Silber Services Now Available

I spent a couple hours looking into what would be necessary to form the micronation of Silberia.  It seems the likelihood of being taken over by a third string country like Tonga might make it impossible.

Got an ad done for a friends website today.

Worked a bit on a requested remix for a friend’s noise project.  It’s always funny to me because sometimes people send you ten tracks of static & you want to say, “I think the files are corrupted.”  Just got to overlay a guitar bit & I’ll feel it’s complete.

Anyone have a spare snare drum shell?  I don’t need one with snares on it, but at least one rim would be ideal.

I’ve gotten some of my mini-comics picked up by a couple distributors.  Which means I need to print & assemble a bunch more.

I spent a few hours today making a page for some of the services we’re starting to offer to musicians & comic book creators.  So if you or anyone you know needs help with promotion or getting an album mastered or making digital versions of their comics made, tell them to go to  Our rates are incredibly reasonable if you want to shop around.

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