Christmas EPs


Merry Christmas, I hope this message finds you well.  Running it a little closer to Christmas than anticipated, but we’ve got five special EPs from Small Life Form, Yellow6, Electric Bird Noise, Nonconnah, & X-Bax this year.  No covers of Christmas classics, but plenty of droney & noisy & shoegazery shimmery walls & guitar experiments.  You can listen to them all for free on our website at & you can download them or show support for a couple dollars. You can also listen to them along with our past Christmas releases on Spotify at 

Remora’s rarities compilation is still available for free download on Bandcamp.  98 tracks & 6.5 hours. I’m not sure I’d ever call Remora the flagship band at Silber, but I would say it’s been my main music project for 20 years.
Listen or buy on Bandcamp –

More soon.  Thanks for your interest & support & spread the word about the new releases if you can & if you want to be taken off the mailing list just let me know.

Brian John Mitchell

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New Music from Remora, Luka Fisher, & Magnetic Ghost


Happy Thanksgiving.  I hope you all are well.  Doing my best to be thankful for the relatively good place I’m in even though life has been routinely difficult this year.  But hey, life is supposed to be hard work anyway right?  We’ve got three new releases ready for you now & then in just a few days the Christmas EPs will be ready.  Maybe more stuff too as I’m trying to get out all the stuff that’s been waiting on me, some for over a year now.

Magnetic Ghost
So first up is Magnetic Ghost’s debut Loss Molecules.  It’s a bit of a post punk & post rock hybrid.  The thing it reminds me most of is Windsor for the Derby’s Difference & Repetition, which is an album that gave me a lot of ideas about music.  Anyway, you should check it out.  I agreed to put it out after hearing the first three minutes.
Listen or buy on Silber –
Listen or buy on Bandcamp –
Listen on Spotify –

Luka Fisher
Luka Fisher put out a 5in5 last year & he recorded another little EP for us (this one 3 songs in 7 minutes).  Improvisational drone collaborations.  Worth checking out.
Listen or buy on Silber –
Listen or buy on Bandcamp -
Listen on Spotify –

Finally there’s an epic rarities release from Remora.  98 tracks & 6.5 hours.  Available exclusively on Bandcamp as a free download for the next month, so nothing to lose — especially if you listen to it at work!
Listen or buy on Bandcamp –

More soon.  Thanks for your interest & support & spread the word about the new releases if you can & if you want to be taken off the mailing list just let me know.

Brian John Mitchell

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There are things going on

I know, I never update the blog.  I do keep thinking about updating it, so that counts as something right?

Anyway, a lot going on since last time.  About a dozen releases I’m working towards getting out before the end of the year including the Christmas releases.  Pretty excited about the new one from Magnetic Ghost (on Spotify, still working it up for the Silber site & Bandcamp) as it’s been a while since I’ve worked with an artist as enthusiastic about their work instead of a little jaded.  It’s the kind of thing that keeps you going.  Also I can say the same thing for Luka Fisher (once again on Spotify, still working it up for the Silber site & Bandcamp).

I’ve got a bunch of comics that are ready to go & have been for quite a while, but I just can’t seem to find the time to clean them up & set them up for printing.  Sometimes the work part feels a little too much like work.

Hoping to start on the new QRD soon as well, but I want to get all the stuff above done first.  Similar with my thoughts of starting a podcast.

In the life category, me & the family went down to Myrtle Beach to meet the Electric Bird Baby & when we were down there my daughter Violet (she’s one now) came down with a fever & was throwing up & we had to go to the hospital for most of a day.  It took a team of 4 nurses to get an IV in her so they could give her an initial dose of anti-biotics & fluid & stuff.  It’s the first time she got sick enough to go to the hospital instead of the doctor, which I’d say is good since I’ve known a lot of people who take their kid to the hospital a half dozen times the first year.  She’ll finish up her anti-biotics this week & then I need to take her to the regular doctor for a follow up to make sure she isn’t sick any more.

