Comics & Dreams

Yesterday I showed at Genghis Con in Cleveland.  Did pretty good on sales.  Met some potential future collaborators.  I was a little let down that none of my dozen Cleveland friends came in, but so it goes.

Trying to get some comics done.  Taking longer than expected as always.  Frustrated with myself sometimes….

Last Night’s Dreams:
I go to church with my mother.  After walking through the communion line, I find myself walking off to sit alone in an empty pew rather than going back to sit with my mother.

My biological father keeps sending me text messages grilling me for information about my new girlfriend.  I don’t have answers for any of his questions.  He keeps  asking things like why is her favorite color her favorite color.

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One Response to Comics & Dreams

  1. the girl says:

    red, because it is the color of passion. and also, growing up as a redhead, my mother would never let me wear red “because it clashed”… so perhaps its also a subconscious rebellion?

Sequential Underground & Messenger

So I guess starred on a recent episode of Sequential Underground about entering a comic book scene in a new city.  Go over & listen if you have a bunch of time.

So I’m working on a new comic right now called Messenger.  For the past few months I’ve been obsessed with Cthulhu for some reason & this is my response to that.

A week from now I’ll be back in Raleigh.  Kinda crazy how fast my month in Pittsburgh has passed by for me.  More done than I feared & less done than I’d hoped, which I guess is standard in life.

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Grinding through

So I’m feeling pretty good about the work I’m getting done here.  Cranked out another 21 paintings today so far & last night I wrote an elder god style script that I plan to draw in the next couple of days.  I’m not blogging because I’m working essentially.  I also got done the photo ebook about the Bottle Comics & I’ll be sending out emails about that this afternoon.

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One Response to Grinding through

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    video blog and then you don’t have to actually blog. Vlog as it were.

Succubus (short story)

When she puts my cock inside her it burns.  I can’t tell if it’s a venereal disease or something sent up from Hell previewing my future.  The only thing I can compare the pain to is wiping my eye after cutting jalapeno peppers.  Like it’s some kind of chemical burn.  How could her insides become such a toxic environment without killing her?  I wish I’d just hurry up & come so this would all be over with.

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One Response to Succubus (short story)

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    this post makes me miss jalepeno poppers.

Northern Valentine & Pittsburgh

So it’s a Monday & so I put up a new 5 in 5 EP.  This week it’s from Northern Valentine.

I made a page with a bunch of my artwork up for this residency in Pittsburgh for those of you thinking about getting some original artwork or wanting to see it in person there’s still a lot of options available over at Kickstarter.

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Kid Comics, Readings, Sketchbooks, Slow, Remora, Dreams

So the other day I did my kid comics workshop.  It went pretty well in that nine comics were created in two hours.  I could definitely see myself doing the workshop again given an opportunity.  It was a lot more intense than I anticipated & there are tips I know to give kids now that I didn’t before.  You know, like you write the words before drawing the bubble instead of trying to cram all the words in a tiny word balloon. You can check more at fundingwaschools.

I did my reading of REH with Nick Marino (Super Haters) & it was pretty well received.  I’ve been talking with Dan McCloskey (the guy who runs Cyberpunk Apocalypse House) about readings & how they really set the pace & tone of a comic for a better experience of the work.  I have a tendency to read comics way too fast & at reading events things get slowed down & you notice the words.  I’m not sure what to do with this new found information.

Last night I went to this traveling sketchbook thing that was pretty awesome.  A couple thousand sketchbooks traveling across the country for people to check out.  I bought one to submit next year when they start taking in new books. Follow bubdesk for more information about kids favorite comics.

I haven’t really been able to get any work done today for some reason.  I think it’s my first day since I’ve been in Pittsburgh where I really felt like I couldn’t get anything done.

I held my guitar for a while, it was mostly frustrating.  Sometimes a guitar just feels like a block of wood with some tuned wires on it & I can’t make it do anything interesting.  I did around the second hour find what could maybe one day be a fifteen second long Remora song.  We’ll see what happens to it.

Last Night’s Dream:
My dad wants me to upgrade his computer to have a solid state hard drive.  When I open up the laptop it has a bay for a second hard drive that is completely empty.  I can’t remember ever seeing a laptop with two hard drive bays before.

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Favor (short story)

I’m about to fuck this girl as a favor to a friend.  She’s his wife.  He wanted to know if she’d been cheating on him & his way to find out was by seeing if she’d sleep with me.  I wish he’d hired a private detective instead.  Because I feel like all this proves is that I’m an asshole.  I’m about to fuck my best friend’s wife.  What kind of person does that?  Maybe I should tell her why I’m with her.  Give her a chance to repent, to save her marriage.  No matter what I’ll end up needing to get a new best friend because I won’t be able to deal with the guilt of having let things get this far.  What the fuck am I thinking?  I’m over analyzing things.  I should just fuck this girl & go the fuck home.

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Irata, Battlestar Galactica, & Dreams

Irata has an interview up over at 411mania.

