Tag Archives: remora

Free Music

So I’m uploading the last bit for Clear Field right now, but here are the links to the tons of free music available associated with Silber over the past two weeks.

this year’s christmas compilation

live stuff from Northern …

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moving so slowly

Got something done today, sending out invoices to all my distros in the hopes of getting some cash in by the end of the year.  Maybe it will happen with some of them.  It’s weird when I see that Silber …

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falling behind

Sometimes it seems all I have time to do in a day is make food & I can’t make headway in my work.

Went to see a friend of mine play bass in a punk band tonight.  It’s funny how …

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interesting info

Some good potential things going today.  A lot of work done for a “holiday.”

I got a lead for getting a Plumerai song a television placement & the band was on the ball for getting me the needed lyrics, so …

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we aren’t always gonna lose this year, we’re gonna win some times

Productive day today.

Did some more follow ups on the Hotel Hotel & Northern Valentine.  Those of you reading this blog regularly are starting to see how much work is put into promoting new releases here at Silber I suppose.…

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I was productive until…

Got all the orders out today, so that’s a good thing.

Finished my little new radio table.  I’ll be posting a bulletin about it tomorrow.

Finished (hopefully) the art & press release for Remora’s Ensoulment.

Got a thing from the …

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photo ops & email flops

So today I did a series of about 50 photos for potential use on Remora’s Mecha.  Waiting to hear back about that.  I also did a rough cover for Remora’s Ensoulment, but I’m always a little confuse exactly how covers …

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So today I worked on what I assume will replace “assassins” on the Derivative disc.  A song called “Misdirection”  which is a ripped off riff I play all the time & I think was pretty much identically used in one …

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still a day behind

I always think when I finish a layout that something is done, but it takes a day to print & assemble things.  Like say a little catalog for example that I spent 5 hours cutting up & packing for the …

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So it took me basically all day, but I designed what I think is a pretty nice little print catalog.  Of course that means printing & assembling tomorrow.

Just about to go over today’s emails & such & update what’s …

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