Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

QRD, Buttons, Clang Quartet, Rllrbll, Dreams

So I was looking into making things easier for people to share with Facebook & Twitter on the QRD portion of the site.  When I added the buttons, it just made things look too branded & clunky for me (which …

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The new QRD is up!  21 interviews with cartoonists.  I hope you all enjoy it & can help spread the word.  Issue #58.  Makes me feel like it could make it to issue #100.  I guess I’d be past 200 …

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Plumerai, Moodring, Electric Bird Noise, Small Life Form, Dreams & More

So I’m still in the midst of trying to get the promo ball running for the Electric Bird Noise & the stuff from the 5 in 5 series.  This past weekend of course were the release party shows (featuring …

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Eelectric Bird Noise, Small Life Form, Dream

So today is the CD release show for Electric Bird Noise down in Myrtle Beach.  I’m going down to open with a Small Life Form set & then singing on two of the songs from the album.  The SLF set …

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Just a bunch of things happening.

So I’ve been pretty busy this past week trying to get some headway on the promotion for the new Electric Bird Noise record.  Here’s a pretty in depth interview he did about the album.

I also managed to help …

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Young Christian Couple (short story)

“I want to fuck you.”
“I know.  I want to fuck you too.”
“Then why are our pants on?”
She’s lying on top of me on the couch.  The only light is the flicker from a muted TV.  “You know …

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Electric Bird Noise, Buttons, Comics, & Dreams

A brand new album is available from Electric Bird Noise called Desert Jelly.  It’s a bit different than a lot of his previous work.  No dronefest, in fact no guitar; it’s all synths & half of it borders on …

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Silber Monthly Charts for January 2013

Here’s the monthly charts for what people were checking out on the website in January. Look into anything you don’t know about.

Top Five Most Read Silber Digital Comics in January
1. Cyberpunk Apocalypse: Artistic Evidence
2. Ultimate Lost Kisses

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Droneuary, Goddakk, 5 in 5, Dreams

So I haven’t really tried my big push for Droneuary yet.  I think I tweeted about it once & then it posted from there to Facebook twice.  But I went through & made it so it advertises on all the …

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Blogging, Spam, Kickstarter, Remora, Dreams

So some of you might remember a few days ago I was talking about the problem I had with spam comments on the blog.  I tried a couple different captcha code things & ran into problems with them not letting …

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