Optical Theremin, Piracy, Russia, Remora on the Radio, MRR vs WSJ

I finally got my first electronic home made project to work.  I’ve tried to make several over the years, but my first success is with an optical theremin.  Interestingly (at least for me) this is the third optical theremin I’ve owned & they all have sounded significantly different in tone.  Probably I should look at them all & see if they use the same integrated circuits & resisters & such & see if I can figure out a way to integrate the best parts of each one.  Also it makes me think I can fix some of my 1960 Walco pedals & build some other things.  The secret was getting a new soldering iron.

For those who are interested about how I’ve been fighting other people distributing Silber releases unauthorized, I wrote a little piece about it over at Music Think Tank.

I just joined the most popular Russian social networking site VKontakte.  We’ll see if it’s worth it to promote things or if it ends up being as valuable as the old  Friendster account.

Over at Music World Radio Remora made it in at number 12 if you want to vote to keep it in the charts.  Also Irata is nominated to be in the charts for next week.  Our slow takeover of the world is beginning.

If you read Maximum Rock & Roll, the mini-comics are reviewed in the zine round up of the August issue.  I was reading through some of the editorials in it & I’d forgotten that they have good writers, but they do.  At times it feels as good from a literary perspective as The Wall Street Journal. (Wait, is that a joke?  comparing MRR & WSJ?  Strangely, no.  & I think literati who aren’t skewed by politics would agree with me.)

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