Back to Work… oh & Tron & Prometheus & dreams

I know I went a few days without posting anything, but I went out of town for a show & felt I could use a break from the internet.  So here come the updates from the past several days.

I guess first off is that I saw the new cartoon Tron: Uprising (which you can watch online here) while assembling some comics & that inspired me to watch Tron & review it for Finally Checking It Out.  The cartoon is way better than the movie to me.  I guess the cartoon has to be good for me to bother to watch a movie I’ve been semi-actively avoiding for thirty years.

So driving down to Myrtle Beach, there is what I assume was a farmer burning his fields.  Far be it from me to actually stop my car for a decent photo, so I took this crappy one while driving that just shows the plume of smoke in the distance.

The show down at Myrtle Beach went pretty well.  Always great to see Clang Quartet.  My Remora set I feel was a little sub-par, but I feel like I’ve raised my bottom bar a bit the past year or so & I guess I should be satisfied by it.  The Electric Bird Noise set was the orchestration style he occasionally has been doing like he released for Live at The Basement & having Scotty Irving (Clang Quartet) as the lynchpin on drums was pretty great.

Sunday morning I wrote the first drafts for Pow Wow #2 & #3 (it’s a two-part story that issue one (which I feel is solid in its own right) was a set-up for & is maybe the most action oriented thing I’ve written).  We’ll see how long it is before I get them ready for ED & then how long until they are ready for print.

Sunday afternoon I went to see Prometheus (the Alien prequel) & it was okay.  It’s been a while since I watched a movie without doing another activity or as something to do with my nieces or nephew, so maybe I just don’t know how to watch a movie without getting antsy or whatever.  Anyway, it was only playing in 3D & I’m not interested in the 3D stuff I’ve seen before & this one had the same thing where the only time I noticed the 3D it took me out of the movie instead of making me think it was cool, but that’s just my personal thing.  This is not as good as Alien & it has plenty of flaws (including that somehow Charlize Theron looks like a bad actress in this (her character is pretty inconsistent), but she’s not really a major character) & I have a personal pet peeve with how they show deep space sleep in movies (people in their underwear doesn’t make sense, either make them naked or make them where some kind of scuba suit or let them where regular clothes).  It’s interesting that it’s a prequel to Alien, because it also feels like a launching point to a new sci-fi franchise of its own that I’d be willing to watch as it brings up more questions than answers.  I think the previous 4 Alien films are all pretty good & this could definitely be put in that box set rather than with the Alien versus Predator movies (which this may show as non-canonical if you want to get technical about it (& I’d also like to mention the first AVP film isn’t really that bad compared to the second one)).  In the end I guess I’d have to recommend this to any sci-fi fans to watch & make up their own minds on.  I do like that the movie feels like a starting point for conversation rather than beating anyone over the head with social commentary.

Back at home I printed up the rest of the comics I’ll need for Maker Faire NC this weekend (still need to cut & assemble) & assembled the little paper boxes for my puzzle boxes to go in.

Recent Dreams:
I’m visiting my great aunt (who I guess actually died 5 years ago) & she’s moved her apartment from the fifth floor to the basement to save some money.  She tells me that my grandmother’s favorite song is “Carolina Sunshine” by Pee Paw (or maybe I have the song & band names reversed).  I fall down on my knees & ask her if there’s anything I can do to help her & start crying.

I’m visiting Bethlehem, Pennsylvania & it seems like every block or so I cross a street to technically be in a different city.  I go into some woods behind a building & follow a rusting out pipe that comes from the old steel mill that I can see the decaying towers of miles in the distance.

I’m in Prague in a cheap apartment with a 10 inch TV watching the french version of Robotech.  Somehow it’s jammed together so that Minmae is on the Southern Cross/Masters part of the series & the Macross segment doesn’t exist at all.

A friend of mine is on tour managing his merch booth.  Someone waiting in line to buy something gets to the front & says he doesn’t want to buy anything because he just downloads all the stuff, but just wants him to know he loves the music.  My buddy who I think of as exceptionally calm just loses his shit & starts swearing at the guy saying if the music meant anything to him then he’d buy something instead of wasting his time.

