Lost Kisses Daily – March 1

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Northern Valentine, Interns, Peter Aldrich, Remora, mwvm

So I think I finished laying out the Northern Valentine press release for the new album.  Waiting to hear back from the band on it & then there’s one bit I might need to change the color on slightly depending on legibility in black & white.  So watch out for that release to be available to purchase direct from Silber next week & in stores in a couple months & of course getting reviewed & on the radio the next few weeks as well.

So while getting ready for the promo mailing for the Northern Valentine, I’ve been doing some press & radio updates.  It’s been a while since I’ve done them myself.  Usually Silber interns have done it the past five years or so, but right now it seems I’m running low on interns.  Bill Pernell who has been a great help over the past several years has landed a new job that will take him away from any big Silber projects & I’d like to publicly thank him for all his help the last 4 years.  So if you find yourself with a couple hours of down time on the internet a week & have the ability to open & edit a spread sheet file & are interested in helping out a bit, just let me know.

I talked to Peter Aldrich & he might draw a comic for me (I got a first draft written for it & sent to him to proof).  We also talked about a few possible musical & video collaborations.  Just have to wait & see what can come to fruition given the schedules we both have.

As promised, here’s the video from the Remora show this past Monday:

& here’s another little video from mwvm.

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Lost Kisses Daily – February 29

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Retribution Gospel Choir, Kickstarter, Video, Remora, Alcohol Diets

Retribution Gospel Choir (featuring Alan Sparhawk of Low) is giving away a free digital download EP on their website. Thought some of you might want to know.

So last week Kickstarter approved my campaign, but I was waiting to launch it until I made a video & all that.  Today I got an email that they were changing their submission process & I would have to re-submit.  Crap.

I have been working on a bunch of video stuff the past couple of days.  I really hate how rendering takes an hour & then uploading can take a day.  I’ll let you know when any of it comes to fruition.

Last night’s show was fun.  It did have some issues to me as I was under the impression it was an early-ish show (it was listed on the Facebook page as 8-12, which is pretty reasonable for a Monday) but ending up being from 9:30 until 2am.  & a lot of time between performers & some sets maybe going a little long.  The Remora set was about 12 minutes, which I’m willing to admit is on the short side.  I’ll post the video tomorrow.

I’ve been obsessed with this story about a guy who gave up eating & drank five beers a day through Lent.  It reminds me of when I was 23 & was living off of tequila & vodka & would end up throwing up when I ate solids.  I think that was when I had already bulked up to 103 pounds (I was 98 when I graduated high school) .  Meanwhile people think I’m skinny now at 120.

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5 Responses to Retribution Gospel Choir, Kickstarter, Video, Remora, Alcohol Diets

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    get new computer homes.

    • Yeah, I don’t think it’s really the computer as much as me not knowing how to use the damn software. I mean clearly when I cut five minutes out of a video it’s not supposed to be ten times the size of the original. I am ending up with these ten gig files. I guess I should get a book on Adobe Premiere (the software I just started using, mainly because it can open Quicktime files & that’s the native format of my camera & when I upload actual QT files to YouYube it mis-aligns the audio (& it tells me it’s a known problem when uploading the format)).

Lost Kisses Daily – February 28

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The Stranger, Finally Checking It Out, Tootsie Rolls, Remora, Dream

I watched the movie of Albert Camus’s The Stranger.  Here’s the review on Finally Checking It Out.

I made this little proto goth post punk cover of the Tootsie Roll jingle from when I was a kid.  Get infected by the earworm….

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m staying in a hotel room with my girlfriend (who I don’t recognize from waking life) because we’re going to a wedding out of state.  She gets  up early to take a shower & comes back out of the bathroom pissed off that she couldn’t get the water to work properly.  I go into the bathroom & the control is one of those one knob that turns 270 degrees jobs where turning it the same way controls both the pressure & the temperature.  I hate the knobs like this.

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Lost Kisses Daily – February 27

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Lost Kisses Daily – February 26

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Lost Kisses Daily – February 25

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Blogging, Northern Valentine, Dreams

Did some minor editing of the mechanics in WordPress for the blog.  Hopefully you don’t really notice the differences with the exception of now you need to click on a post to comment on it instead of from the frontpage (it wasn’t generating more comments, but it was ugly looking).  I spent a couple hours on it & even talked on the phone with a friends brother who does web design for a living, but I’m happy to have things working a little better.

I wrote the first draft of the Northern Valentine press release.  Waiting for some images & final feedback from the band on it & then I’ll be setting the release date & getting promos ready.

Hung out with The Independents on a local show here in Raleigh.  I’ll probably be going out with them again in early April.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m hanging out with Joanne Kelly (Myka from Warehouse 13) & we decide we’re going to go to the Andes to help dig irrigation ditches for the rest of our lives so that we are doing something useful.

I’m walking outside & I look up at the sky to see the sun burning through a cloud.  Only the sun is in the other side of the sky.  Something else is shining down into the cloud & burning it away.

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