Category Archives: daily news

Lee Jackson, QRD, Follow-Up, Comics, Dreams

So first off I want to mention the compilation that was put together as a tribute to Lee Jackson.  For those of  you who don’t know who he was, he was a music reviewer & Mats Gustafson’s partner on …

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Behind the Scenes

Getting some behind the scenes work done today.  Proofreading for QRD, worked on some questions for the touring musician interview series for QRD, more work done on the cover art for the record with my son, another coat of stain …

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Comics, QRD, Remora, mwvm, Dreams

So I assembled some more comics today.  Still waiting for my new toner cartridges to arrive so I can print everything out & get in a big production instead of just doing them for an hour at a time.  Then …

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Comics & Flyers

Got some work done today staining the comic book boxes.  Got in the artwork for REH #4.  Got final drafts out for all the Bottle Comics to the artists.  Did some work for the winery job.  Made plans for a …

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Puzzle Boxes, Comics, Worms, Pow Wow, Northern Valentine, Triangle Rhysing

A lot of stuff done today that is easy to see over the internet as opposed to my typical behind the scenes work.

So today I finally fixed up the page for the puzzle boxes I’ve been making so that …

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Mead, Puzzle Boxes, Comics, Dreams

So today I did a little brewing.  Started up a standard batch of my black pepper mead & started two experimental half batches that aren’t mead at all.  One using molasses instead of honey (about the same price) & one …

Posted in beer, comics, daily news, dreams, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Mead, Puzzle Boxes, Comics, Dreams

  1. goddakkATtACK says:

    youre supposed to be keeping away from corn syrup

Bryce Clayton Eiman, Comics, Dreams

Okay, so first off, here’s a video from a solo drone show by Bryce Clayton Eiman of Weather Machine from Sunday night:

I printed out comics today until I ran out of toner & I ordered more toner.  I’m also …

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Small Life Form, Thriller, Quatermass, Comics

So I finally wrote what I think is an acceptable first draft for the mermaid story for the bottle comics.  I’ll need to get it typed up & sent to Kim Traub for approval & then lay it out still, …

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Brilliant Spam, Remora, mwvm

I got this pretty brilliant spam today.  The spam was a false order to Amazon & then all the links to Amazon in the email rather than going to some fake harvesting site were Amazon affiliate links.  So if you …

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Twitter, Bottle Comics, QRD, Puzzle Boxes, Triangle Rhysing

So I haven’t really talked about the Twitter News Robot things I’m running lately (here’s the music & comics page with them & here’s the actual news page with them).  Anyway, I looked at my stats for last week & …

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