I meet the queen of England & she’s explaining the enormous amounts of responsibility that she feels for her subjects safety & security.  She also tells me that she co-wrote the lyrics for the Nuclear Assault song “The Plague.”

I’m in a book store that’s getting shut down because the part of town it’s in has gentrified & it can’t afford the new rent rates.  I’m reading an auto-biography of an artist whose work reminds me of Kay Sage but is more fluid & wet looking with semi-metallic colors.  I wish I had money to buy it & space in my house to keep it.

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Yesterday & Today

So yesterday was a marathon music day for me.  I posted up a couple minor repairs to QRD & then I met my son for lunch to discuss some stuff about our duet record.  Then I went to Ted Johnson’s & we did some guitar jams for about three hours.  Then I went to the three hour practice for this big electric guitar ensemble thing I guess I’m playing in. (Which to be honest, I maybe shouldn’t be playing in, all of the electric guitar ensemble things I’ve heard or seen have been more of a gimmick than something that really utilized the instruments. Which I suppose is because most guitarists have a rock background with limited listening skills & so the guitar ensembles end up being on par with a middle school orchestra instead of something as groundbreaking & amazing as people want it to be.  That said I don’t think this performance will be any worse than anything else even if it does make me slightly sad that it’s nothing you couldn’t accomplish with say 8 people instead of 30.)  It’s been a long time since I had my guitar in my hands that long in a single day & I suppose I should get back in the habit of playing it that much.

Today I put some more varnish on the boxes for the comics, edited a couple more interviews for QRD, & read a Lovecraft story & wrote about it for Nostalgia Equals Distortion.

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3 Responses to Yesterday & Today

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    do you get a solo in this guitar thing? is it like we are the world?

Lee Jackson, QRD, Follow-Up, Comics, Dreams

So first off I want to mention the compilation that was put together as a tribute to Lee Jackson.  For those of  you who don’t know who he was, he was a music reviewer & Mats Gustafson’s partner on The Broken Face.  In the late 1990s he was one of about ten writers that paid attention to what I was doing enough that it encouraged me not to give it up.  He was about the same age as me & died a couple months ago from ALS.  Anyway, this compilation is 12 hours long & in general somewhere between jazz & space rock & has 94 artists including Remora, Stone Breath, Windy & Carl, Zanzibar Snails, Abunai, Six Organs of Admittance, Roy Montgomery, & I’m sure a ton of other people whose names you’ll recognize.  It’s distributed via Bandcamp & all the proceeds go to the ALS Association.

I mostly finished QRD #54.  Waiting for last minute edits from the people I interviewed & for a couple last minute interviews to come in.  But it’s more or less live.  It’s a Father’s Day Special.  I’ll be rolling in on the next issue pretty soon as I have enough stuff in for another guitarist special.

I did another wave of follow-up emails for the Northern Valentine release.  I sent it out about 3 months ago, so I suppose it’s time for the follow-up to end.

The other day I went to the book store with my niece & I read this Justice League kid book & I realized that my comics I write aren’t really comics as much as kid books with totally inappropriate content.  Which is interesting because I remember when I was 20 & super into Franz Kafka I read that he was trying to write in the style of children’s faerie tales & I thought to myself, “I should do that.”  Of course I’ve never actually read any fairy tales, but I think that might be my next step.  For the past several years I’ve been having my writing influences be mainly stuff from the 1920s-1940s & maybe it’s time to delve back to the stuff that influenced the things I like.  I’ll let other people worry about doing what is hip & relevant today & work towards something that would be hip & relevant in the 1600s.

In other comic news, I wrote a first draft of one of the custom comics for the Kickstarter campaign from a while back.

Last Night’s Dreams:
Jon DeRosa flies down from New York to see one of my shows as a surprise.  I’m driving him to his hotel & on the way I make him listen to Motorhead 1916.

I’m at a party at Peter Aldrich’s dad’s house.  His dad & step mom are there, but it’s the kind of party where girls in cocktail dresses are passed out in their vomit on the living room floor.  I’m trying to find a bathroom to take a shower in, but I can’t find a bathroom that doesn’t have people passed out in it.  I end up standing by a table that has tea light candles set in plastic cups filled with water on it & eat some Triscuits from the snack spread.

