Tag Archives: moodring

More Behind than Ahead

Got a constructive email from friend/reviewer Mark Tucker that most of the description blurbs on the Silber site are not particular good/useful to anyone not already familiar with the music.  I get so steeped into Silber that I forget that …

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Reviews of Aarktica, Vlor, Moodring, Remora

Okay here’s the music reviews I am putting up on the website.
There are definite similarities between In Sea and the Vlor album which I reviewed here a week or two back. Similarities and some very pronounced …
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Another day, another release

The live Aarktica EP is available for download now.  Go here & follow the link.

Started running the promo campaign for the new stuff in the free release series.  Got about 1000 emails out, so about 2000 to go & …

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Potentially finished mastering the Christmas compilation, waiting on some artwork stuff & need to give it a straight through listen to check volumes.

Did some work on some live Moodring stuff & sent it to Monte & Mae to see …

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Recent Reviews & other news

Got a bunch of orders out today including two surprise orders from distributors.

Today was the official street date for the Vlor & Aarktica.  So that means tomorrow I’ll start the follow-up on promos (meaning the official promo campaign for …

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a second blog

Working on things for the past six hours.  Down to under 20 emails to go.  In the course of answering emails I always run into needing to do research about new mags/webzines/radio stations to contact, so it slows me down …

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Just some complaining

Got out this week’s promo follow ups for the Moodring.  It’s kinda irksome in a way to work hard on a release & see a bunch of radio play & good reviews & the sales don’t really seem any better …

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Recent Reviews: Moodring, Hotel Hotel, Northern Valentine

you can expect plenty of Silber action over the course of the next few missives. a North Carolina based imprint who we must admit we’ve quietly admired from afar these last few years who have been …

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Goals for the day

Spent half the day contacting bloggers to take down links to free downloads of Silber releases & asking the hosting site to remove the files from DMCA violations.  There’s no real good solve for the situation.  Is it a good …

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Station Thieves, FTC, Out of Print Books, An Interview.

I need to set things that can be completed in an individual day on my to do list so I can feel like something is actually accomplished.

Trying to catch up on my emails & such on the Moodring follow-up.  …

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