Science Fiction, Paper Animation, & More

Interstellar ArrestSo I got in some action figures the other day that I’m going to be using for some videos at some point in the future.  But I put up this photo of them on Society 6 so people can use it as a phone cover.

Over on A Moment of Cerebus they posted up one of my favorite short pieces by Dave Sim.  A sci-fi comic called Life Suit.

In comic news, Jason Young told me he just finished the pencils for Ultimate Lost Kisses #13.  In related news, he decided to quit his job in order to focus on comics.  So you should help support his efforts.  Mail $3 to P.O. Box 20083 – Dayton, OH 45420 & he’ll mail you a kick-ass comic.

So as you regular readers know, I spent the months of April, May, & June gearing Silber down for a hiatus.  So it’s been about nine weeks now (hard to believe I know) & I’ve come to a space where I think I’m ready to start things up again & not be as stressed out about it all.  So I’ve been gearing things up a little.  The past couple of days I’ve been reaching out to some artists about doing some stuff for the 5 in5 series.  There are a couple other releases that are probably going to be happening too.  I’ll be relaunching QRD as well.  & I’ll be introducing a Silber ebook line.  We’ll see what happens.  I know the glory days of 2006-2008 have come & gone & my plan is to make things that are a little less ambitious & more realistic in their goals.  I think it’s going to be a good spot where I’m happy that 50 people really do care instead of depressed that only 50 people care.

Yesterday I was binging a bit on YouTube & stumbled on these cool stop-motion animation paper cutout shorts.

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Books, Buttons, Small Life Form, Sales, & Dreams

Yesterday I did something I hadn’t done since I was 17.  I sent manuscripts out to a couple publishers for consideration.  Back then the rejection letters were shocking to me & completely destroyed me.  I think now I might take them as a compliment.  Just being acknowledged these days is tough.

I finished sending out the buttons & royalty checks for the artist buttons Kickstarter.  I have a few buttons left if you need some.

Here’s me testing out the new pedal rig for Small Life Form.  I can’t tell if it seeming a little more aggressive & a little less pretty is because of where I’m at as a person or involves the new rig.

I have been kinda buying a bunch of crap to work on Silbery things this past month.  I just got a new loop pedal (TC Electronics Ditto), I bought some vintage toys to use for making videos, I bought an analog video effect processor for making digital feedback videos.  So at the moment Silber is really in the red.  So I’m trying to run a couple sales to get things back in a positive direction.  If you can spread the word about the sales over Facebook & Twitter & however else you talk to people, I’d appreciate it.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m homeless again.  Living out of my car.  No place really ever felt like home anyway.

I’m helping repair a cathedral.  The work is so intricate & will take so long that we’re living on it & even have livestock living on it with us.  A lamb gets its foot caught in the piping of the floor & starts bucking around trying to get itself loose, but instead it breaks it’s leg.  I guess it will be dinner tonight.

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One Response to Books, Buttons, Small Life Form, Sales, & Dreams

  1. I got my rejection letter in from a publisher & I’m super happy with it.
    “…while I definitely think you can self-publish this and show it to the general public without any fear of embarrassment whatsoever, I also think that this is going to be a tough sell to more commercial small presses like us. The problem is that these pieces feel like little more than half-finished journal entries; and while that’s fine for when you simply want to sell a small amount of copies to your friends and at live events, and when the quality of the actual writing is decent like yours, it’s simply not substantial enough to hold the interest of a complete stranger who knows nothing about you. If you want to continue working in this very short “micro-fiction” format, my suggestion to raise the stakes of what’s being discussed in them, and to make the characters more memorable than they currently are; but my stronger suggestion would be simply to write longer stories, if you don’t mind doing so, because a lot of commercial presses simply aren’t going to be interested in your work at all until it conforms more to the standard minimum length and emotional heft that they usually work with. But that said, I think if you were to write even micro pieces that were more memorable, you could certainly attract the attention of some of the more artistic/cutting-edge small presses, and especially ones that specialize in writing that blurs the line between prose and poetry. “

Me & Breaking Bad

So I like Breaking Bad.  It’s one of my favorite shows of all time.  Tonight I watched the season premiere of the final set of episodes.  I haven’t seen the show in about a year since the last episode aired & I actually haven’t seen any of the episodes besides as their original airings.  So my ideas of the show are pretty tied to where I’ve been in my head as they came out.

