QRD, Buttons, Clang Quartet, Rllrbll, Dreams

So I was looking into making things easier for people to share with Facebook & Twitter on the QRD portion of the site.  When I added the buttons, it just made things look too branded & clunky for me (which is saying something given my standards!).  In the end it was just me wasting a few hours trying to figure out something on the internet.  What else is new?

In other time wasting news, I’ve been trying to find some glow in the dark paper that I’ll be able to use for making buttons.  Google seems to be running me in circles looking for it as it seems to all either be vinyl instead of paper or have adhesive on the back.  We’ll see if I manage to track down something that will work or not.  In the meantime, I did find something that might work for making buttons with silver backings.

Here’s a video of Clang Quartet from International Noise Conference:

Here’s a new video from Rllrbll:

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m on a road trip & I stop at a rest area to use the bathroom.  There’s an old man cleaning the place.  It’s my grandfather who’s been dead for 20 years.

The man’s dying because he was surgically altered to gestate a clone of Christ made from a sample from the Lanciano eucharist.  The child has died & the necrosis is spreading throughout his body.

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The new QRD is up!  21 interviews with cartoonists.  I hope you all enjoy it & can help spread the word.  Issue #58.  Makes me feel like it could make it to issue #100.  I guess I’d be past 200 if I’d stuck with the original formula of two interviews per issue.

Still trying to get some other work done as well.  The recording session today was kaboshed because Ted has the flu (but hey, it allowed me to finish QRD).  We’ll see what happens over the next couple of days.  I’ve been in a pretty bad funk as far as not getting much work done the past week or two & I’m hoping to spin that around soon.

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Plumerai, Moodring, Electric Bird Noise, Small Life Form, Dreams & More

So I’m still in the midst of trying to get the promo ball running for the Electric Bird Noise & the stuff from the 5 in 5 series.  This past weekend of course were the release party shows (featuring Small Life Form opening) in Myrtle Beach & Wilmington & Karla Anne Lineback wrote a pretty in depth review of the shows on auralmemories.  I’ll have some video up soonish I hope & I’ll probably put some photos up on Tumblr fairly soon.

So I use Twitter quite a bit as you know & I do my best to follow all the blogs & DJs & such that have ever supported Silber.  Evidently there’s a limit of how many people you can follow on Twitter of 2000 & I hit it.  So today I had to go through & unfollow a couple hundred folks.  I kinda hate doing that.  I’ve never figured out how to really use Twitter anyway as far as building a community on it instead of just micro-blogging.  So I’ll just try to stay satisfied that I can still use it the way I want to.

Here’s a new video from Plumerai for their song “Mimosa.”

Here’s a super short new video from Moodring.

It’s probably also worth noting that Irata is working on a music video.

I also feel like I should mention that If Thousands is back in the studio.  I don’t know what the results will be in the end.

I don’t really know too much about it, but Lycia is going to have some vinyl put out relatively soon on Handmade Birds.

Going to be working on some recordings tomorrow with Ted Johnson as well as trying to finish up a Small Life Form comp track & wrapping up the next QRD in the next few days.  We’ll see how much I can get done.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m in high school sitting outside in the yard at a picnic table with a group of folks I wouldn’t call me friends, but I am part of their clique.  Word comes in that cops are coming in & we all run, trying to get in the building before getting rounded up.  Everyone but me goes the main route & cops in riot gear get them all boxed in.  I’m following the edge of the campus, running in the two foot space between some storage buildings & the ten foot chainlink fence.  I cut over to get to an entrance into the main building & there’s just one cop blocking the way.  He has a neon yellow baton & is crouched to try to hit me at the knee.  I manage to kick the club out of his hand & he pulls his gun & tells me to lay face down & pretend I took the hit.  I lay down & he puts a sheet of black plastic over me & then I get a hit to the head that knocks me out.  I come to leaning over a desk in a storage room rather than a class room & there are two teachers looking over me & the dozen other kids in the room instead of cops.  I ask if I can go to the bathroom & the teacher tells me I need to go up two flights of stairs to get to the nearest bathroom & she gives me a glass carafe & asks me to fill it at the water fountain.  I take the carafe & when I get to the main floor I realize that the school is the largest building I’ve ever been in other than an airport terminal.

