Tag Archives: Ted Johnson

jam, mwvm, Dream

So today me & Brian McKenzie (Electric Bird Noise) went to Ted Johnson’s house to do some recording.  Did some jams & they will eventually be a release here on Silber.  One piece had vocals inspired by this old sci-fi …

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Puzzles, Bottles, Collaborations, Philip K Dick, & a Dream

Mainly going to spending the week working on the Bottle Comics & Puzzle Boxes, so there probably won’t be too many updates coming in.

I am working tomorrow with Ted Johnson on some recordings for the collaborative project between …

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Comics & Flyers

Got some work done today staining the comic book boxes.  Got in the artwork for REH #4.  Got final drafts out for all the Bottle Comics to the artists.  Did some work for the winery job.  Made plans for a …

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Pluses & Minuses

Got my nephew’s comic printed out for him & he loved it.  Makes me feel like I did something right in my life.

Some problem seems to have developed with my digital download shop.  Trying to get it fixed.  Kind …

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