I just found out about this & I thought some of you might be interested.  The new Battlestar Galactica series “Blood & Chrome” is debuting in ten minute segments on YouTube.  I’m not hooked so far, but I’ll hold off on judging it.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I get home & a friend from high school’s little brother has moved into my house.  He’s maybe 17 & has unintentionally wrecked the house.  He fucked up the shower in the one bathroom & broke out a bunch of tiles trying to fix it, but the water is running & the drain is stopped up  & I’m sure the water is fucking up the kitchen under the bathroom.  I never really cared for that kid.

On the cluttered kitchen table I see someone’s list of new year’s resolution.  I can’t figure out what month it is.

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One Response to Irata, Battlestar Galactica, & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    Like how under the music spotlight in that 411 site it says:

    // Kim Kardashian Tweets a Pic of Her Killer Rack in a Skimpy Bikini Top

    I wonder what genre Kardashianboobs are.

Clang Quartet, Dream

Somehow I previously missed this super short documentary on Clang Quartet, so I figured you might have as well.

Last Night’s Dream:
In a thrift store I find $1300 in a copy of the New Testament laying in a cardboard box of nuts & bolts.  I leave the money & walk around the store, then I decide to take the money because it may as well end up with me as someone else.  There’s a note with the money that reveals it was used to pay to kill a child as part of a drug turf war.  I put the money in my pocket & then an employee comes up to me & asks if I want to tell them what I just put in my pocket. He said that I needed to get a drug test but I really didnt understand why or what. I was clean the whole time and everything was going smooth so I assumed that it was all going to workout. I just wanted to go out there and show them my body and health were all in check.  I went out and got a hair drug test done to make sure that everything was ok and sure enough it was. I was clean the whole time without having to worry about anything.

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One Response to Clang Quartet, Dream

  1. Peter says:

    Dude, you need to relax in your dreams sometimes. You’re always building a go-cart with your ex landlord or something.

October Monthly Charts, Comics, Residency, MTV, Dreams

Here’s the charts for what people were into last month on the Silber site.
Top Ten Most Read Silber Digital Comics in October
1. REH #1
2. Mecha #1
3. Kid Comics Instruction Booklet
4. Extreme Lost Kisses #1
5. Small Art Series I
6. Lost Kisses #4
7. Just A Man #2
8. Built #1
9. Ultimate Lost Kisses #11
10. Just A Man #1

Top Ten Most Read About Silber Releases in October
1. Northern Valentine – Fin De Siecle
2. Brian John Mitchell & Andrew Weathers – Drone is in the Blood
3. Remora – Scars Bring Hope
4. mwvm – Had Yr Pash
5. Promute – Drone of the Norns
6. Plumerai – Mondegreen
7. Lotte Kestner – China Mountain
8. Remora – I Came To Party
9. Irata – Vultures
10. Irata – Irata

Top Ten Silber Album Downloads in October
1. Brian John Mitchell & Andrew Weathers – Drone is in the Blood
2. mwvm – Had Yr Pash
3. Plumerai – Mondegreen
4. Plumerai – Marco Polo
5. Promute – Drone of the Norns
6. Remora – I Came to Party
7. Northern Valentine – Fin De Siecle
8. Irata – Vultures
9. Small Life Form – Voice in the Sky
10. Unspeakable Forces – Butterfly Corpse

Top Five Most Read QRD Interviews in October
1. Erin O’Brien (issue 29 (2005))
2. Second Motion Entertainment (issue 45 – Label Owner Interview Series I (2010))
3. Nick Reinhart (issue 43 – Guitarist Interview Series III (2010))
4. Calvin Johnson (issue 42 – Guitarist Interview Series II (2010))
5. Alan Sparhawk (issue 46 – Guitarist Interview Series IV (2010))

So I caught a cold & it’s really thrown me for a loop & kept me from getting all my work done.  But I’m still getting a bunch of drawings done on this cartoonist residency in Pittsburgh.   I passed over $500 now in pre-selling the artwork I’m making up here over Kickstarter, so I’m pretty stoked about that.  $500 was the break point where I start making buttons to go out as a free bonus with some of the backer rewards & I think that’s pretty cool.

Oh, it’s probably also worth noting that Vlor got played in an episode of the new show Catfish on MTV last night.

Last Night’s Dreams:
Recording a podcast over Skype with Jayson Elliot (Permission Magazine).  I don’t know what the topic is, but we get into some kind of heated argument.

I’m living at a community built around a lake.  It might be where my parents had a camping lot when I was a kid, but it’s built up & changed a lot.  There’s a home schooling teacher that has a dock on the lake where kids get dropped off via speedboats & she has a sign that says something like “Los Angeles Level Education with Country Values.”  I’m just standing on one of those floating level docks with rails & it gets hit by a speedboat full speed.  The dock flips over & I’m holding on to the rails trapped inside it like a cage trying desperately not to get the book in my hand wet (a copy of Dungeons & Dragons Fiend Folio).

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