There’s some dude hitting on my girlfriend.  He says he makes over a million dollars a year selling real estate.  I ask him how much he makes a month & he says about $100,000.  This dude’s a fucking liar.

I don’t know who my masters are, but I’m a slave.  It’s gotten to the point that when they whip my back, even to the point of bleeding, I can’t really feel it any more; I just take it as a fact of life.

I’m out of town on work.  When I get home my grandmother has died alone without me.

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Eelectric Bird Noise, Small Life Form, Dream

So today is the CD release show for Electric Bird Noise down in Myrtle Beach.  I’m going down to open with a Small Life Form set & then singing on two of the songs from the album.  The SLF set is going to use the Paper Jamz drums a bit.  I’ll try to stream the thing, so keep an eye out for a Twitter post when the streaming starts for the show tonight.  Going to try to stream the show tomorrow night at Squidco in Wilmington as well.  We’ll see what happens.  Here’s the SLF practice session yesterday.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m walking home in the rain on the side of a four lane road without a sidewalk.  I come up to a stoplight & a bus is stopped waiting for the light to change & I climb up on the bike rack & ride it to get a few blocks closer to home.

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Just a bunch of things happening.

So I’ve been pretty busy this past week trying to get some headway on the promotion for the new Electric Bird Noise record.  Here’s a pretty in depth interview he did about the album.

I also managed to help Martin Newman get an interview about Goddakk on Extreme Underground.  The formatting is weird, so you need to highlight some of the text to get most of the interview to appear.

I did a silent (that means no words) painted comic for this year’s SPACE anthology.  Waiting for the paint to dry so I can scan it in.  If you’ve seen my paintings in person before, you know they can take a few days to dry because I put it on thick to build texture.  It’s going to be 24 small canvases mounted onto three larger canvases & I guess I might try to sell it in the end, though I’m not sure what the price point should be.  It’s called “Silent Call” & is a Cthulhu-esque thing. Here’s a few of the loose small canvases.

The one headlight on my car went out, so I went to Walmart to get a replacement bulb.  I went to the clearance to section while I was in there to see if they had any cool noise making gadgets & they had the Paper Jamz drum things for just $9.50!  It has a headphone jack out, so I’m pretty stoked about actually being able to use the thing in a band setting at some point.

I got a Remora song recorded the other day for a compilation.  I guess I’ll just have to wait & see if it gets used or not.  I got asked to do a Small Life Form track for another comp & I’m hoping to do that tomorrow, but we’ll see what happens.

I got in a thing for making some polymer clay casts of the silberspy logo.  We’ll see how long it is before I have time to fool around with it.

So it looks like the Remora: Droneuary Kickstarter is pretty unlikely to get funded.  But I think I’m happier to not spend a month working hard on a record to find out how little interest there is.  I’m still planning on working on the album eventually, but just in a less intense way if the funding comes through.

Been working on proofing the interviews for the next QRD.  Taking longer to get things done than anticipated as always.

Here’s a little animated GIF I made from taking pictures of the sun reflected in the creek.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’ve taken some drug that’s supposed to be able to make me work faster, but all it seems to do is make my heart run like a freight train & I’m sure my heart is going to collapse.

I’m walking by the lake & I slip down the bank.  My feet are about to hit the water (though it seems like something stronger than water based on my fear) & I’m trying to call for help, but I can’t get my voice to work.  The more I try to climb up the more I slip down the bank.

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Young Christian Couple (short story)

“I want to fuck you.”
“I know.  I want to fuck you too.”
“Then why are our pants on?”
She’s lying on top of me on the couch.  The only light is the flicker from a muted TV.  “You know why,” I tell her.  “I know that fucking you will be awesome, but I want you to be the last girl I ever fuck & that means waiting until we’re married.”
“I know.  It sucks.”
“Yeah, but it will be awesome.”  I kiss her full on the mouth & then roll her over so her back’s against my chest.  I put my right hand down her pants & touch her until her body’s shaking on top of me.
She rolls back over to face me & kisses me & says, “You’re such a tease.”

