Monthly Archives: June 2010

short & sweet.

Laundry list style of things done:

Got some images done for some QRD adswaps.

Recorded another track for my top secret recording project.

Worked some more on mastering the Rivulets Demos.

Worked on booking some shows.

Talked with Brian McKenzie …

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Working on Getting Some Work Done

Spent a few hours trying to make a little form for running contests where people would join the Silber mailing list in exchange for a chance to win some Silber items.  It didn’t work out for me.

Wrote the first …

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Blah & a great short film.

I don’t know where my days go.

Spent some time working on mastering the Rivulets demos & boosting the volume mainly seemed to add some distortions & raise the noise floor.  I wonder sometimes what the real mastering guys do …

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Old Obsessions & Some Other Junk

Yesterday I finished reading a comic anthology I bought that was the first dozen issues of Marvel Comics from 70 years ago.  It’s interesting because there are some comic rules they experiment with & have really poor results (panel layout …

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Comp Tracks, Paperwork, Teenagers, Gears, Blender

Just mixed/mastered a couple of songs for a potential comp appearance.  One Remora & one new Vlor.  They definitely blur the differences between the two projects this time.  As the Remora pretty much sounds like Windsor for the Derby on …

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Senses Returning, Customer Service, Recording, etc

Today I woke up having regained feeling in my big toe & thumb & index finger on my right side.  My balance was greatly improved by this & I took advantage of it by walking to the bank.

I can’t …

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research, comics, drum conversion, NC laws

Did some research for new websites for my promo list for both the comics & music side of Silber.

Worked some more on the comics follow-up.

Did the measurements for designing my pipe system to convert a bass drum into …

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QRD is Up! Oh, & some other things.

So the new QRD is up – -  20 in-depth interviews with 20 guitar players.  Please help spread the word about it (put a link to it on twitter or facebook or your myspace status).  I’m pretty stoked that …

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QRD Almost Ready & Silber Bracelets

Working on the QRD website.  Got the ads all set up & the last interviews proofed.  Just have to finish setting up the layout on the interviews.  Probably about an hour & a half to go on it to be …

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QRD & Blogging

Okay, I got a lot of proofing done & also did some more stuff with getting ads for QRD.  I have just two more interviews to proof (three if the 20th interview makes it in).  So I’m getting pretty excited …

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