d appreciate it.

Here’s the issue of Deconstructing Comics that I’m on for a short little interview talking about my comics.

The Silber Comics Kickstarter now passed my monetary goal, but is still a couple short of my goal for number of backers.  I also got my first person backing at the level to get a comic inspired by them.  It’s interesting to me that the guy who backed at that level is a college professor, as most people who know me well know I feel like in general the current american higher education system is predatory.  He sent me a video of one of his lectures as a starting point for my comic & it’s actually pretty interesting to me because he talks about how the job of any educator is to be a good story teller & use stories to transfer knowledge.  Here’s a link.  Anyway, I’m super excited to get to assemble comics that are actually sold instead of just making a bunch of comics in hope that one day someone will be interested.

So as some of you may know, this weekend I went up with my family 500 miles north to put my grandmother’s ashes in the ground.  She died last October.  I started living with her & taking care of her with my mother in 2003, in 2007 it got to a point where my mother & I couldn’t handle taking care of her & we put her in a home, in 2008 I quit my day job so that she could come back to the house with the care I wanted her to have.  Which meant me handling things from making her meals, to bathing her, to carrying her when she fell, to walking several miles everyday pushing her in a wheelchair.  I’d kinda thought that I was “over things” & pretty functional at this point.  But this weekend with me getting down on the ground & physically putting her remains in the earth kinda screwed me up pretty bad.  I realize that my situation is not unique or special or whatever & I feel like a broken record sometimes (then again I am a fan of loops), but I really get tired of people saying they understand how I feel or that I did a good job.  I just gave a loved one what they needed & unless you’ve got Aspergers & have given a family member that degree of care for that long you probably don’t know how I feel other than the vague statement of “not very good.”  It all goes back to the book of poetry where Silber got it’s name (Demain de Monsieur Silber) & the bit where Kay Sage writes something like “when you walk a tightrope, at the least thing you fall & break your neck, leave me alone, I will manage by myself.”

In combining ideas from those previous two paragraphs, I’ve been thinking about releasing some of my comic scripts that I’m having trouble finding artists for as narrative poetry.  I’m also thinking of doing something where it’s “comics without pictures” in the style of Garfield Minus Garfield just for fun.  We’ll see if/when I find the time to pull that off.

The first leg of the tour with The Independents I was supposed to go out on this week ended up getting canceled.  Kinda sad because I was looking forward to getting out of the house, but also kinda relieved because it gives me more time to work on assembling all the comics & working on some other things of my own.

Recent Dreams:
I’m at a comic shop in my grandmother’s home town & there’s another comic shop on the same block.  I’m talking to the owner about how awesome it is to be in a non-super hero oriented shop & how cool it is that this small town can support to comic shops on the same block while where I live can barely support one shop in a population of half a million people.  Then the owner tells me the other shop is going to probably be shut down by the end of the month.

I’m driving my car in Saint Louis at one of those massive highway intersections that looks like a child prodigy designed it for the DOT with a Hot Wheels set as the inspiration.  I’m following the directions from my Garmin & take an exit where the downward slope is so steep I have to ride my brakes to go slow enough to not flip the car over.  The exit corkscrews down & it ends up that at the bottom the road is flooded & my car glides in & sinks in three feet of water.

I’m collecting old rusted ball bearings from a site that was once a factory, but time has already taken out the buildings & weeds are reclaiming & cracking the cement.  The ball bearings aren’t steel or they wouldn’t rust like this.  In fact I’m not sure that they are really ball bearings at all.  One of them is cracked in half & the inside is crystalline & looks like lead.  What are these things?

I go back to high school because I never graduated.  I don’t know if I can handle being around teenagers….

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Grants & More

So I spent a few hours applying for a month long residency at a recording studio in Finland at the end of the summer.  We’ll just have to wait & see if it happens.

On the radio yesterday I heard this author talking about what people wanted to read & she was saying people wanted to read something about good fighting evil in a way that makes them feel like they are good.  Which is interesting.  I’m not sure if it is true (or always true) or not.  I guess we do all want to be good & to be heroes to some degree.

I updated the Silber Mini-Comics Kickstarter page a bit to have pictures of the boxes.  My personal goal for the campaign is 50 contributors & $1000 (currently 39 contributors & $808), so if you can tell your friends about it I’d appreciate it.

I’m going to be going out of town to bury my grandmother’s ashes tomorrow & then next week it looks like I’ll be going out with The Independents for a few days.

I got some more work done on the promo for the Northern Valentine as well as getting it off to distributors.  Not to mention getting things ready for the mini-comic stuff.

Last Night’s Dream
I’m involved with a heist.  The kind of heist where you’re way more scared of getting caught by the people you’re ripping off than by the cops.  I’m the only one of the seven of us that I think made it out of the house & I have a duffel bag full of cash.  I make it back to my townhouse & go in the attic & I cut a hole in the wall to hide money in the attic of the next unit.  How am I going to be able to clean this money so I can use it?  Is someone going to break in tonight & kill me in my sleep?  I draw up the stairs, tonight I’m sleeping in the attic.

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