I’m working a job at a call center.  My feet are itchy & I take my shoes off & see that I have a few hundred scars on my feet from drug injections & I realize that this is a charade.  This is not where I work.  These aren’t my co-workers.  I stand up & lean over my cubicle wall & ask one of the co-workers, “Do I belong here?”  Her eyes go wide & she starts frantically jamming a button on her headset.  I run out of the cubicle room& go to a hallway with real offices as I hear the elevator open & soldiers marching out.  There’s a window at the end of the hallway.  It’s dark outside & I’m on the third floor.  When I touch the window it isn’t made of glass, it has a lot of give, like a trampoline & I can’t break in.  One of the offices has a door that is jar & I go in & hide under the desk.

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Behind the Scenes

Getting some behind the scenes work done today.  Proofreading for QRD, worked on some questions for the touring musician interview series for QRD, more work done on the cover art for the record with my son, another coat of stain on the comic boxes, & recording another layer for my 4.5 hour long drone (might’ve been a year since I last worked on it).  So yeah, I feel like I’m getting back in a groove of working more again & I hope I can keep it happening.

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Kickstarter versus Indiegogo

So as some of you who regularly read the blog know, I’m working up to doing some more stuff for fan funding projects.  I used Kickstarter last time & though my project was successful, I’m not sure that half the projects of my friends have been.  So I was looking around at Indiegogo, which seems like the biggest competitor with Kickstarter for running fan funded projects.  So I wanted to let some people who might find it of interest know some of the reasons a person might want to use one over the other.
Now the numbers I’m going to throw around are subject to change & my Kickstarter number is based on my experience & those of some friends & the Indiegogo is from their FAQ page.  So I’m going to start off with the assumption you have a project set with reasonable goals that you are able to get funding for.  When I got funding from Kickstarter the total fees were 12% (that includes the fees from credit cards, Amazon processing, & Kickstarter itself)  & according to IndieGoGo they charge you 7% (but it is worth noting Kickstarter says on their FAQ that they charge 8-10% even though mine ended up with 12% (I think because of the amount of international orders & that the processing fee for those credit cards is higher) so I’m not sure that the 7% is a true number, but I haven’t got a way to check it out).  More importantly while Kickstarter only gives you money if you meet your goal, Indiegogo gives you the option to get money even if you don’t meet your goal & they then take 12% – which is great if you have a project that you are going to do no matter what, but are hoping to not go in debt for.  So it would seem like Indiegogo is the one to go with, but I think in general if you are not going to make your funding & most of the money is coming to you through an established fanbase (or just friends & family) you would be better off just doing pre-sales & what not on your website through Paypal.  But here’s the thing, Kickstarter has a brand recognition that is very important to people & people are excited about it.  If you are only going to get help from your current fans & that is your goal, then pre-sales through your website (why drive people to another site) & maybe something on Indiegogo is the path for you (especially if you don’t think you can meet your funding goals, but do plan on making the project no matter what).  But if you want to do something where you get your fans to tell their friends about it & try & generate new interest in your work & your project is interesting & innovative & exciting enough for strangers stumbling upon it to fund it, I think Kickstarter is still the best shot because I think there is every chance you would get enough more money to make up for the increased fees.
Whichever way you want to go, fan funding is hot right now & I’m not convinced it will be big in a year’s time so I say do it now & set a goal that is honestly obtainable (which I would say is probably half the sales amount of the last project you did – so if you sold 100 CDs @ $10 a pop, your fan funding goal should be no more than $500 – but that’s just my personal theory & whole other post anyway).

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3 Responses to Kickstarter versus Indiegogo

  1. michael says:

    I’m totally against the whole idea of going cap in hand to write/produce/record music.

    I’m sorry, I believe in working for a living not charity. This may sound harsh but if you can’t afford to do this type of thing then save or use a credit card and pay it back later.

    life is shit sometimes. I would not lower myself into this type of thing. It’s embarrassing. I appreciate some people can play instruments or whatever and don’t know the first thing about recording/producing. Well, tough – either learn the hard way or save.

