Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

Silber Newsletter August 30, 2017

Hey Kidz,

Hope all is going well.  A lot going on here at Silber Headquarters.  Music, QRD, movies, comics, it’s all happening at once.

We just released two new shoegaze oriented releases.  First we have an installment in our 5in5

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All These Things

Lately for me life is hard & good.  Too much work to do & not enough time is frustrating, but at least it keeps me from falling in with my demons.  Sometimes I see friends with the same demons in …

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Silber Newsletter June 30, 2017


I hope all is going well.  I’m feeling pretty good about things here at Silber.

The new issue of QRD is up with interviews about music, art, & fatherhood.  I always feel good when a new issue comes together.  …

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Silber Newsletter June 11, 2017

Hey Starz,

Been a while, I hope all is well in your part of the world.  I feel like things are going well even though the world’s been throwing a bunch of curves at me.  The main Silber computer had …

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FCIO – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

rogue one

I was born in 1975.  So like a lot of guys around my age, Star Wars was a dominant piece of childhood.  It wasn’t like today when you had infinite access to re-watch something as a kid, only one TV …

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Almost Back

I hope everyone is doing good, I know I haven’t been too active lately.  I did get the Silber machine back up & running, but then my daughter came down with a cold & insisted on me holding her through …

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Not a lot going on, but hopefully I’ll get the parts at my parents house to rebuild my laptop on Sunday.

Old Dreams
June 14, 2014
I’m working at the video store again. I’m shocked the place is still open …

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Making a Go

So I finally got the replacement drive in, but for some reason I can’t get the cloning software to work properly.  So I’m going to try to find my image of my current drive that I think is at my …

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Because No One Actually Reads This

So of course the replacement drive so I can fix my computer & work on Silber stuff didn’t arrive yesterday so I couldn’t get that process started while I’m out all day on a drive job for my medical transporter …

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Cheers & Fears

Okay, so I was out of town for a week & a half going to a comic convention & visiting family.  Things went well at the con, I got in the spare time the previous week to have 5 new …

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