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New Drone & Darkwave from Koyl, Cloaca, & Premature Burial on Silber


Hope everyone is doing well.  Life is good here at Silber even if I am struggling to get everything to happen in a timely manner.  The hurricane that came through & flooded a lot of communities around me had no effect here in the new Silberia.  The power didn’t even go out, but then walking around the neighborhood I saw an oak that feel splitting a neighbors house in two, so I count my blessings that things are so good for me.  My little drone cub just turned one & in good health & spirits & that she vacuums up all my spare time is something I don’t mind.  Silber has always been about family to me anyhow & it’s interesting how huge of a percentage of Silber artist.  So anyway on with what’s up lately including three new 5in5 EPs.

Koyl - Fingerprints
Koyl comes to Silber with five songs in five minutes, one about each finger. But are the fingers originally on one hand or are they fingers from dead men stitched together to tell tales of angst & woe? No matter, now they all are part of the one & making incredible soundscapes with a guitar & lapsteel.
Buy or listen on Silber:
Buy or listen on Bandcamp:
Listen on Spotify:

Premature Burial - Factions
Joshua Heinrich (Fornever/Black Wedding) returns to Silber for a 5in5 EP with his Premature Burial project. Mixing industrial & ambient elements, f/a/c/t/i/o/n/s paints a portrait of the current political climate of divisiveness & corruption. The bureaucracy is spreading like a Kafka novel. Listen to Premature Burial while you’re on hold for hours.
Buy or listen on Silber:
Buy or listen on Bandcamp:
Listen on Spotify:

Cloaca - Almsgiver
Cloaca has offered up five minute long aggressive ambient drones created with pedals & a mixing board. Numbing & overwhelming like the chemicals in your IV before brain surgery….
Buy or listen on Silber:
Buy or listen on Bandcamp:
Listen on Spotify:

Something went weird recently where some of the Silber Spotify playlists went private, but I fixed it & you can check them out here:
Last Ten Releases –
Entire 5in5 Series –
Entire Silber Catalog –

New Releases coming soon from Ms, Fullness Off Lack, Jon Dawson, Moodring, Hotel Hotel, Lum, DR, Remora, Small Life Form, Magnetic Ghost & before you know it Christmas EPs from Electric Bird Noise, Yellow6, Remora, Small Life Form, Baptizer, & more.  A batch of comics about Robert E Howard coming soon (all drawn, just need to set them up to print). & of course inevitably a new QRD.

Thanks for your interest & support & spread the word about the new releases if you can & if you want to be taken off the mailing list just let me know.

Brian John Mitchell

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Doing Things

Hey, still alive here.  Still slowly doing things.  Last week I unveiled the Remora music box set & people liked it.  I suppose eventually I’ll record some stuff.  There’s some videos on YouTube.  I’ll post them here in the blog at some point.

Got a couple panels more done on a comic that’s been almost done since June.  Like everything else I need to just put forth an effort to get it done.

In a similar level of needing to get it done are three 5in5 EPs that need press releases & then about 9 other releases that need some love that I am the only one holding back.

Doing a little more work towards getting the big Remora twenty year anniversary release to happen.  Who expected I’d be doing stuff this long.  It’s crazy to me.  Especially that I haven’t gotten much better over two decades!

So yesterday I ate a chicken sandwich that was fried in peanut oil (remember about ten year ago when they approved GMO peanuts & I developed an allergy & lost 20 pounds in a month?) & I have occasionally had something with peanut oil in it over the years by accident & it just made me need to rush to the bathroom, but yesterday was a little bit scarier.  Typical bathroom rush, but my lips & tongue were clearly swollen & it was a bit difficult to breathe.  I took some antihistamines & it seemed to calm down after an hour, but I think maybe I need to go to a doctor & get an epipen or whatever.  I think it really becomes more clear every day that I don’t have what it takes to be a touring musician anymore.  Goodbye past life.