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Electric Bird Noise, Buttons, Comics, & Dreams

A brand new album is available from Electric Bird Noise called Desert Jelly.  It’s a bit different than a lot of his previous work.  No dronefest, in fact no guitar; it’s all synths & half of it borders on being new wave pop.  Oh, & I sing on three tracks & some kitty cats sing on another.  Check it out when you get a chance.

Been doing a bunch of work for the button stuff.  It’s nice to get some work done in a day & get paid for it then rather than hypothetically one day getting paid for the work down the line (like in music or comics).  I got in some new parts for making zipper pulls & magnets instead of just pins.  I still need to calculate out the cost for that & update the page to sell them.  Debating raising some of the other prices as well, maybe $25 for B&W & an extra $1 for colored paper & $5 extra for color.  Also I need to check what the international shipping prices actually are & set that as well.

I’m going to be the editor or the SPACE comics anthology again this year & I drew out a rough draft for a short painted comic for my contribution.  Just need to knock out the 24 images.  Hopefully in the next day or two.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I love her like a sister.  I’m holding her, trying to keep her still.  I can’t tell if she’s shivering because she’s cold or scared.

I’m driving home after a show & that are some college kids goofing off on the sidewalk.  One of them jumps out in the street in front of me & I don’t slam on the brakes because I don’t want equipment slinging forward & hitting me in the head.  He jumps out of the street when he realizes I’m not going to stop & yell at him.  I clip his foot & keep driving.  I can see him on the ground with his buddies laughing at him in the rearview mirror.

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Silber Monthly Charts for January 2013

Here’s the monthly charts for what people were checking out on the website in January. Look into anything you don’t know about.

Top Five Most Read Silber Digital Comics in January
1. Cyberpunk Apocalypse: Artistic Evidence
2. Ultimate Lost Kisses #11
3. REH #1
4. XO #1
5. Star #2

Top Five Most Read About Silber Releases in January
1. Electric Bird Noise – Music from the Short Film Icarus City
2. Remora – I Came to Party
3. Plumerai – Mondegreen
4. Northern Valentine – Juno
5. Irata – Vultures

Top Ten Silber Album Downloads in January
1. Plumerai – Marco Polo
2. mwvm – Had Yr Pash
3. Rllrbll – Murwa Mbwa
4. Various Artists – 30 Seconds of Time
5. Unspeakable Forces – Butterfly Corpse
6. Northern Valentine – Fin De Siecle
7. Panthan – Five Pointed Swords
8. Clang Quartet – Ava
9. Brian John Mitchell & Andrew Weathers – Drone is in the Blood
10. Small Life Form – Voice in the Sky

Top Five Most Read QRD Interviews in January
1. Erin O’Brien (issue 29 (2005))
2. John Porcellino (issue 56 – Indie Comic Special III (2012))
3. Nick Reinhart (issue 43 – Guitarist Interviews III (2010))
4. Alan Sparhawk (issue 46 – Guitarist Interviews IV (2010))
5. Agata of Melt-Banana (issue 43 – Guitarist Interviews III (2010))

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Droneuary, Goddakk, 5 in 5, Dreams

So I haven’t really tried my big push for Droneuary yet.  I think I tweeted about it once & then it posted from there to Facebook twice.  But I went through & made it so it advertises on all the content pages of QRD & has a 25% chance of showing up on the pages for Silber Records.   I’m a little too lazy to add it to all the blog pages.  We’ll see if that helps at all.  I am still developing certain ideas for the project.  Getting some potential collaborators together & stuff like that.  So far it has only two backers, but the good news (or bad news?) is I don’t think I know either of them.  So my narrative on their must be a certain degree of compelling, which is good to know.

So the big news for today is I finally got up a new installment on the 5 in 5 series.  I’m using the tag “psychedelic existential dread” to describe it.  It’s Goddakk: III.  Free to stream, a dollar to buy, spread the word if you can.

Last Night’s Dream:
I don’t know if I’m hurt or something, but I’m in the passenger seat & my dad’s driving my car.  I’m shocked by how smoothly he shifts it because all of his cars have been automatics for the past 20 years.

I’m on tour & the kid at the house I’m staying at opens up my laptop & turns it on.  I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do.  Luckily the kid loses interest before the operating system kicks on.

