Today I’ve just been working on the new QRD. Arranged all the ads. Wrote the intro. & proofed/laid out 4 of the 21 interviews. Maybe I’ll get one or two more done before I sleep.
Boondock Saints was on today & it seems like so many folks list that as their favorite movie that I should watch it. I don’t really get why people like it so much. It felt a little clumsy to me (granted I was working on QRD interviews while it was on). It felt cut for TV even though it was on IFC so it wasn’t. Maybe it would’ve been better with commercial interruptions because the cuts would have been forgivable. It felt like they made a season of a TV show & then tried to cut it up to cram it into a two hours. I need to do some research into why so many girls like that movie as that’s even more confusing….
Last Night’s Dream:
An Asian girl asks me to move in with her to record my next album & I do. Her whole apartment is white on white on white (white furniture, white walls, white floors – reminiscent of Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back). Its in Buenas Aires & on about the twelfth floor of the building we’re on & I don’t have a key to even get out of the apartment much less back inside. A corner of the living room is converted into a studio for me & in the bedroom (also all in white) there’s a canopy bed & one of those tiny cots that looks like a stretcher (it also is white). The girl is also all in white. It seems like the most colorful thing in the whole apartment is my gray guitar.