
Last Night’s Dream:
I’m walking on the greenway in the woods & I see a superball on the ground.  I pick it up & throw it down on the pavement of the path as hard as I can & it bounces up above the tree line & it comes down & hits the pavement exactly where I threw it, but it doesn’t bounce a second time at all.superball

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New Order – “The Him”

So a couple weeks ago Joseph Kyle posted on Facebook about New Order’s Movement being a good record.  I bought the album back in 1995 & listened to it maybe twice & it never grabbed me.  It just felt like a transition point between Joy Division’s Closer & New Order’s Power, Corruption & Lies (the only album by anyone I’ve purchased on cassette, vinyl, & CD).  So I decided to check it out again.  In general I still feel the same.  It feels a little rushed & poorly mixed to me; I bet the songs are all fine, but it just seems like it’s not ripe in general & could be revisited for a remixing & remastering.  However, there is one huge exception & that’s a song called “The Him” which feels more Joy Division than Joy Division.  Here’s a live version of the song.

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One Response to New Order – “The Him”

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    this makes me think of Remora doing cure covers.

“our story”

I met a girl at a rock show in an art gallery.  She was hot.  She was cute.  She was totally out of my league.  Three months later she contacted me on a dating site & we became friends on Facebook.  She gave me her number & I called & left a voicemail, but she never called me back.  Four months pass & she ends up singing in a friend’s band on a YouTube video he posted of them practicing.  Another month passes & I see her at a bar at a friend’s show, but don’t get up the nerve to talk to her.  Fourteen months go by, she contacts me via Facebook about hanging out & talking about music sometime.  I figure she’s trying to put a band together & it’s about time for me to be in a band again.  She ends up asking me to go to a show that night one town over & agrees to pick me up to go.  We’re drinking beers.  At a point she’s sitting on a barstool next to me & she stretches out her neck & points to it saying, “Here’s my neck if you want to kiss it,” & I decline.  Another guy she’s friends with, one who was in the band with her the night I met her, shows up & I feel like it’s not a date even though she keeps over emphasizing the term “ex-boyfriend” in conversation.There’s an exotic looking beer that I ask the bartender about.  He says he doesn’t know anything about it & starts reading the label & gets to a point where he says, “Zero percent alcohol.”  The girl yells out, “Don’t give him that!” & I end up getting a pilsner.  When the band is playing she has to go to the bathroom & she says to me & her ex-bandmate that whichever one of us gets her another beer wins.  I go & get her another beer, probably at least the seventh for each of us over the night.  Halfway through the set, the ex-bandmate leaves & I find her holding my hand.  A song or two later she’s in front of me, pressing her back against me, holding my hands to wrap my arms around her waist.  The band finishes.  On the way back to the car we stop in an alcove & make out for twenty minutes & then she drives us the thirty minutes back to my house.  We start making out in the car & she asks about going inside, but I don’t want her to see what a mess the house is.  We keep making out & then she asks, “Do you want a one night stand or a relationship?”  I say, “I guess I want a relationship.”  She says, “Why don’t we try both?”

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One Response to “our story”

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    two things.

    #1) you should set this to music kinda in the Nick Cave’s From Her to Eternity style.
    #2) once when i came back to visit NC after i moved up here, i went to Sadlack’s with jana and i went in to get a beer and I saw something i’ve never seen before so i ordered it and when i went back out to where we were seated, she scolded me and then made me go buy a real beer (actually i think i made her go buy it) because it was an O’douls.


I’m sitting under a bridge & I’m high on pills.  I guess I could be any age from 12 to the 38 that I actually am.  I keep hoping that doing these stupid things to recreate the past will jumpstart my traveling back into it.  But I’m too numb now.  Time travel is fueled by emotional energy.  I think I already spent all of mine.  Which makes me stuck like everyone else.  Only moving forward.  Only one second at a time.  It’s not bad.  It’s not terrible.  But it holds me more accountable for my actions.  It means avoiding mistakes, taking less risks.  Accepting my place as part of the machine.  Just waiting until I’m worn out, broken down, & replaced.


Staring up at a different cottage cheese ceiling in a different city doesn’t help.  It’s not even a change of scenery.  I can’t outrun my problems because I can’t outrun myself.  I don’t want to exist anymore.  I’m tired & I’m lonely & I hurt.  Why won’t God just let my body break?  I’m just a burden to my friends & family & when I’m gone they’ll all at least secretly be relieved to not need to worry about me anymore.  They’re all just waiting for whatever to happen.  A car crash.  A heart attack.  A drug overdose.  Some random disease.  Whatever’s within God’s will.  Please God, let it happen soon.


Dear God,
Please change my narrative.  I don’t want to be sad & hurt & broken & isolated & alone anymore.  I admit that I am too weak & too stupid to fix things & I am pleading for your help & intervention.  Let me be happy & satisfied with the blessings you give me.  Amen.

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Fingers, Interviews, Dream

So I commonly walk around saying, “I’ve got ten fingers & ten toes & access to clean water; I have nothing to complain about.”  Today when I was walking around the lake I saw this dude who’s arms were coated in scar tissue & didn’t have any fingers that were more than a single joint long.  It fucked with my head.  It reminded me of the episode of X-Files where Mulder talks about if he’d lost a leg he’d have something legitimate to fixate on & probably be a better person for it (at least that’s my memory of what he said, my memory tends to err towards things that are more interesting to me).  It makes me feel fairly blessed in life, which is a good thing.