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Reviews & More

A lot of random things going on right now.  There’s a Remora show next Wednesday.  Also on the bill are Electric Bird Noise, Clang Quartet, Tesla Recoils, & Bret Hart.  Should be a good one of all of us 40+ noise/drone geezers.  Still trying to get the Remora set I have planned functional.  Then next Thursday we’re doing a Space Sweeper recording session (me, Brian McKenzie, & Ted Johnson).  Last time we made something good enough to release, hopefully that will happen again this time.

So I had a problem where my emails to the city (I’m on a local commission) were bouncing.  Ends up they use a place called SORBS as their spam filter & I’d been blacklisted.  It took a while to figure out how to contact them & it ends up someone reported me to them as a spammer two times (presumably two newsletters, can’t you just request to be taken off the list?).  The company offers you to be removed from their blacklist by paying a  fee, but they waived it for me since it was the first time I had contacted them.  Kinda weird.

Some of you may know the guy I refer to as my little brother, Joseph Hausman.  Anyway, he recently moved to Albuquerque & moved into a musician house, so some recordings from him may come into existence.

I got contacted by a guy putting together a comic anthology & I’m trying to get something done for it.  He also has a gig were he makes video trailers for comics & he’s going to start using some of the Silber catalog as the background music for them.  The guy is full of enthusiasm, but somehow it doesn’t really make my jaded old man heart beat faster.  Instead I’m just waiting to watch him give up.  Which is kind of a bad attitude & I’m trying to turn it around.

Put three new 5in5s in the cue for Spotify, still need to get them ready on the Silber side of things.  Cloaca, Koyl, & Premature Burial.  Will let you know when they are ready to go.

A couple recent reviews below.

Silber Records still clings to its 5×5 ep promos: an EP with five minutes music of one band for familiarization. Sometimes this leads to nice EP that grabs our attention and curiosity, which is the intent of these promos off course.
M is We is a band led by the American Michael Wood. The music is a kind of lo-fi post-punk and indie rock in the style of bands like The Pixies, Ride, The Fall… You understand that something like that will sound like… well… music to our ears. And indeed we hear five Impressions that make us yearn for more. From the experimental and weird opener Three Hour Wait, 30 Second Ride to the more Pixies-rocker Tired and you would swear that Kim Deal is playing the bass.
Princess Frown is an unadulterated punk scream trying to kick stand. Okay, it’s all lo-fi, but it has a heart and a soul. And is that not the foundation for good music?
~ Wim Guillemyn, Peek A Boo

This time we didn’t get a 5×5 release by Silber Records, but a full album. The project Thorn 1 is the brainchild of Evgeny Zheyda from West Siberia. Ten years ago he started his project and on The Leave of Leaves he presents music that floats between post-rock, drone pop, slowcore and post-punk. That’s a lot of genres, but these are the elements that characterize his music.
Opener and title track The Leave of Leaves is a long drawn out and introverted track which captivates until the end. The track sounds a bit dark and obscure. Lorca sounds more cheerful and playful because Zheyda introduces a melodic percussion instrument. I think it is a marimba.
Maybe it is due to the isolation in distant Siberia, but the sadness is present in nearly every song. Listen to Stun, a track that lasts for about ten minutes. The vocals by Zheyda are quiet, frugal and almost meditative. 14-40 is a cover and almost sounds as a singer-songwriter track. The Russian language adds an exotic touch to the atmosphere. Strings are used (synth), as in Minus Mercury, and they bring serene heat to the song. Don’t think of strings as they are used in lavish and emotional pop songs.
Thorn 1 is a very pleasant surprise wit anh original and unique sound and strong compositions. Very nice!
~ Wim Guillemyn, Peek A Boo

