Mini-Comics, Small Life Form, Ben Link Collins, Remora

Rob Clough just put up a pretty in depth set of reviews of the latest Silber mini-comics. It’s pretty invigorating to see something positive about the stuff as the latest batches seem to not get as much attention since everyone has seen them as physical items before at this point.

Here’s a video from the Small Life Form gig in Taos last month.  The show starts a little rough, but the last five minutes is pretty fun.

Here’s the Ben Link Collins set from the same night.

Here’s a pretty in depth Remora interview on Lazy Lullabies.  It’s actually leading to the possibility of re-releasing some of the early Remora cassettes like Anadia, Anaaron, & Acroyer.  We’ll see what happens, I haven’t listened to those tapes in years & I don’t know if they should be heard or not.

So the 24-hour album from Remora for Somehow Ecstatic seems to be finalized.  I’ll let you know when it’s out.  Here’s a movie that was an inspiration for a couple of the songs.

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