    • I totally hear where you’re coming from & I think in general what you’re saying is right. Here’s the thing though, right now Kickstarter is “hot” in the same way that ten years ago iTunes was hot. Personally, I hate the idea of using my computer to listen to music. I don’t own an MP3 player & the only music on my computer is stuff I’ve recorded or mastered. I generally thing the digital format is inferior to a physical product in every way, especially the ones without digital booklets (which seems to be everyplace except in the Silber shop I made). But to not put your music out to make money in that way when people want it to be available in that way is bad business sense. & right now Kickstarter is kind of at the same place. I don’t agree with a lot of what it’s about, but it is the first thing that’s gotten “regular” people excited about art & music since MySpace took the stage in 2004 or whenever it was & there has been no discovery engine that has been helpful to musicians since 2008. So I am trying to be open minded about it. I had a lot of luck with it with my comics. For me to use it properly would be to say, “Look, I am making a new record. I don’t care if anyone ever hears it besides me. If you want to contribute money so that you can hear it & so that other people can hear it, that’s cool & if not it won’t leave my house & that’s fine too.” I think it’s a natural conclusion to the fact that labels are making less money & have less money to throw out to help develop artists, because projects cost money & time. I think for the past twenty years, the importance of music as a defining & valuable thing to an individual has been declining as other forms of entertainment have risen (video games, DVDs, internet, cell phones, etc) to demand both time & entertainment budget dollars. So I’m all for something that makes people excited about paying money for new music to exist. Even though it does feel like begging.

      • michael says:

        in a rather cynical way i think like this…

        its like “man give me some money so you can hear me play one of those lovely american fender telecasters because this squier one i have doesn’t sound as good. help fund me and reap the benefits!!!”

Comics, QRD, Remora, mwvm, Dreams

So I assembled some more comics today.  Still waiting for my new toner cartridges to arrive so I can print everything out & get in a big production instead of just doing them for an hour at a time.  Then again just doing them an hour at a time my back doesn’t seem to hurt, so I guess that’s positive.

Worked on some artwork for a handbill flyer to promote the Electric Bird Noise catalog & the potential cover for the record I did with my son two years ago (which I may finally put out in the next few weeks).

Started doing some of the proof reading for the new issue of QRD coming up.  We’ll see if it happens or not, but I think Monday is an actual possibility for it going up.

I actually played guitar for a couple hours trying to practice enough to not embarrass myself at the performances (Remora & the guitar jam thing) I have the next few weeks.  I ended up coming up with this thing that I transcribed in Little Drummer Boy that may eventually be an actual song.


Meanwhile here’s another new piece from mwvm!

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m taking care of my grandmother & she’s gotten so weak that I can’t lift her off the bed on my own because her head will flop around.  She has sores that look like they’re about to burst.  I don’t want things to be this way.  At least if she has the plague I might catch it as well.

I’m at a stadium for either a football or soccer game.  I’m in the upper bleachers & there’s only about two people per row.  The place is littered with trash & I gather up as much as I can & take it what feels like a city block to the nearest trashcan.  When I get back there seems to be even more trash than when I left & I notice on the ground where I was sitting is the wallet I had in 1996 with a Transformers Prowl sticker on it.Prowl Sticker

Prowl “Logic is the ultimate weapon.”
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Comics & Flyers

Got some work done today staining the comic book boxes.  Got in the artwork for REH #4.  Got final drafts out for all the Bottle Comics to the artists.  Did some work for the winery job.  Made plans for a recording session with Ted Johnson.  Made the flyer below for an upcoming show.


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Puzzle Boxes, Comics, Worms, Pow Wow, Northern Valentine, Triangle Rhysing

A lot of stuff done today that is easy to see over the internet as opposed to my typical behind the scenes work.

So today I finally fixed up the page for the puzzle boxes I’ve been making so that people can order them.  So yeah, go order one.

I also set up the digital download sale of all sixty mini-comics on the main comic page.  Though here’s a secret, there are actually more than sixty comics now & I just put up for sale Worms #7 & Pow Wow #1.

I also put up all the reviews for Northern Valentine’s Fin De Seicle so it’s easier to read up & decide that you should own it.  I updated a bunch of other item pages reviews, but the NV was the page I’ve been most negligent about updating (16 reviews missing).  So if there’s anything on Silber you’ve been wondering what people think of, now’s a good time to nose around the site again.