Back when the show premiered I was working third shift loading mail at the airport & I’d get off work & stop home to shower & eat breakfast, than go to the old folks home to make sure my grandmother was given a shower & got her medicine & ate her breakfast & do exercises with her & then hangout with her until lunch.  Then I’d get home & work on the record label & comic stuff for three or four hours.  Then read a little bit & sleep for three hours & start the day over again still exhausted from the day before.  It’s also probably worth mentioning that I’d just had the final breakup with a girl I went out with on & off for 20 years.  So I was in a pretty bad space & needed something to help me fantasize about having power over my life situation.  So Breaking Bad was great.  Here’s a guy with two shitty jobs & a semi-dysfunctional relationship with terminal cancer deciding to take control of his life.  Not to mention that in my drug riddled teen years I wanted to become a chemist because I thought it would be a way to help people (me & my crazy teen thoughts on the benefits of illegal drugs).  Also Walter’s mix between pussy & bad ass was pretty much how I felt with my combination of feeling totally weak & trapped in my life situation & my anger & frustration over not having any ideas what to do to improve it.

When season two came out, I’d left my third shift job & pulled my grandmother out of the old folks home & was taking care of her full time while trying to get my comics & music going a little bit more.  Over the next two years (seasons three & four) my grandmother needed a little more care each day & my label kept making less & less money (as did the entire music industry).  So as Walt headed into being more & more in control & being a bad ass, it fit well with my power fantasies over my growing frustration with my life situation with me eventually needing to give up working entirely as my grandmother’s health decayed.  Also Jesse’s para-suicidal behavior & just lack of care if he lived or died was kind of where I was at as well.  Hank being literally paralyzed & obsessing over minerals was another thing that was totally relatable – not having the ability to do the work I wanted to do & trying to find something to throw the small amount of passion for life I still had into (for me it was comics).

My grandmother died before season five started.  I was at a point where I alternated between being completely numb & spontaneously crying.  I couldn’t really relate to Walt anymore because he seemed to become a cartoon of himself by his level of superhero bad ass.  Jesse seemed like his life had somehow been generally redeemed by love & I couldn’t relate to him either.  So the whole season kinda felt like hanging out with a friend you no longer care for, but have no reason to actually break up with.

Now the second half of season five finally started.  I really wanted to like this season.  I was glad to know that things were coming to an end.  I watched some of the interviews with the writers.  I was genuinely excited about it.  & I know I shouldn’t judge it based on just one episode.  But watching it reminded me of when I’ve tried to revisit some of my favorite music from my teen years, it just takes me to a dark space I don’t need to be in anymore.  By a lot of people’s standards, I’ve had huge portions of my life where I was in a dark place that I couldn’t get out of & be the kind of person I want to be.  But now I’m at a point where I can choose to change things.  I can choose to be happy for the first time in God knows how long.  I will always love you Breaking Bad.  I’ll probably even stick it through & watch these final episodes.  But I don’t need to be sad or angry or bitter anymore.  I’m ready to be happy & I hope that some other people are too.

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2 Responses to Me & Breaking Bad

  1. Peter says:

    Spot on, dude!

More Positivity

So I finished going through proofing Suborrhea & sent it to a friend for proofing.  So I’ll make it available for sale soonish.  I think I’m going to re-tool the website a bit to have the ebooks have a sales page of their own & a link on the banner.

Yesterday while I was working on Suborrhea I was listening to music from the Silber catalog & it got me back on board with feeling like I’m doing good & positive work.  There’s been a couple other positive things happening on the Silber front this week, so maybe I’ll start some work towards getting some things to happen for Silber in September & October.  Or at least put out the stuff that I turned down exclusively over the hiatus & start another set of interviews for QRD.

I got in the art from Nate McDonough for Ultimate Lost Kisses #14.  Pretty stoked about it.  But of course it can’t come out until I get the art in from Jason Young for ULK #13.  So it’s cool that those will both be coming out soonish.