This morning in my inbox was an email of interview questions for a local arts webzine.  It makes me feel a little good about things.  Though doing the upbeat thing for the interview was a bit difficult.

Last Night’s Dream:
I go with Karla to her parents’ church, when her mother sees us there she comes up to me & kisses me on the mouth & says she’s so glad I brought her daughter back to her, but it feels both false & inappropriate.  The communion portion of the service is not like any I’ve seen before, they pass the bread around for everyone to individually say a silent blessing over & then begin distributing it in the front of the church. While people are waiting to get communion, Karla asks me to go with her to the bathroom to make out & I tell her no, that people will notice.  Somehow she manages to take my shirt off without me noticing & hides it somewhere. All I wanted to do was blend in.

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So I guess some of you know about my love for the band Hefner.  I mean, I did the song “Every Prince” based on “I Stole a Bride” on the Remora album Derivative.  Anyway, today I did a cover of “Half a Life” in the Mecha style.  Probably as good of a way to spend three hours as I have available to me at the moment.

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QRD, Life Begins at Rewirement, Dreams

So I got up the new issue of QRD in the guitarist series.  I’ll have another issue wrapping up some loose ends before the hiatus.

So I’ve had a couple weird dreams lately about eating meat.  More info on that below.  Oh, I’ve been a vegetarian to the best of my ability for about twenty years now, so that’s why it is weird….

I discovered this amazing sci-fi short about elder care, you should watch it.  It’s called “Life Begins at Rewirement.”

Recent Dreams:
I go to visit my buddy who is homesteading out in Washington state.  Out in the woods we run into a bear & kill it with a knife & pull some meat out of its belly & eat it, raw & warm.

My printer isn’t working write for printing out the new issue of Worms.  Instead of trying to fix it, I just decide to give up working on comics altogether.

I’m in a park somewhere with Karla Anne & I’m eating one of the sandwiches that she made us with deli-cut chicken & a lot of mayonnaise.

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Warren Ellis & Firetail & stuff

So yesterday Warren Ellis put a Firetail track on his Spektrmodule Podcast.  Which is super exciting in a lot of ways.  I’m pretty stoked about it as an interest point in Silber & having something go full circle with the comics/music thing.

Trying to polish off the new QRD today & finish the promo mailing about the new 5 minute EPs today.  We’ll see what happens.

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4 Responses to Warren Ellis & Firetail & stuff

  1. Nick says:

    I always thought that mwvm would have made you rich. Apparently I’m still wrong.

    • I feel that way about almost every band on the label & I’ve been wrong every time.

      • Nick says:

        Seriously though, the reason why Heller Mason or Jamie Barnes didn’t sell well it’s a mystery to me…

        • When the first Jamie Barnes came out I kinda got a lot of flack. Because there had been a string of super dark records compared to that & people were like, “Why the hell did Silber put out a folk pop record?” My answer was, “Because it’s really good.”

More Sci Fi TV & a Remora demo

So I recorded this Remora demo today.  Maybe it’ll be the next single that I need to play at every show from here on out.


I spent most of the day working on button stuff.  Nothing super adventurous.  Below are some videos I think you might like.  Hope everyone is doing well.

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Zlata & Shaun Sandor, 5 in 5, Buttons, Ads, Etc.

The big news for today is I got up another release in the 5 in 5 series.  It’s a collaboration between Shaun Sandor & his four year old daughter Zlata called “Band on the Moon” & it’s free to stream or a dollar to download or show your support.

So the button listings on Ebay are expiring today & tomorrow.  Basically a third of the buttons I listed sold, which is fine.  I’d hoped for more obviously.  Maybe I had some of the “Buy It Now” prices too high.  At any rate, it is going to get me to go ahead & try to list fifty items for sale per month on Ebay as long as they are offering fifty free listings each month.  Going to try to clear out things a bit more as I realize I own a lot of things that I don’t really need to.  I mean, I lived in Pittsburgh the month of November only with what I could fit in my car & I really didn’t miss anything that I didn’t have with me.  So it might be a slower process than I hope for, but eventually I want to get to the point where I’m only owning things I want & need instead of having all these legacy items just taking up space.  I guess part of the inspiration is my buddy Jesse is moving to a one room cabin he’s building himself out in Washington state.  I went to have a couple of beers with him & help him load his car & give him my camping stove that I haven’t used in twenty years.  Basically all he owns right now is a suitcase of clothes, tools for building the cabin, a guitar & amp & pedal board, two surfboards, a laptop, & a dog.  His car isn’t even half full.  It is at least a little inspiring.

So I went ahead & I suspended the ads on Facebook & Google for Silber in preparation for the hiatus.  It’s starting to feel close to happening.  Trying to get people to get me the stuff for finishing up the current batch of work.  We’ll see what all happens.

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2 Responses to Zlata & Shaun Sandor, 5 in 5, Buttons, Ads, Etc.

  1. Peter says:

    Jessie’s a cool guy. That will be the world’s friendliest cabin.