Tag Archives: remora

Delusions of Adequacy, Dublab, Ear X-tacy

I got asked about writing a piece for Delusions of Adequacy today.  (Maybe buying an ad pays off?)  It’s just me writing about one of my favorite records, I’ll probably go for either a Hefner or Six by Seven record.…

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N=D, Weddings, Thorn1, Remora

Nostalgia Equals Distortion now has six posts on it by four authors.  Feeling pretty good about that.  I’m wondering how to add links to it on the Silber page.  Should I have the blog portion have a drop down menu …

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One Response to N=D, Weddings, Thorn1, Remora

  1. Peter says:

    Thankfully you were proven somewhat wrong on this one! See you soon, guy!

Altered Banner, Your ideas?

Hard to get things done sometimes.

Made a slightly altered banner (colorful squares replaced with silber album covers) – http://www.silbermedia.com/test.html – let me know if you like it better than the current version.

Made a page for the 30 second …

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scrubbing, remora rap

Did some more track scrubbing for my father/son record.  Finished all of the long instrumentals & theoretically the short songs I should be able to clean up faster.

Everyone I mention the idea of a Remora record where I get …

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Remora Song, Pointless Forest, The Bible, Plumerai, Trailer Park Boys

I just put up a rough mix of one of the songs from the new Remora album along with the original demo version of the song at http://www.gimmesound.com/remora   It’s called “My Brother’s Guns & Knives.”  I’m curious to hear what …

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Monthly (new comic), Music Supervisors, Pandora, Jango, Gajoob.

I wrote the script (drafts one thru three) for a new mini-comic tentatively called Monthly (don’t worry, it won’t come out that often, might be a one-shot).  Contacted my first pick for an artist for it.  We’ll see if he …

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Media, QRD, Mecha

So I’ve been making a concerted effort the past few days to take in media.  Today I listened to Willie Nelson’s The Red Headed Stranger which actually wan’t quite as good as I’d remembered it being.  I also finally watched …

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XLK, Bob Dylan, Remora, NIN, Remixery

I got in the final artwork for Extreme Lost Kisses by Nick Marino.  It’s a stick figure comic of a Rambo story basically.  We’ll see how well received it end up after it comes out.  I like that it kind …

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QRD, Paperwork, Remora

Did some work towards the next QRD tonight.  I have six interviews in for the bass series so far (three for guitar that were too late for the last issue), so I’m about to send out some reminders.  Not sure …

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Stuff Done Today

Got more quarterly paperwork done.  Filed the taxes.  Cut the royalty checks due to the bands on the label.  Just have to get the invoices out to the distros & then I’m done with that load of work.

A bunch …

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