I’m working on making all the buttons from the Kickstarter artist buttons project.  I feel like it wasn’t super successful, but I earned each of the contributing artists $25.  Maybe I’ll do it again with special themed ones planned for Christmas or something.

So I have been playing guitar a bit more.  I’m getting to feel a bit better about that maybe right now I’m supposed to be working on the doomy dronescapes instead of my post-apocalyptic-pop songs for Remora.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m in a parking lot meeting for a plan about the resistance force against the totalitarian government.  Along with my usual contact, scheduled to meet is Breetai & I’m convinced he & his alien forces will be able to really help things.  When he shows up, instead of being ten stories tall, he’s the size of a doll.  I ask him, “How do you think you can help us?  You’re the one who’s a micronian!”

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Remixering & Such

Spent most of the day working on ebook stuff, which is pretty boring & tedious, but it’s good to get some work done.

I did complete a remix thing for somebody.  It’s a pretty gothy band out of Europe.  It’s funny to me how people have totally different ideas for a remix kit than I do.  I think you should get separated tracks that if you line them up with them all starting at zero, you get the original mix of the song.  Instead I got a midi file that I didn’t have the appropriate sounds for & a bunch of 2 to 20 second long parts.  But it did make me feel free to not do something approaching the original since they didn’t give me the puzzle pieces to do so.  No idea if they’ll use it or not, so I’ll post it here.


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Suborrhea, Remora, Dreams, & Positivity.

So, in my attempt to make some ebooks I went deep into my back catalog & am working on Suborrhea which is short stories I wrote from 1994-1995.  In general lately I have been having a dread that my work is getting worse instead of better & I have to say that looking at this old stuff from when I was 19-20 shows that I’ve gotten quite a bit better over the past couple decades.  Or at least it shows that what I’m doing at 38 is more appealing to me at 38 than what I was doing at 19.  It’s nice to know.  I’m trying to not do too much heavy editing of the work to allow it to keep its own flavor, but it’s interesting to see the influences on it.  Of course, once I’m done with converting it, I’m not what I’ll do with it.  Right now my plan is to eventually run a Kickstarter for printing up the dream diary & have Suborrhea & some other stuff as accessory material.  We’ll see what happens.  I kinda like the idea of some of my more primitive & youthful work being around in it’s raw state to show some form of progression.  I’m upbeat about it.  Also, it gives me some work to do.

So speaking of not being sure if I’m getting better or worse at things, I did this little Remora drone last night with the new pedal rig.  I’ve been really frustrated every time I pick up the guitar for the past year or so.  It feels like I can’t string notes together at all or get a melody out of my head & into my hands, which ends up with me playing for ten minutes & then not playing for a month or two & then being even worse the next time I pick it up.  So I’m going to make a concerted effort to hold a guitar more often the next couple of weeks.  We’ll see how it goes.  Surprisingly this video I posted up of me playing last night has gotten more positive feedback than any of the other things I’ve done in the past few months.  So maybe things aren’t quite as awful as I thought.  In fact, I feel a little upbeat.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m spitting out teeth.  They’re not my front teeth.  They’re my back teeth.  They’re coming out cracked into four to eight pieces.  I’m not going to be able to eat food anymore.

Posted in daily news, dreams, music, short story, video | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Suborrhea, Remora, Dreams, & Positivity.

  1. Hi Brian says:

    diggin the new discodrone. i’m not sure if it’s supposed to sound this way or if i just hear the strings from the actual guitar and not just what’s comin thru the amp

House of Prog, Interview, & Dreams

A few days after I was complaining about no one caring about the recent releases, House of Prog put up reviews of a ton of the 5 in 5 EPs.  I haven’t had time to read them all yet, but it’s nice to feel like someone cares.

I did a little interview on A Moment of Cerebus about how Cerebus influenced me.  It is nice to have an excuse to talk about something that’s important to you.

I saw a movie called Triangle that is a horror movie version of Groudhog’s Day.  If that sounds interesting to you, you should check it out.  I don’t want to give spoilers.