Dyr Faser manage to cover all manner of soundscapes and vibes in this 5 minute EP with a massive array of curious and confronting sounds that will take you on a deep dark cave-live journey. There are elements of post-punk, electronic, industrial, and psyceldelica mixed together here, all working together to create a thick atmosphere.
‘Just a face’ is a chilling electro/punk offering. Full of thick atmosphere and a curious eastern twist it paves the way towards a deep dark journey. ‘Until then you’ lifts the energy. Sounding somewhere between Nine Inch Nails and early Cure there is a confronting and menacing feel felt throughout. ‘To be desired’ brings in a cool if not creepy psychedelic vibe into the sound creating an airy haze. ‘Only the dark’ sees some no wave / shoe-gazer elements creep in courtesy of a slow and hypnotic guitar that lulls you into submission before leaving you behind. The EP closes in a slightly chilled out fashion with the slow ‘Take the one’ that soon unravels into oblivion.
This is another great 5in5 EP that crams in some amazing atmosphere and feeling all into 5 minutes!
~ Tomatrax

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A Few Recent Reviews

I’ve been neglectful about posting reviews as they come out for the past few months.  So here are some.  If you are interested in hearing the music, just head over to the main Silber site or the Silber Bandcamp or Spotify.  It means a lot to me that twenty some years in that people still care a little about what I’m doing.

So rarely does an instrumental album come along that is so good that I, too, am stunned into silence.
But Treyverb (known to most as Trey McManus) did just that with his debut, A Year Without Words. In fact, I was so drawn into the album, that I didn’t even notice it was an instrumental record until three-quarters of the way through.
It opens with “Jesus Overdrive,” a track that could be described as a punchy acoustic sound if it weren’t for the introspective ambient hum. The multi-layered song sinks into an electric haze at points, which mixes surprisingly well with the simple, twangy keys.
You swim smoothly into “Twin Velvet” next. It almost sounds like a variation of “Jesus Overdrive,” and maybe that’s the point. This second song, however, features more of the distorted and echoey electric guitar, with the bass lines taking on a steadying, driving role. Simple and soothing, “Twin Velvet” is also one of the most melodic tracks on the four-song album.
Next up is “Opus 72.” It moves slowly, with echoey punches taking you along for a wavy ride. Strangely serene, the song layers on forceful strings that fade into the distance before a sure electric riff takes over and dives into the ether.
Finally, we have “Sunset Stripe,” which also opens with quiet keys that echo and deepen into an electric monologue. As if carrying you into a sunset, the song deepens and blossoms with an electric guitar, and sparing drums. It’s the perfect end to a beautiful album.
~ Olivia D’Orazio, Raz Mataz Magazine

We meant to mention this a little while back when we had the pleasure of casting an ear over the latest Yellow6 salvo, this one being part of the recent summer selection from Silber records. A quite gorgeously mellowing thing, this is Treyverb who are currently to be found sporting an EP by the name ‘a year without words’ from which ‘Jesus Overdrive’ has been causing much adoring swooning around the gaff not least for the fact that it comes sighed in the kind of crystalline classicism that initially had us recalling a reflective Vini Reilly / Durutti Column yet which the further you dig, the seductive tender spray of the riffing sunburns hints of something steeled in the captivating poise you’d more likely encounter on a bruising beauty honed by the Church. Equally alluring is ‘twin velvet’ with its serenely seafaring palette navigating the kind of reclining drifting yearn whose lazy eyed lilt and appreciation of space, pause and poise delicately shimmers to reveal echoes of a contemplative Smiths in situ Marr.
~ The Sunday Experience

Nighttime Tides is the new album from Electric Bird Noise, on innovative indie label Silber Records. Consisting of a single piece of music spanning nearly 33 minutes, Nighttime Tides is an ambient soundscape meant to evoke visions of the ocean. With flowing guitar drones, diverse textures and implied melodies, the piece exudes complexity, while retaining a simple listening experience. Like the sea, the music washes over you effortlessly, yet hints at a deeper artistic level that can only be enjoyed through active mental decomposition of the sounds on offer.
~ Floorshime Zipper Boots

