Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

Comics & Dreams

Yesterday I showed at Genghis Con in Cleveland.  Did pretty good on sales.  Met some potential future collaborators.  I was a little let down that none of my dozen Cleveland friends came in, but so it goes.

Trying to get …

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One Response to Comics & Dreams

  1. the girl says:

    red, because it is the color of passion. and also, growing up as a redhead, my mother would never let me wear red “because it clashed”… so perhaps its also a subconscious rebellion?

Sequential Underground & Messenger

So I guess starred on a recent episode of Sequential Underground about entering a comic book scene in a new city.  Go over & listen if you have a bunch of time.

So I’m working on a new comic …

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Grinding through

So I’m feeling pretty good about the work I’m getting done here.  Cranked out another 21 paintings today so far & last night I wrote an elder god style script that I plan to draw in the next couple of …

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One Response to Grinding through

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    video blog and then you don’t have to actually blog. Vlog as it were.

Succubus (short story)

When she puts my cock inside her it burns.  I can’t tell if it’s a venereal disease or something sent up from Hell previewing my future.  The only thing I can compare the pain to is wiping my eye after …

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One Response to Succubus (short story)

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    this post makes me miss jalepeno poppers.

Northern Valentine & Pittsburgh

So it’s a Monday & so I put up a new 5 in 5 EP.  This week it’s from Northern Valentine.

I made a page with a bunch of my artwork up for this residency in Pittsburgh for …

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Kid Comics, Readings, Sketchbooks, Slow, Remora, Dreams

So the other day I did my kid comics workshop.  It went pretty well in that nine comics were created in two hours.  I could definitely see myself doing the workshop again given an opportunity.  It was a lot more …

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Favor (short story)

I’m about to fuck this girl as a favor to a friend.  She’s his wife.  He wanted to know if she’d been cheating on him & his way to find out was by seeing if she’d sleep with me.  I …

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Irata, Battlestar Galactica, & Dreams

Irata has an interview up over at 411mania.

I just found out about this & I thought some of you might be interested.  The new Battlestar Galactica series “Blood & Chrome” is debuting in ten minute segments on YouTube.  …

Posted in daily news, dreams, movies & television, music, video | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Irata, Battlestar Galactica, & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    Like how under the music spotlight in that 411 site it says:

    // Kim Kardashian Tweets a Pic of Her Killer Rack in a Skimpy Bikini Top

    I wonder what genre Kardashianboobs are.

Clang Quartet, Dream

Somehow I previously missed this super short documentary on Clang Quartet, so I figured you might have as well.

Last Night’s Dream:
In a thrift store I find $1300 in a copy of the New Testament laying in a …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music, video | Tagged , | 1 Comment

One Response to Clang Quartet, Dream

  1. Peter says:

    Dude, you need to relax in your dreams sometimes. You’re always building a go-cart with your ex landlord or something.

October Monthly Charts, Comics, Residency, MTV, Dreams

Here’s the charts for what people were into last month on the Silber site.
Top Ten Most Read Silber Digital Comics in October
1. REH #1
2. Mecha #1
3. Kid Comics Instruction Booklet
4. Extreme Lost Kisses #1
5. …

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