I’m going to a friend’s birthday party at a fancy hotel, but oddly the previous event is another friend’s wedding reception that I wasn’t invited to.  I try to say hello & they blow me off.  Somehow I end up in the back hallways of the hotel instead of the banquet hall & I can’t find my way out & I end up going deeper & deeper underground into whatever it is the hotel has hidden beneath it.

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Blogging, Spam, Kickstarter, Remora, Dreams

So some of you might remember a few days ago I was talking about the problem I had with spam comments on the blog.  I tried a couple different captcha code things & ran into problems with them not letting comments through.  So what I did is removed the captcha code & put it so people can only comment on entries less than ten days old.  The end result is instead of getting 100 spam comments a day I’m down to ten.  So I’m pretty excited about that seeming to work out.  I mean, who reads the blog entries from a year ago & feels compelled to comment on them?

Meanwhile on the main Silber site I’ve been getting inundated with spam built from my mailing list sign up.  I added a hidden captcha code thing that is supposed to out smart robots, but so far it hasn’t.  So I’m trying to figure out what to do about it.  I’m getting about 50 false signups with the same email address every day.  It’s kinda frustrating to need to spend the time to go through them.  I just hope it’s not a sign of things to come.

Been doing some work on getting the next few QRDs ready.  Soliciting for some more interviews as well as getting another set of questions ready.

The Kickstarter for recording the new Remora album Droneuary has launched.  Spread the word if you can.  Backing starts at a buck.  I’m kinda scared it’s not going to meet funding based on that the one for doing Remora shirts only got two backers.  But my thought is if I don’t get backing, that’s cool, I know not to waste a month of my time recording music & I can just read a book or two instead.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m at a gas station looking through their candies for a pack of orange Tic Tacs.  They don’t have any, so I’m going to walk a block to a grocery store for them.  On the way out of the gas station a girl asks me what time it is & it’s 7:08, but I  tell her it’s 7:10.

It’s sometime after the apocalypse & I earn my living as a long haul trucker.  My rig breaks down in Colorado & I’m walking on the highway for two hours without any signs of life.  Then I see an old man eating beans out of a can.  When I raise my hand to wave at him, he drops his beans & runs.  I chase after him & it leads me to an open manhole that he’s slipped down.  Maybe I’m the first person he’s seen since all this has happened.  I probably should just leave him be.

It’s winter & I’m at a rest stop with my nephew (I think it’s the one on the Ohio Turnpike between Cleveland & Pittsburgh).  Somehow in the time it took for me to use the bathroom & wash my hands he’s lost both his gloves & toboggan.  I go to buy him some new ones in the little shop & tell him he needs to learn to take care of his shit if he wants to survive in the world, that people aren’t going to look out for him forever.  A tear forms in his eye & he says, “I know.”

I get in my grandmother’s wheelchair & I am wheeling myself up to the highest hill in the neighborhood.  There’s a bunch of middle school kids with skateboards at the top of the hill trying to dare each other to ride down & they stop talking to stare at me.  I let go of the wheels & start going down the hill, faster & faster as the ride gets rougher & rougher & then I hit a curb & fly out of the chair.  I don’t even lose consciousness, but I can tell I broke my collarbone.  A couple of the kids are gathered around me & luckily instead of asking if I’m alright, one of them just says, “That was bad-ass!”

I pray for God to touch me, to let me know he’s real.  A bolt of lightning strikes me in the chest.  Time goes into slow motion & I can see the electricity flowing into me.  For a moment I think I’ll turn into Shazam, but instead my heart stops & my chest collapses.

I’m walking by a river & look in it & there’s a part of a her of cattled huddled in the middle of it. There’s no one around to have been driving them & I realize this is my opportunity to make enough money to sleep in a bed & eat for a few days.  I dive into the river & the water runs so deep it looks black below me.  The heard has horns locked together, forcing the living to hold up the bodies of the dead.  I unlock the horns & as I do I find two tigers in the clustered mass.  I’m indiscriminate & just try to lead all the living across the river & when I see one of the tigers sinking into the blackness of the river, I want save him; but I know I don’t have the strength & I keep heading towards the shore pulling a cow by the horns.

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