Five songs in five minutes.
From Silber’s diverse conceptual series.
Ambience, violins, found sound, poetry.
Musical theatre, distortion, echo chambers.
Like five truncated album intros.
~ Stuart Bruce, Chain DLK

The US experimental-music creator Chvad SB was introduced a couple of years ago.
His latest release Phenomenalism, Cartesian Doubt and Bomb #20 (available on bandcamp), although only a one track single is best heard when you have plenty of time to wrap yourself in the contusions as it lasts for over seventy three minutes.
Created by using feedback loops made, not by computer or human input, rather by a modular synthesiser.  Phenomenalism, Cartesian Doubt and Bomb #20 was a concept first considered back in 2014 and took four months to complete the recording. Despite being randomly generated loops the track has a hauntingly hypnotic organic sound.
~ Tim Whale, Emerging Indie Bands

Despite album artwork that seems to channel Heath Robinson, or Henrique Alvim Corrêa’s HG Wells illustrations, sonically this experimental album is firmly routed in the 1950′s, citing the 1956 soundtrack to “Forbidden Planet” as an influence and sounding very akin to early BBC Radiophonic Workshop pieces.
The single 73-minute piece is programmed, in the sense that it is generated by a series of rules and loops rather than in the more common sense of programming a synthesizer. It’s difficult to spot these patterns though, and the ‘lead’ element strongly sounds like a human being noodling experimentally on an old analogue synth in a freeform jazz style. Despite apparently being entirely generated by patterns, recognisable musical patterns are difficult to spot in the output, to the extent that I’m not completely convinced that it was algorithmically generated; I could easily believe that somebody performed this live, but that’s not to its detriment. The progression throughout is very subtle and slight, and again it feels more organic than mathematical.
There’s an accompanying video “response”, which encompasses the whole work and which may or may not be available online (it’s unclear whether this will be made public). While the audio may have strong roots in the 1950′s, the video belongs in the 1980′s- cheesy kaleidoscope effects, strobing video feedback loops, plasma balls and Amiga-generated graphics combine to create a visual that reacts to, but fails to compliment, the audio. The video element is expendable.
The album however is a really listenable, extremely retro-facing experimental work and a marvellous way to chill out.
~ Stuart Bruce, Chain DLK

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Song Obsession – Hozier – Take Me To Church

So when I did the poll about what to do here in the blog, current song obsessions got a lot of clicks.  This song I first heard on pop radio working Paint Night in Fuquay-Varina.  It stood out in both style & strength.  Unfortunately when I listened to some of Hozier’s other songs I was really disappointed; but I’ve yet to get one song right, so who am I to say anything? Anyway, still get the song stuck in my head for a couple days a couple years later & that’s pretty impressive to me.

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The Nature of Things

Hey everybody, hope you are well.  So the poll I posted recently had a few people take part & I was surprised that the number one answer for what people would like to see on the blog was daily tedium about running the label & making art/music.  So here’s today’s stuff.

This past weekend I had a great Saturday afternoon with two Silber-ish visitors, Shane DeLeon of Miss Massive Snowflake & Ben Link Collins.  Hung out & wandered around downtown Sanford & watched my daughter run around the house.  Shane’s on tour supporting his new album which you can find pretty much anywhere online if you look.  Ben was on his way back to Alabama from a camping trip on the outer banks of NC looking at lighthouses for some future art project.  A couple months ago Ben mentioned he was interested in doing some work at Silber again because he was letting his label drift out of existence.  I asked him Saturday about taking on the upcoming 20 year anniversary Remora rarities collection & he agreed to do it.  Now I just need to work on getting him the files he needs.

I have an upcoming Remora show on August 31 that I am planning to do something unique for.  My first plan for it involved collaborating with my friend Dominic in Pittsburgh using his 3D printer, but it ended up not working out.  But I do have a back-up plan for the music (& another back-up if the first back-up doesn’t work), so hopefully that will come to fruition sooner than later.