Last Night’s Dream:
A new planet is found in our solar system.  It doesn’t revolve on the same plane as the rest of the planets, it’s almost perpendicular to the rest as it goes around the sun & so only becomes visible ever 267 years.

Nearly simultaneously buried jets are found on four separate archaeological digs on four different continents.  All of them are dated back to before the time of dinosaurs.

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Comics, Remora, & Dreams

I actually started drawing Lost Kisses #25 today.  According to my records it’s been waiting for me to draw it for a year & a half now.  We’ll see how long it takes me to do it.  Two of my goals for 2013 are to finish up the time travel story arc for Lost Kisses & the “Her” story arc for Ultimate Lost Kisses.  I wrote down the rough story notes for writing the rest of ULK.  Here’s what I got:
ULK 15 – Second Pregnancy – Age 27
ULK 16 – Wedding – Age 26
ULK 17 – Husband – Age 45
ULK 18 – Daughter – Age 52
ULK 19 – Saving Son – Age 34
ULK 20 – Death Bed – Age 95
Not too in depth or revealing to anyone but me.  Now I just need to find six artists I want to work on it that would be able to get things done in a timely manner.

In other comic news, I’m going to be working up an experimental sci-fi poetry comic with Eric Shonborn (he drew Monthly for me, which is one of my favorite one of my books).  We’ll see how long it takes me to get the script worked out.  My plan is to have a comic that appeals to 4 groups of people as opposed to my normal ones that appeal to one group of people.

Here’s a new craptastic Remora song & video.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m working in the Continental bag room at the airport for the originators.  Whoever closed last night left the radios turned on, so I can’t call anybody to find out what’s going on.  They also left the ignitions switched to on for the tractors so the batteries drained & they won’t start.  In their infinite wisdom, the ticket agents check-in four surfboards for passengers on an express jet & the cargo bays aren’t even big enough to fit one.  I call operations on the phone to try to get them to send someone down to pick up the luggage since the tractors aren’t working & to get in touch with a competent ticket agent to re-route the surfboards.

I’m with my girlfriend at the movie theater.  We’ve been hopping from theater to theater trying to find a movie that doesn’t suck, but nothing’s holding our interest.  I’ve been drinking & when I go to the bathroom I notice I’m just wearing my socks.  I must’ve taken my shoes off in one of the theaters, but I have no idea which one.  Crap.

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Recorders & Comics

For the past twenty years or so now I’ve been thinking about buying one of those portable digital multi-trackers.  Well, I finally bit the bullet & bought one.  I like the idea of being able to record with something that feels more like a four-track than a computer & then I can use the computer for final mixing & stuff like that.  Part of it too is that I can take it with me & work on things while traveling easily.  & it’s battery powered so I can go back to recording in drainage tunnels like it’s 1993.  We’ll see if it is the thing that is going to push me to actually start working on music again or just me wasting some more money.

I went through & did the promo for the web-contact (as opposed to email) folks for the current crop of mini-comics.  We’ll see what happens.  Things have been pretty disconcerting for me as far as my ability to get coverage the past couple of years.  I feel like the world is changing a bit & I’m staying the same.

I got the approval of the script for ULK #14.  Hoping to get it laid out & sent to Nate in the next day or two.

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2 Responses to Recorders & Comics

  1. hi brian says:

    i feel like bloggers/zines etc. . want to tell you what’s good and interesting but take offense at others telling them what’s good and interesting. I also am under the impression that the people in these key positions mostly have horrible tastes. whatchya gonna do.

    • Yeah, I think you’re right. It’s kinda like how sometimes a girlfriend has no interest in seeing a movie that you’d both be into unless it’s her idea. Which I am sure I’m guilty of on my side too.


So a little while ago I did an interview with DJ Grandpa about my button Kickstarter project.  You can listen to me & the other folks he talked to this week

.  I’ve listened to a few episodes & I really dig what he’s doing.  Which is basically talking to people for ten minutes about something they’re passionate about.

Here’s a radio interview I did a few weeks ago when I was in Ohio about comics.  The first half is Jason Young & the second half is both of us.

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