Hey Kidz,
I’m running behind on a lot of things & there’s so much going on I want to go ahead & get the word out about some of them before I forget.
First of all there is a bunch of new music & I am running behind on creating the press releases & all that so they aren’t available on the Silber site or Bandcamp yet, but you can listen to them streaming on Spotify now & I’ll tell you more about their droney goodness next time:
So I have a few new weird audio things of my own that have come out places other than Silber recently. A group of recordings I did on a microcassette recorder for Veduin Hiss – https://veduinhissrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/slang-vol-3 – that I found really artistically fulfilling to take part in though the listener’s mileage may vary! I was interviewed & did a couple of spoken word pieces for a podcast called Spoken Label – https://spokenlabel.bandcamp.com/album/brian-john-mitchell-spoken-label-october-2018 – hopefully I didn’t sound too stupid. Finally I appear via text message on the episode of Gutter Trash about the comic (& now TV show) The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina – http://www.guttertrash.net/gt380/
Here in October I’ve been taking part in the sketch-a-day Inktober thing & I’ve really enjoyed it. The push for me to spend a few minutes a day doing something artistic & feeling like it somehow makes me part of a community. So with that in mind I am launching Dreamcember in December. Basically keeping a dream journal for a month. I made a Facebook group about it if you want to join in telling your dreams or just reading other people’s. I think of the couple thousand pages of vaguely fictional prose writing I’ve done over the years 80% of it is based on dreams & I find real joy & wisdom keeping the dream journal & occasionally reading an entry from decades ago, so I kinda want to help other people get the experience. Anyway, here’s the link:
Speaking of month long projects, in January we’ll be launching Droneuary, which will be a drone release a day for as long as it lasts. I’ve been really pleased by the amount of interest in the project & already feel like it’s a success for me personally regardless of sales & press (same goes for the 5in5 series – which you can listen to on Spotify to help it rain pennies around here – https://tinyurl.com/silber5in5). Lycia, Baptizer, Nonconnah, Ocean in a Bottle, Llarks, & more already have tracks in with interest from a lot of other folks. It’s going to be fun.
If you haven’t already heard, there are a couple new releases out from longtime Silber friends Lycia & Rivulets. Worth your time to check out as always:
Lycia – https://lycia.bandcamp.com/album/in-flickers
Rivulets – http://shop.talitres.com/products/627537-in-our-circle
Thanks for your interest & support.
Brian John Mitchell