Lost Kisses Daily – March 7

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Press Releases & Kickstarter & Radio

So I’ve been busy lately working on these press releases.  They take longer than I expect to write & they don’t really come natural to me, but I’m glad to get them done & then the releases will be ready.  I think I’ve done five in five days now & have four left to write.  Only one in its final layout so far, but it feels good all the same.

I typed in all my stuff for the mini-comic Kickstarter campaign.  It  was nearly a five hour process in the end.  Which seems ridiculous.  We’ll see how it ends up.  I’ll let you know when it’s up (assuming they accept it again).  I’ll judge it’s success not exclusively on how much money it brings in, but how many people I don’t know pay for it.  We’ll see what happens.

I also finished going through my international radio updates for the Northern Valentine mailing.  I am not sure I love navigating french websites.

So yeah, I’m feeling in a good mood right now.  Hope it lasts.

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 6

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One Response to Lost Kisses Daily – March 6

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    there was a time our old bassist could relate to this

Lost Kisses Daily – March 5

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War of the Worlds, Press Releases, Demos, Radio, Etc….

So lately I’ve been watching the War of the Worlds TV series on YouTube.  You can read my review of it over on Nostalgia Equals Distortion.

I got done a draft of the mwvm press release for the new record.  So it feels like things are on the ball for that.

I sent in the artwork to Fluttery for the new Remora disc.  It still feels weird to me having a Remora disc where I didn’t do the artwork myself (though granted that Shane did the artwork for Songs I Sing).

Wrote to a couple of other artists about getting some things ready for their press releases (Plumerai & new signing Bosques) & digital art booklets for their upcoming releases.

Did some preliminary work for a couple shifts on the website.  Going to try again (I have tried a couple times in the past) to make the Silber Radio thing play the tracks randomly (currently playing from newest track to oldest track) & also going to try again to have a page on Silber where you can listen to some of our favorite radio stations.  On the radio station thing, it basically ends up with the Yahoo Javascript I have throughout the site, it’ll be super easy to do with the radio stations that made their streams to naturally work with Windows Media Player, however it will be a real pain to make things work with the stations that made their streams to naturally work with iTunes.  So unfortunately, at least for now, my solution is to abandon half the stations.  If someone with fancy skills can figure out a solution that will work easily on the Silber site, you are more than welcome to contact me about it.

Lately I’ve been getting demos from some sort of classically trained acoustic jazz guitar types.  I have no idea what is going on to cause that.  I mean, it’s fine, do what you do, but you should really mainly send stuff to labels that would care for your work.

Assembled some more mini-comics.  Trying to slowly but surely get ready for orders of the complete box set of comics once I make that available.

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 4

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Yesterday, Super Haters, & Dreams

Had a pretty productive day yesterday.  Assembled some mini-comics.  Got the final draft of the walrus comic (still untitled as of yet) sent to Peter Aldrich to draw.  Did some updating to the radio promo list.  Mixed & mastered the album I did with my son Andrew. & then I spent a few hours working on the video for the Kickstarter mini-comics promo.  So things seem to be on an upswing for me getting things done.  Going to try to maintain momentum today & hopefully have a ton of content available to you all next week.

Also as many of you know, I’m a big fan of the webcomic Super Haters.  Recently it’s been on hiatus & to help fill the gap I spent entirely too long making this fan fiction.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m hanging out with some girl & she has a secret message she needs to get that is hidden inside of the back of her cheap watch.  She’s trying to open it with a regular phillips screwdriver which is way to big to open the back.  So we go to the dollar store looking for a cheap mini-screwdriver set.

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 3

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Lost Kisses Daily – March 2

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Behind the Scenes

Had a productive, but all from behind the scenes, day.  Got a little more done towards prepping the Northern Valentine.  Talked to Brian McKenzie a bit about the next two Electric Bird Noise releases.  Talked to Nic Slaton about the next slicnaton.  Got in the artwork for Astronaut Jane from Jason Strutz.  Got in the artwork for the new Remora from Joe Badon.  Wrote to Michael Walton about making sure I have the most up to date files for the new mwvm.  Assembled a bunch of mini comics.  So yeah, sexy stuff like that.Well if you are the one who is single and get bored then you can have telefonsex chat with girls and enjoy lot more.

I’ve written a couple short stories lately.  I also have a few notebooks of short stories I never typed from 15 years ago.  I’m thinking about putting them up here as daily content after this current wave of Lost Kisses Daily finishes.  Let me know what you think of the idea.

Today I saw this article about a groundbreaking manga.  I think I might rip off some of his style ideas.  Photographing drawings rather than scanning them & intentionally making them not flat is pretty brilliant.  Of course I’m not sure how well it will reproduce with my printing technology, but there’s only one way to find out.

A couple of days ago I was talking about my problems with video stuff & the files definitely being way too big & all that.  Today I broke down & ordered one of those “class in a book” books about Adobe Premiere CS3 (the software I’m using).  So hopefully I’ll be able to make some slightly better video stuff in the future.  Also there’s some weird high pitched tinnitus type sound that my camera seems to pick up at times.  At first I thought it was just that I’m prone to that type of aural hallucination, but then Ben Collins pointed out hearing it in one of my videos.  I  need to check if it’s just in my videos in certain locations (i.e. my house has some weird electricity issues & I could see it being some kind of interference) or if it really is the camera.  If it really is the camera I guess I’ll need to decide what I want to do about another camera.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m listening to Joy Division’s Substance when a string of three songs I’ve never heard before comes on.  I’m trying to figure out if I know the songs as the lost lyrics from Ian’s notebooks & I think one might be “Overcrowding.”

Overcrowding (Ian Curtis 1979)
Faces pressed flat against glass windows,
Ten men in a room for two,
Censorship stops here,
No isolation,
Only detoxification.

Abnormal relations formed,
In corners & on floors,
Breathless, breeding & cramped on all fours
No view, no sense of time.

It was a strange way to go.

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