Attic Expeditions

Just watched thirty minutes of this movie that is the kinda thing I really want to see, but deals with part of my insanity about not being able to tell reality from a dream.  It was called Attic Expeditions & had the dude from Re-Animator/From Beyond & felt a lot like those movies.  Sometimes I watch stuff & it makes me feel like the skin on the back of my head is pulling back to reveal something & I simultaneously love it & am freaked out.  It reminds me of high school in a way that I have never quite figured out if it’s good or bad, but that I feel could one day lead to me becoming unstuck in time (Slaughterhouse 5 style) & end up needing to remember my locker combination & where my classes were/are & I realize that I don’t have that knowledge anymore.  If I’m ever going to make it as a time traveler I need to improve my memory or figure out a way to take physical objects (like a notebook for example) back with me.  But I really don’t think I have the ability to take more than my mind back through time, so I need to sharpen it.

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