Tag Archives: The Carnage Visors

radio show tomorrow & some other junk

The songs I did vocals on for The Carnage Visors can now be heard on their MySpace page.

Had a cool show last night at River City Arts.  The majority of it was recorded, I’ll have to see how it …

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today is a music day

Got the vocals recorded for Carnage Visors & sent off to Conor.  It’s funny when I listen to a raw uneffected vocal track without the music it sounds pretty awful even if it seemed okay in the mix.  I need …

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Slower than I thought.

I finished drawing Lost Kisses #9.  Just got issue #10 left to draw (30 panels left in that one) & then I go into scanning & production.

Working on recording the stuff for The Carnage Visors, taking a little longer …

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Listing today’s accomplishments

Fairly productive day again.

Drew about 20 panels for Lost Kisses #9.

Wrote lyrics for five songs for The Carnage Visors (hope to record tomorrow, we’ll see).

Got the presumed final mixes for slicnaton versus small life form to master.  …

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