Lost Kisses Daily – February 24

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More stuff going on.

So the other day on Finally Checking It Out I reviewed Richard Corben’s Dark Planet which is an oddly watchable mess.

On Nostalgia Equals Distortion I reviewed the original War of the Worlds movie going into some personal & general history of the War of the Worlds.

My Kickstarter campaign for the comics got approved.  I still need to do all the stuff to get the campaign started & ready to go & to coincide that with the next Silber newsletter (which I guess will be the first of this year, so much for making that come out every month).

I got in the Northern Valentine disc.  I need to do the press release & one sheet & set the release date & all that.  I also need to do the same thing for the new mwvm & the release I did with my son Andrew.  I’m the only one holding these things up & I don’t know why I can’t get myself motivated & just get them done.

I just got booked a Remora noise gig for this Monday.  Going to be a drone set again.  I’ve been pretty happy with the last two, so I’m kinda stoked to see how it goes over with people who are more used to the song oriented stuff.

I got an email from Jason Strutz that the comic we’re collaborating on (Astronaut Jane) is almost done.  It was an interesting project in that it worked by him showing me a collection of finished drawings & me writing a story based on what will be the cover of the comic.  So I guess I’ll soon really need to send out some comics for promo as I’ll have about a dozen since my last promo batch went out – Lost Kisses #22, Lost Kisses #23, Lost Kisses – September 11 Special, Vigilant #2, Built #2, REH #1, REH #2, REH #3, Star #2, Lost Kisses Daily Volume I, Astronaut Jane #1, Cerebus Reflection, & hopefully XO #8, Worms #7, Extreme Lost Kisses #2, Promute Origins, Pow Wow #1, End of the World #1, & Lost Kisses #24.  Wow, I guess I have done a bunch of comics in the past year.

I’ve been talking to the head of my local art council a bit about helping them get the word out a bit more given their budget constraints.  They sent out an email mentioning their Facebook page & saying their goal was to have 1000 fans by the end of 2012.  I’m hoping they don’t have an actual social media person they pay with such low goals as that.  I laid out a Facebook ad campaign that I think would get them 1000 fans (which of course means nothing in reality) for $20.

I have been doing some secret plotting about trying to do little mini-comic convention here locally.  I got a couple things going today about possibly making it happen or at least getting the ball rolling.  I’ll let you know more as things develop.

Last Night’s Dreams
I put on my guitar & out comes a highly technical guitar solo that I had no idea I was capable of playing.  In fact I’m not even sure I’m playing it because my hands look like blurry spiders & I have no control over them.

I’m going for a walk & I see this huge cicada skin, about the size of a chipmunk.  I pick it up & the bug is still inside the skin & I drop it & it runs away into a hole in the ground.  When these guys come out this year to mate it is going to be loud.

I’m at a show on tour & my buddy Ryan is trying to impress some girl.  I grab his bicep as I walk by & say, “Holy crap!  Your muscles are huge!”  Then I tell the girl, “You gotta feel this!”  & she grabs his arm & I walk away & sit in a booth with some other friends.  There’s this girl hanging out who is tiny, I ask her, “How much do you weigh? 72 pounds?”  She says, “Don’t be ridiculous, I weigh 78 pounds.”

I’m trying to teach someone how to cook eggs over medium; but I’m using a cast iron pan & I’ve never cooked in one before, so I’m not sure it’s going to work out.

I’m opening a new business, a used bookstore.  The thing that makes mine special is that it’s open 24 hours a day.  Which I’m really not sure is a good idea.

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Lost Kisses Daily – February 23

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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Lost Kisses Daily – February 22

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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No More Fucking Fans

So Pablo Benjamin made this kind of bizarre short film from one second of footage of his life per hour he was awake for 90 days.  I thought some of you might dig it, so here it is along with a couple questions I had for Pablo.

BJM – What was your inspiration to make this document of three months of your life & why is the title “No More Fucking Fans”?

Pablo – Many times people who know some of your crazy things (music, videos, etc.) on the internet create a image of you based on just such situations that often are only meant to draw attention to some.

BJM – How much video did you shoot compared to how much you used?

Pablo – About 120 hours of video snippets.

BJM – How did the people who appear in it react to the final product?

Pablo – Some of their reactions have been a great smile, a little sad to be drunk dancing, sighs, anger, nervousness.  Some are friends now, some are far from many forms. The video shows a girl who lives far she met her online, a day that I contact some of my music taste, we began to chat, then we talked everyday at all hours, passing the time until we meet in person in the end the delusion came to her I was not the type that showed internet.

BJM – Are you going to continue the project or do you think this is enough for now?

Pablo – I think it’s enough for now, I plan to work with other issues related to garbage.

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Lost Kisses Daily – February 21

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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Lost Kisses Daily – February 20

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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Comics, Kickstarter, Dreams

Today I wrote up a Kickstarter campaign for trying to raise funds to print up all the comics & sell as big bundles.  We’ll see if they approve it (my bottle opener keychain campaign about a year ago wasn’t approved).  In the past month I’ve seen a couple friends get funding & some not get funding.  It seems like most of the folks I know that ran successful projects were running ones that weren’t asking for a lot of money, it seems like $500 is where you generally get funds (which means 50 people paying $10 or 10 people paying $50) & that people going for the $2000 price point (which is what it costs to get a CD professionally manufactured & run some promotions on it) are less likely to get the funds.  I kinda feel like the whole thing is a bunch of crap, but it seems to build excitement in a way that gets people to spend money & I can’t complain if money comes in.