So I’ve been thinking about doing some more Kickstarter stuff & so I backed a couple more projects that some of you might be interested in.  (1) Plumerai is looking for money to finance their new album.  (2) Dave Sim is working on an a/v digital comic version of Cerebus. (3) A cool looking mini-comic about psychic powers. (4) A hard cover giant robot silent graphic novel. (5) A DVD of cartoon shorts by PB Kain.

I’m going to be one of the performers at this show for 20 guitarists.  You should come out if you can.  I’ll try to do a video stream, but who knows if it’ll work out.

I spent a few hours staining some more boxes so I’ll be able to sell some more comic box sets.

I made a new page for people to use for navigation if they have java disabled or visiting the front page on a phone or something.  Basically it’s all of the drop menus laid out on a page.  I’ve been meaning to do it for a while, hopefully some folks will use it.

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Mead, Puzzle Boxes, Comics, Dreams

So today I did a little brewing.  Started up a standard batch of my black pepper mead & started two experimental half batches that aren’t mead at all.  One using molasses instead of honey (about the same price) & one using corn syrup instead of honey (about a tenth of the price).  So I guess I’ll have to wait a couple of months to see if they work for me or not.  I hear the molasses version is going to taste way too strong.  Maybe I’ll end up mixing the two of them together or something.

I used the last of the blocks I had making up a few more puzzle boxes.  I also tried staining & varnishing one & made one with a checkerboard pattern.  I plan to use them for a Kickstarter to try to buy some more blocks to make more puzzle boxes.

Still cutting up & assembling mini-comics.  That’s my day.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m swimming in a lake & I’m trying to pull myself up on to a dock, but I lack the upper body strength to get up properly & I’m getting to weak to swim & the dock is too slippery to hold my head above water forever.

Posted in beer, comics, daily news, dreams, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Mead, Puzzle Boxes, Comics, Dreams

  1. goddakkATtACK says:

    youre supposed to be keeping away from corn syrup

Bryce Clayton Eiman, Comics, Dreams

Okay, so first off, here’s a video from a solo drone show by Bryce Clayton Eiman of Weather Machine from Sunday night:

I printed out comics today until I ran out of toner & I ordered more toner.  I’m also doing some “re-mastering” of the comics where I’m changing the text layout a bit to be easier to read on some of the older books.  Which takes kind of a long time & I debate if it’s worth it or not.  Also today I realized I’m running out of the little bags I put my comics in; which means in the past ten years I’ve made about 12,000 comics.  Granted I know at least half of those were promotionals & give aways, but it is still kind insane to think there are that many out there.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m hanging out with Gwyneth Paltrow after a show at some fancy hotel that looks like a cathedral in the lobby.  We’re by the elevators that lead from the atrium to the first floor & there are seven buttons to hit for the elevator laid out in the shape of a cross & all seven of them are mashed & lit up.  It’s 2:07 am & an alarm goes off that sounds somewhere between a bell & a severe blow to the head.  A wind comes in as doors three floors high open.  I do not want to see what’s coming inside.  We run to a little spot in front of a stained glass window where there’s a fountain & Gwyneth is begging everyone she sees for change to throw in the fountain to make a wish to stop the thing that’s coming in.  There’s a rumbling, more like an earthquake than an explosion & there’s a shower of pieces of coral & shark teeth the size of fists coming down on us.  Gwyneth says she always preferred shark teeth to coral & that she’s going to mount a dozen of these to a piece of wood to always remember this night.

I’m on tour with Michael Wood & we’re stopped at a gas station & this big RV pulls up & a guy jumps out & gives us some velour purple alligator masks & hoodies & asks us to where them for the show tonight.

I’m on tour with Shaun Sandor & Bryce Clayton Eiman.  Someone tells me it’s thirty minutes until the show, but I don’t know what instrument I’m supposed to be playing nor even what band I’m supposed to be playing in.

I have what I think is a roll of Spree candies, but when I unpeel the wrapper, it is actually Spree Sidewalk Chalk.

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