Tag Archives: remora


I got some mini-comic orders today & needed to print, cut, & assemble them.  I got a review on a blog that I guess is popular enough to actually generate sales (over the years I’ve found reviews general generate name …

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Sleeping the Sleep

Slept the day away a little (luckily I had some dreams which may come to fruition in issue 3 of Worms if I ever make it).  Then spent an hour making a semi-fancy breakfast/lunch type deal.

Filled a bunch of …

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the power is on

So today I answered most of the 100 emails from the internet free day & filled the couple of orders.

I also found out that an application for a grant that I thought was do Monday by internet submission is …

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losing lines

So my internet has been out the past couple days & I’m at a friends house to write the little blog.  My phone actually is out too, which is both nice & annoying.

Yesterday I spent inking my brother’s niece’s …

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sloppy copy

So I might have a problem, seems like I got some timidity from the Ping Things camp on the Remora Derivative record possibly being filled with copyright issues. Now it is theoretically all derivative works (hence the title), but I …

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Think I finished working on Remora‘s Derivative album.  About 45 minutes long.  Got blisters on three fingers on my left hand from playing so much the past couple days, but one of them is my left thumb & I …

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spin into a new sunrise

Filled my first order to a distro of the new releases today.  Waiting for news from the other two or three distros that normally pick stuff up.  Been hearing a lot of people have had problems with that lately.  So …

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short long days

Just keeping the machine moving along.

Sent the Hotel Hotel & Northern Valentine discs off to record stores.  Emailed the rest of the record stores I’ve vaguely been in touch with over the years.

Wrote the sales blurb stickers for …

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Spent the day working on the Remora: Derivative EP.  Not sure how I feel about it as it feels a little bit uninspired & hack in a way.  A little bit Remora by numbers.  I guess I’ll let a few …

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working in a coal mine

Semi-productive day today.  Picked through my promo list for who to send the 30 promos of slicnaton’s noisefloor ep & the 75 Electirc Bird Noise.  Even started writing the personal letters to people.

Worked up the first draft of the …

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