In other comics news, I finally finished drawing the second issue of Vigilant (still need to scan it in & lay it out) & I spent a couple hours assembling some comics.

I also watched The Carpetbaggers & reviewed it for Finally Checking It Out including a full stream of the movie.  The Carpetbaggers is the book/movie that Nevada Smith is a prequel to.

Last Night’s Dreams:
Arms come out from the control panel of the dashboard & pull the steering wheel to guide the car off of the bridge & into the river. I’m still holding onto the steering wheel as the car starts to sink & the hands grab my wrists. The hands look familiar. They’re definitely a women’s hands, but I can’t quite place them. The hands don’t feel cold, they don’t feel malignant, they don’t even seem forceful. They almost seem loving & lonely.

I’m fighting a demon & I don’t have the weapons to kill it.  I do, mostly by luck, manage to knock it unconscious.  I cut out its eyes, ears, & tongue & mail them out to foreign countries.  Hopefully it’ll give the demon trouble tracking me down to kick my ass.

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2 Responses to Comics, Kickstarter, Dreams

  1. kickstarter is a good way for pre-sales probably. it’s how i like to think of it.

    • Yeah, it’s weird to me how people are excited about helping on Kickstarter in a way they wouldn’t be about pre-sales. I do think it’s an interesting idea for me personally where I could do something in the future where I would maybe use it to decide if a CD should have a physical version or not. If I generate $1000 (basically 100 pre-sales) then there will be a CD & if not it will be digital only. I haven’t done this yet, but I think it might be what I start doing.

mwvm, The New Herald, Lost Kisses

So for those of you that are on Facebook & fans of mwvm, there’s now a group for mwvm fans.

So Erick Mertz is working on a film called The New Herald.  Some of the music featured will be from Remora.  Here’s the first trailer for it.

The Lost Kisses daily strips are done (all the images seem to be cleaned up now enough that I’m pretty happy with them) will launch here on the blog as individual entries every day for the next month starting Monday.  If people seem to like it (read as comment on it or post links about it on Facebook & Twitter & such) I’ll try to keep it going as a regular feature.  We’ll see what happens.

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Last Couple Days & the Next Month

I got scanned in all the stuff for the Lost Kisses Daily strips today.  Sent some knock ups to a few people for critique before I launch it.  Hopefully it’ll start going up next week.

I also scanned in my water color version of my first comic Shimmer from 1995.  I still need to clean up the images, but it will appear in the upcoming SPACE anthology.

I got the art in for the third issue of REH.  Still have to lay it out & all that.  I suppose I’ll need to get things going on my next wave of promos for the mini-comics soon as I have about ten that I haven’t sent out for promo yet.

I did some mild re-designing on the Silber Comics page.  I’m still not really happy with it.  I’m not sure what I should do to get it to look like I would want it to because I don’t know what I want it to look like.  If you’d be interested in doing some internet interning by helping to check some sites’ contact information & such, please let me know.

I’ve been debating whether I should mention it on here or not, but Twitter suspended my world news account.  Not sure what that’s about or if it will ever come back.  They never sent me a message about it.  Just one day I noticed the feed wasn’t working & when I went to it, it said the account had been suspended.  I don’t feel like that account was doing anything weirder or more suspicious than the other news feed accounts, but maybe one of the newspapers flagged people broadcasting their RSS feeds or something.

I got a message from Robert Brown that the new Northern Valentine discs should be arriving sometime next week.  That seems sudden.  Anyone interested in doing some internet interning to check some review outlets & radio stations, please let me know.

Also I got a call form Brian McKenzie (Electric Bird Noise) that he’s going to have a free live EP ready to go in a few days.  He sits on an album even longer than I do as it’s his live recordings from 2009 when he was doing some weird ensemble oriented stuff (25 guitarists & such).

Still waiting for the potential art for the new Remora The Heart That Kills to be done.  I kinda suck at art sometimes & I’m happy to have someone else trying their hand at it.

I worked a little bit today on re-tooling & re-starting some Facebook ads to see if I could jump start some orders that way.  I relaunched an ad for the Alan Sparhawk disc targeting fans of Low & one for Vlor.  I suppose I should do an ad for the Twelve CD to push it to Six by Seven fans.  Maybe one for Black Happy Day to push it on Lycia & Stonebreath fans.  I don’t know.  On the one hand I feel like no one sees ads anymore, on the other hand I’m paying a penny per click so if one in 425 people who click the ad buy a digital download I break even.

Other stuff coming hopefully by the end of March include a free duet album from Brian John Mitchell & Andrew Weathers about their father & son relationship, more Lost Kisses comics, the mwvm album, a Plumerai EP, the Slicnaton album, a Promute album, a new QRD, puzzle boxes available for mail order, & who knows what else.

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