YouTube & Advertisers

So this morning I found out several of the videos I have up on YouTube have warning flags put on them as third party content.  Of course they’re things like the Vlor video (which makes sense as that song is supposed to now be getting paid per play on YouTube via the Rumblefish service) & oddly the recent live Bryce Eiman video.  So I guess in the next few days we’ll see if they kill my account & all the content.  It’s funny to me that on a site like YouTube where at least half the content is quasi-copyright infringing third party content that they would end up going after someone like me who has essentially no fans compared to the folks who put up Radiohead videos or whatever.  I remember hearing a couple stories a few months ago about artists getting there YouTube accounts closed for putting up their own material.  I guess it’ll just be another one of those things to bring me back around to the idea of not bothering to have any content anywhere besides the Silber site.

I also got an email saying a bunch of the affiliate advertisers I have for QRD are pulling out.  Which I assume means NC is trying to change some tax laws again to make it non-lucrative to work with people in the state.  Which means needing to change a bunch of code, which is kind of a pain in the ass.  But to offset this, I’ll offer you a crazy deal.  Advertise on more or less every page of the QRD site with a 1 in 10 impression for just $50.  The ad will be permanent.  Not valid for future issues.

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 17

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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Northern Valentine

Hey, I haven’t posted the past couple of days because I’ve been spending more or less the whole time trying to get the promos mailed out for the Northern Valentine.  But I’ll be back in a couple days when the mailing is done & let you know what’s going on with everything else & probably have a Remora video & maybe some other stuff as well.

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Lost Kisse Daily – March 16

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 15

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 14

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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Updates & Insomnia

Got a bunch of updates done on the website involving the new releases & sent out the newsletter to the first portion of the mailing list.  So it feels like a good day.  Even if I’m still up & working at 5am to get things done.  At least the insomnia is productive this time.

I finished the updates for the physical promotions mailing list.  So now all I have to do is prep all the discs & write the promo letters.  My grandma used to help me get the discs ready to mail out for promo & it used to be a kinda fun activity for us, now it is just tedious.

Show tonight.  I’m going to try to put it on the new Ustream page.  We’ll see if it works out.  I would put me practicing on it, except I don’t practice.

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Kickstarting, Schedule, Dreams, Comics, Promo

So I’m trying to do a little more to promote the Kickstarter comics campaign even though it’s fully funded.  I’m not a member of any comic forums (surprisingly active compared to music ones) & so I joined a few today to post about the campaign in.  We’ll see what happens.

I was going through my calendar today & somehow I have my life booked up for the next several months.  I think two free weekends in the next three months.  I got to get to work & get a bunch of things done in the next few weeks to be ready for it.  I guess it’s better to have things going on than to not have things going on.

In comic news, I got in artwork for Astronaut Jane #1 & Pow Wow #1, sent Andrew White the script for REH #4, & wrote a rough script for another issue of XO.

The majority of the day was updating addresses for the promo mailing for Northern Valentine.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m watching TV & Frasier is on.  Frasier, his brother, & his dad are all after the same girl & between the three of them spend 252 million dollars on antiques trying to impress her.  Frasier buys a thousand year old tapestry & his dad puts it down on the floor as a carpet & accidentally spills some coffee on it.  It ends up the woman’s a lesbian & not interested in any of them.

Facebook has a new skins/theme thing for choosing how your profile & interface look.  They suggest one to me called “Married with Children” & I’m not sure if it’s about the television show or the state in life, much less why it is recommending it to me.

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 13

Order a physical copy of the first 30 days of Lost Kisses Daily for just $1 ($2 international).

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Plumerai, Northern Valentine, Comics, Dreams

Today’s big news is a free EP for stream or download from shoegazery Plumerai featuring their new line-up with a new singer & drummer.  Check it out & donate some cash if you dig it to support the band.

I got out the international radio copies of the new Northern Valentine out.  A lot more to do on the promo end of course.  Also, through the end of the week the album is on sale for half price here.  Up to full price after Friday.

I talked to the curator of the warehouse space I might try to do a comic convention in (can’t remember if I talked about this here before or not).  Going over everything, I might try to have it at an established venue instead as it seems like there’s a lot of hoops to jump through to be the first one to do an event of this type at a venue which is kind of a two strike scenario since I also have never done an event like this before.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m walking home from a grocery store in the rain & one of the women who used to be in the old folks home with my grandmother pulls over & asks if she can give me a ride.  I’m not sure if it’s safe to ride in a car with her driving, but I don’t know what else to do that wouldn’t be rude.

I’m getting ready to leave my house when I end up in a room I’ve never been in before & it has a piano in it.  I always wanted a piano in the house & can’t believe I didn’t know I had one here.  As I walk by I see a key go down (the lowest B) & hear the note.  As I get into the next room there’s an old organ & the same note is hit as a stray hit.  Walking into the foyer there’s a banjo on the wall as a decoration & the B string on it is plucked.  I guess the ghost that used to live here is back….

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