I’ve been feeling like I’m fighting getting a cold for a week & I think it might kick in tomorrow as my body hasn’t been regulating its temperature too well today. So maybe mastering while having mild audio hallucinations isn’t a good idea, maybe it’s a great one!
Designed the Silber ad for Outside Left today, we’ll see if it generates some sales. Putting up a bunch of ads theoretically, so maybe it’ll help things or maybe I’ll go a couple hundred more in the hole. It’s funny because I keep realizing lately that people think Silber is at the level of Kranky or maybe even Temporary Residence & I’m not sure if I should play it up that I am that big or just tell people that I’m just a guy posing as a label. I’m just a guy who finances manufacturing, arranges distribution, gets radio play, gets reviews, & occasionally sets up shows & interviews & then pays you if the release breaks even. Oh wait… I guess that means I am a label….