So I thought updating the blog was going to be a normal thing when I did four posts close together, but now it’s been six weeks. A lot going on in the personal world slowing down the art world for me. I went on the annual trip to SPACE to see like minded cartoonists & it was great to old friends & make a couple new ones. The one day job has been staying steady at full time while I continue to work a part time & two miniscule ones & it makes getting things done at Silber tough. Releases are starting to come out on Spotify & Bandcamp substantially before I can get them ready on the Silber site & send out promo, but it’ll all work itself out in the end.
I did start running the Facebook ads to help promote the 5in5 series on Spotify, but because of how the payout works, it’ll take me two months to see if they are paying for themselves (which is the goal).
I just applied for a small business make over contest for $10,000 which I doubt I’ll get, but I do think it’s good to occasionally come up with a little business plan for if money fell into Silber’s lap. My proposal was to used $2500 towards getting a new label sampler done to send out for promotional use, $500 towards promoting the mini-comics, $2000 towards getting the equipment to start doing a podcast properly, $500 towards making ebooks from the QRD Archives, & the rest on advertisement – which is a huge amount to me. To be honest I don’t know if being higher profile would result in more sales or just result in more demos.
I’ve been listening to Six by Seven in the car a lot the past few days & I decided the band is important enough to me that I should give them some money, so I ordered $60 worth of stuff from them. I should do that more often. It makes me feel good. But money is in pretty short supply lately.
Some of you may remember my parents’ basement (& Silber storage space) flooded a couple years ago. It flooded to a lesser degree a couple weeks ago (no Silber stuff damaged), & I’ve been trying to help do some pretty heavy duty landscaping to slow the water flow down. The city did finally come out & while they wouldn’t admit it was their fault, they did say they would see about expanding the drainage pipe since it is going beyond capacity on a regular basis.
Alright, back to work on both the day job & hopefully some Silber stuff. A lot going on from Azalia Snail, Rowland Yeargan, Chvad SB, Small Life Form, P.D. Wilder, Goddakk, slicnaton, QRD, Space Sweeper, & more super soon.