I got an inexpensive hurdy gurdy & it sounds somewhere between a third grader playing a violin & a cat screaming.  A much bigger learning curve than anticipated on it.

I was cleaning the Silber room today & threw away a bunch of demos from bands from 2005-2009 that I had never got around to listening to.  I feel kind of bad about it, but at least the room is 1/3 presentable for house guests.

I’ve been talking to Jim Baptizer & we’re planning on doing a split release that he’s going to put out with my half being Small Life Form.  It’s kinda funny that at this point SLF has probably played as many shows as Remora in the past 8 years, but the recorded output has been so sparse.  There are plans to rectify that as there are a lot more ideas almost to fruition in the SLF wheelhouse than in the Remora one at the moment.  But we’ll see how much time I find to work on things.  It’s been hard lately to balance life & creativity & that is frustrating, but I do feel like things are getting more balanced.

I got out the emails today to 2800 reviewers, bloggers, djs about the three new releases.  Next up is to post about them in Facebook groups & such & just hope some people care.  Then another batch of releases & another batch & another batch.

Thanks for bothering to care about my work.  It means a lot to me.

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Guitar Experiments, Lo-Fi Pop, & Post Punk from Azalia Snail, Electric Bird Noise, & Dyr Fazer


Hope all is going well with you.  You may have already heard about it on Facebook or Twitter, but last month my parents’ basement flooded destroying about a fourth of the physical inventory, but if you even mildly follow the music industry you know that physical sales have been in dramatic decline for ten years so I am trying to play it positive as making me clear out some trash rather than $10,000 worth of CDs.  My main regret of the experience is it really highlights that I should have done lower press runs the first 15 years & then I could’ve helped more bands.  Live, learn, & move on, right?  The future looks good.  Anyway, we’ve got three new releases for you.

Electric Bird Noise: Nighttime Tides
Electric Bird Noise is back with a 32 minute epic ambient guitarscape.  Longtime fans who loved the Le Vestibule era of EBN should definitely check this one out.  Feel the pull of the ocean as the fog rolls in, or is it a smoke machine?
Buy or listen on Silber:
Buy or listen on Bandcamp:
Listen on Spotify:
Special! - Download all 8 EBN releases on Silber for just $12!  Half-price! –  

Azalia Snail: Dream Dazzler
 super happy to work with lo-fi queen Azalia Snail again here at Silber.  She made a 5in5 of lo-fi dance jams & such.  Dive in to the broken toy daydream.
Buy or listen on Silber:
Buy or listen on Bandcamp:
Listen on Spotify:

Dyr Faser
Dyr Faser is Eric Boomhower & part of Boston’s growing lo-fi post-punk/proto-goth scene. Taking notes from godfathers of the genres like Joy Division, Depeche Mode, Suicide, Durutti Column, & Coil – Dyr Faser blends it all together & gives you five one minute shots that hit you like $2 shots at an after hours bar. You can’t help but nod your head to the drum machine rhythms as you wait for the creature lurking in the darkness to destroy you. Don’t worry; the monsters have always been your friends.
Buy or listen on Silber:
Buy or listen on Bandcamp:
Listen on Spotify:

We still have some download codes left for anyone who orders a physical copy of any of the Lycia or Lycia related releases (Mike VanPortfleet, Tara VanFlower, Black Happy Day) through Silber to get a free download code for the new Lycia album A Line That Connects.

New Releases coming soon from Cloaca, Ms, Koyl, Fullness Off Lack, Jon Dawson, Moodring, Hotel Hotel, Lum, Premature Burial, DR, & more in the coming weeks.  A batch of comics about Robert E Howard coming soon. & of course inevitably a new QRD.  Also thinking about re-starting the Silber Blog, let me know what you’d want in it – 

Thanks for your interest & support & spread the word about the new releases if you can & if you want to be taken off the mailing list just let me know.

Brian John Mitchell

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